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Everything posted by djboss302

  1. Let us not forget............. Intimadator 305, KD Talon, Dorney Park Boomerang, Worlds of Fun Thunderhawk, Michigan's Adventure Iron Dragon, CP TTD, CP Behemoth, CW (close enough) Silver Bullet, Knott's (also close enough) God knows how many flat rides (I'm too lazy to look them up )
  2. They should just change the name to Six Flags Douchebag Mountain if they're going to sell merch like that.
  3. Whenever you hear "BM" you think "Bolliger and Mabillard."
  4. They may get it done by then, but I don't expect it to open till mid to later June. Than again, I could be wrong.
  5. Granted, but they're all Zamperla Volares! I wish Holiday World would build a forceful B&M Invert in Pilgrim's Plunge/Girrafica's former spot.
  6. Pretty self explanatory. Would you rather own the park, or design/build the rides that go into parks? I'm sorry if there's already a thread for this, but I did look. I would rather own the park, as I can make pitch in decisions for future attractions, and I can see it being fun to just own a park. What would you choose?
  7. Will be filled in this year Goliath, SFGAm Montu, BGT Cheetah Hunt, BGT Maybe filled in this year Outlaw Run, SDC Powder Keg, SDC Prowler, Worlds of Fun Won't be filled in in a while Black Mamba, Phantasialand El Toro, Six Flags Great Adventure Lightning Run, Kentucky Kingdom Nemesis, Alton Towers Banshee, Kings Island Beast, Kings Island Intimadator 305, Kings Dominion New Texas Giant, SFOT Iron Rattler, SFFT Medusa: Steel Coaster, Six Flags Mexico Manta, SWSD Manta, SWO iSpeed, Miribilandia Helix, Liseberg Storm, Etnaland And a bunch of others........
  8. Are you sure that's the first drop? Correct if I'm wrong, but could that be for the section of track coming out of the zero-g roll?
  9. What are your top ten favorite songs of all time? Sorry if there is already a thread for this, but I did look and found nothing. Here is mine, in no particular order: -Hotel California, Eagles -Savior, Skillet -Miss America, Styx -Back in Black, AC/DC -Don't you Worry Child, Swedish House Mafia ft. John Martin -Kountry Gentlemen, Family Force 5 -Livin' on a Prayer, Bon Jovi -Magnum Opus, Kansas -Peace of Mind, Boston -Never Let Me Go, Family Force 5
  10. Well that was disappointing. Hopefully the Hawks can get it together back at the UC. At least we still have two more chances to get our act together.
  11. Granted, but you forget it again 10 seconds later I wish Alabama Adventure would build a mega lite.
  12. 1960's Blue Streak at CP 1970's Whizzer at SFGAm 1980's Magnum XL-200 at CP 1990's Raptor at CP 2000's Voyage at Holiday World 2010's X-Flight at SFGAm (definitely subject to change)
  13. That lift hill though. Hopefully the track will be done by next Friday, or even in a shorter amount of time.
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