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Everything posted by djboss302

  1. Here's the thing. I think if CP ever does tear down Mean Streak, it would be almost pointless to say "Oh they're gonna replace it with a wood coaster." If anything, they would replace it with a steel coaster. Another note. Cedar Fair has been very happy with B&M lately. And I know a lot of enthusiasts will not be happy with this, but there's a good chance the next major coaster installed at Cedar Point will be a B&M. I'm not saying RMC or GCI woodie isn't impossible, it just seems very unlikely. Not to mention, Cedar Point could easily do "most inversions on a coaster in North America" by installing an 8 inversion B&M. Not saying they'll go that route, but it seems like something Cedar Point would do (Not saying they would do that, the whole 8 inversion thing is just blind speculation. No need to take it seriously). Also remember, enthusiasts only count for a small part of the money a park brings it. Cedar Point was very happy with the attendance GateKeeper brought them, so if they install another B&M, there's a good chance their attendance will spike. Don't get me wrong, I would like a an RMC or Inatmin pre fab woodie as much as the next enthusiast, but it just doesn't seem likely for Cedar Point to go that route. And it probably won't be for a while until they add another coaster, considering they just got a big one in 2013. Ok, I'm done for now .
  2. I'd say Blue Streak falls into that category, but everyone has their own opinion. As for Mean Streak, since Cedar Fair invested a lot into re tracking that thing, it'll probably be a while before they remove it. Lol, it's fine. I'd probably forget about them too if one of them wasn't at my home park
  3. American Eagle and Elf would like to have a word with you.
  4. This makes so much sense. lol. Now, if they could only clean up the evidence of cruel of unusual punishment that has been given by Hades 360.
  5. I don't know if this has been posted here already, but SFOT recently announced on their Twitter page that Batman will be running backwards in July. Twitter announcement:
  6. Capital Kings - "Living For the Other Side (Nico Stadi Remix)"
  7. Yep. Someone else pointed this out already, and I don't really like it either. Thanks for the comment though! Agreed. I've always preferred RCT2 to RCT3. RCT2 Is basically my childhood in a nutshell. Oh, and it was nice to see this yesterday:
  8. Thanks for pointing out some of the errors! I agree with you on the entrance, and now that I look back on it it does look kinda cramped. As far as the pre designed coasters go, I first tried to use custom designs, but I was not proud of them, and I thought the ones previously designed were better. I can guarantee you from now on that all new rides with the exception of the flat rides will be custom. Why, thank you sir!
  9. Other parks by djboss302: Milwaukee Adventure Ocean Shores updates: First update: 1998 SEE BELOW Second Update: 1999 Welcome to Ocean Shores Amusement Park! May 20, 1998 Ocean Shores Amusement Park has finally opened after 2 years of construction. Situated about a 1/2 mile near the ocean, you can smell the Ocean air as you converse throughout the park. Located near Miami, FL, this park is sure to get a lot of traffic! Rides: Orange Thunder, a TOGO hyper lite coaster Red Fury, a Vekoma SLC Zoomerang, a Vekoma Boomerang Junior Hurricane, a Zierer kiddy coaster Wild Mouse, an L&T Systems Wild mouse Non coaster rides: Enterprise, a relocated Schwarzkopf enterprise The Plummit, a S&S drop tower Cloud 9, an Intamin Space Spiral Tea Cups, a HUSS tea cup ride Ferris Wheelie Wheel, an Intamin ferris wheel. Merry Go Round, a Chance merry go round Jungle Adventure Express, a train ride Pirate's Hideaway Swinger, a Zierer wave swinger Spiral Slide, a Spiral Slide Now onto the pictures! SCR153.BMP Welcome to Ocean Shores Amusement Park! SCR178.BMP One of the first coasters completed was Zoomerang, a Vekoma Boomerang SCR179.BMP Here is the entrance to Orange Thunder, a TOGO hyper-ish coaster. SCR180.BMP It reaches a height of 130 feet, making it the tallest coaster at the park! SCR191.BMP Here is the track out of the station SCR169.BMP Orange Thunder's layout SCR189.BMP Airtime in the jungle. SCR159.BMP Somewhat twisty.... SCR190.BMP It is definitely one of the most popular rides at the park! SCR185.BMP Here is Wild Mouse, an L&T Systems wild mouse. SCR175.BMP Here is Red Fury, a relocated Vekoma SLC. It was originally located at a park in Spain, but when the park closed in 1997, we were able to get this two year old coaster for cheaper than new! SCR182.BMP Here is the entrance to Hurricane, a CCI woodie. Painted in pride of your hometown Hurricanes! SCR165.BMP Hurricane's layout. SCR181.BMP Here is Junior Hurricane, a Zierer kiddy coaster SCR176.BMP Overview of Kiddyland, the park's center for the little ones! SCR174.BMP Here is Pirate's Hideaway, the park's dark ride. Think you can handle the pirate's wrath? SCR172.BMP Here is the layout of Jungle Cruise Adventure, the park's log flume SCR177.BMP Here is the overview of the park. As you can see, there is plenty of room for expansion. And with that, we end our first update! Hope you liked it! Comments and critiscm are greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading! SCR193.BMP Here is the park's drop tower, the Plummit.
  10. Yes. They also built SkyRider at Canada's Wonderland and the now defunct Viper at SFGAdv.
  11. Mean Girls. That movie is like, so fetch.
  12. I know SFGAm has a Panda Express, and CP has a Chick fil A, but that's all I can remember.
  13. I agree, Im more of an RCT2 guy myself, and it gets boring after a while to look at parks that were made a long time ago. And thanks for sharing historyfreak92, it looks awesome!
  14. I wouldn't consider Batman a clone as it was not a clone when it opened. That's debatable.
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