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Everything posted by ThePasswordIsPie

  1. Granted, but the new theme is a construction site and the landscaping is made from real TNT, waiting to go off I wish I was never bored
  2. There's a giant field by my school that would be great for an amusement park. "Six Flags Over Nowhere" Catchy
  3. I think that's the tallest building in my hometown
  4. I think Blaze of Glory by Bon Jovi would go well with Cedar Creek Mine Ride because CCMR isn't that fast and seems slightly Western themed
  5. At Dollywood, there was someone that wanted to ride a roller coaster that didn't exist yet.
  6. I would ride it What if every roller coaster in the world Togoized?
  7. Granted, but you never said an Aquatrax with a high survival rate I wish I lived near Dollywood
  8. Goliath spontaneously combusting What's worse than encountering The Mongols
  9. Yes Would you have TOGO build your house?
  10. If Dollywood got a kiddie coaster right by Wild Eagle, would they call it Mild Beagle?
  11. Would SOB have the loop? If gnat, GateKeeper For the rest of your life, would you rather spell "not" gnat, or "check" Czech?
  12. 8/10 Especially when the coaster starts with W and rhymes with Mild Beagle
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