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Everything posted by ThePasswordIsPie

  1. Crystal Wngs Taco Coaster or Burrito Drop Ride
  2. Most likely Do you prefer Vekoma over TOGO?
  3. Yes Will you ever go to an amusement park outside of your continent?
  4. I don't see why not Should CP get a Boomerang? (Any version)
  5. I rode a Vekoma and LIVED, so I guess I have nothing else to accomplish. My life is over.
  6. Granted, but it is so big it replaces every big roller coaster there. I wish for eternal donuts
  7. Ok, I'm sure they have very minor injuries, like scrapes and bruises. But I'm sure she meant broken arms and internal bleeding. Scrapes and bruises from the rides or falling on the ground?
  8. I don't know that much about Lagoon, how many accidents (if any) happened there?
  9. Mean Streak in general What's worse than Luminosity; the murderer of Wildcat
  10. ^ He needed to be saying adjectives with 3.5 on his turquoise T Shirt < Patriot and proud V Jealous of my extremely smooth zero g roll
  11. ^ I was talking about me having all American credits < Within 5 square miles of an amusement park V Within 2000 square miles of me
  12. The nostalgia that comes after you say that. What's worse than CP turning into a residential area?
  13. ^ 100% America credits < In Delaware right now... A state illegal in North Korea V In a state not illegal in North Korea
  14. NTAG would you rather live in a world without bacon or a world without Intamin
  15. I meant to do CF buys SF, but autocorrect changed it Granted, but they're all counterfeit. I wish I lived near CP
  16. ^Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montnegro, and Knock Off Slovakia < I WIN V Kosovo?
  17. Granted, but they close it soon after. COUGH COUGH Geauga Lake COUGH COUGH I wish SF bought SF
  18. Um... Sky ____(you figure the rest out) Czech Republic or Slovakia
  19. Granted, but then you wake up I wish for 10 $50 iTunes gift cards And I'm fine with sugar in a pie crust
  20. Granted, but you ignore the expiration date... You figure the rest out I wish for eternal pie
  21. Moonsault Scramble Would you rather bring back TOGO or Arrow
  22. ^ Knows schtuff about Europe < Never been on a bug themed ride V Mauritania
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