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Everything posted by ThePasswordIsPie

  1. HOW DARE YOU UNSALT MY FRIES Granted, but you develop an addiction to donuts and... CHOLESTEROL I wish for eternal salted French fries!
  2. SAT Nugget in a Biscuit or Rub Some Bacon On It
  3. I think he meant they reprinted it green, then reprinted it black... So much colors Granted, but it breaks down too much. I wish for eternal french fries!
  4. You went around the island Random Oceanic Park was on. While making a quarry for a new roller coaster, miners struck gold. The discovery caused the park to close and turn into a gold mine. All of the rides were relocated to...
  5. Granted, but they spend a majority of their time closed for maintenance I wish DP would get a mine train coaster
  6. Considering I haven't been in either, Boomerang (unless yes is a laid answer) Would you rather marathon a rough Vekoma or a rough TOGO
  7. Granted, but the park closes for the day as soon as you get there. I wish CP had more classic rides
  8. SF would make their own version thats 10 feet taller and 2 mph faster What if the CP peninsula was bigger?
  9. Echidna, Egg laying hedgehog for the win Would you rather rub some bacon on it or put a nugget in a biscuit.
  10. Icee Disaster Transport+Space Spiral or GateKeeper
  11. ^ Its identical to the Indonesia flag (except for the width), and is a flipped Polish flag. I win < Geonerd (and knows about Latvia) V doesnt know what the Benelux countries are
  12. I meant the GP that always thinks someone dies when a roller coaster breaks down. Granted, but its a stand up I wish my cat didnt attack me
  13. Riding the death machines, you never said we had to ride them What's worse than a roller coaster made out of bacon
  14. But then they found out a person released their pet shark into the water. (Everglades much). The person was jailed, and the park opened back up, but Journey to Atlantis had its underwater section removed.
  15. Granted, but then you wake up I wish my house wasn't infested with fruit flys Yeah,I'm a grammar rebel
  16. ^ Right < Knows a lot about Monaco V Knows less Monaco is surrounded by France... And the Mediterranean Sea
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