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Everything posted by ThePasswordIsPie

  1. It would most likely be an Intamin What if B&M never existed?
  2. Granted, it exists in the scrapyard I wish Space Spiral still existed in ride form
  3. Driving 100 miles with 4 flat tires What's worse than youtube videos pixelating
  4. ^ HOW DID YOU KNOW < Amazed by this witchcraft V WITCH
  5. I went to CP ^Experienced a Vekoma V went to an amusement park outside of their time zone
  6. It would be called Angry Cow What if CP replaced every non-B&M coaster with a B&M version of it.
  7. Granted, it stayed forever as scrap metal I wish I was a hippo
  8. Someone skipping multiple questions What's worse than someone going back in time to prevent the invention of the roller coaster?
  9. Should we believe that it actually happened and see how he reacts? When he thinks we believe him we'll reveal his secret identity as a ride operator.
  10. And he focused on the chair that fell like he knew it was going to happen.
  11. The sad thing is that a lot of people think it actually happened.
  12. ^ Wants to go to Cedar Point < Wants to go to Cedar Point V Wants to go to Cedar Point Yes you do
  13. CP got rid of Disaster Transport, Space Spiral, and Wildcat. Meanwhile, Man Streak got re-tracked.
  14. Granted, but they use the name on a kiddie coaster that was surprisingly rough I wish I had a clone of Hydra and Raptor mixed in to one coaster in my backyard, and was there to stay, and there was no reason to take it out.
  15. Why not Would you take a 16 hour flight to ride a Vekoma?
  16. Granted, but all of the dolphins die I wish I won $1 billion and bought 5 acres of land and a smooth Vekoma Boomerang that never broke down. I can buy a boomerang on Amazon for $6.49 I never said Vekoma
  17. What's that? Six Flags did the same thing, but bigger and worse What if Mean Streak burnt to the ground?
  18. The giga coaster would be a near clone of MF What if CP got a Boomerang?
  19. Granted, but candy businesses go bankrupt. I wish I had a Boomerang in my backyard
  20. ^ Wrong, the password is pie < Hyperbolist (read my signature ) V Tried to use a curling iron in an Intamin and ended up with Maverick
  21. ^ Twisty? < Never been to SFFT V Never put a Vekoma in the microwave on high for 30 seconds
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