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Everything posted by ThePasswordIsPie

  1. I give it a 5/10 Do you think Trans Fat makes America America?
  2. Why do people use grades to show intelligence? Grades don't show how smart you are, they just mean you hand in your assignments. Last year, I frequently procrastinated, and my grades were low. People kept saying they were smarter than me because of that. In January, I proved them wrong with the Geobee
  3. No. SO MUCH FAT! SATURATED FAT! Do you like Bon Jovi?
  4. It's fixed EDIT: And now the Space Spiral broke it. Did it fall on the teletyper?
  5. Smooth loopy coaster Would you rather ride Wild Eagle with a piece of thread keeping you in or ride Thunderhead with metal OSTR's
  6. A mix of a frog, alligator, a shoe, and a febreeze can
  7. Yes, but it depends on what type of B&M. Do you think my avatar looks like a dog?
  8. The world would be ran by Justin Bieber Aristocrats What if a new dog was discovered at Cedar Point?
  9. Granted, but it closes five days later I wish I had a Basset Hound that lived 20 years
  10. Not the picture, the actual thing SPINNY ALPINE Would you rather ride Goudurix with spinning cars or an SLC with upside down cars
  11. ^Large mouth bass? < Wants to go to Dollywood V Wants to go to an amusement park other than Dollywood
  12. Granted, some Chinese park makes a kiddie coaster named Hades 360, and it has great maintainence I wish a TOGO was in my backyard for people I don't like
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