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Everything posted by QueerRudie

  1. I had a weird dream last night... and now I've built it in RCT II... SCR7.BMP First in II.... And again... in RCT III Shot0043.bmp In 3D, too! R.D.
  2. Agreed- I think it would be good to have more 'instructionals' on things in the Forum right now.
  3. Incredible to see that thing up close (The TIV) after seeing it so often on TV and elsewhere. You get a sense of durability with it- which, considering the things it will go through you'd HAVE to have that in scale. The visuals of the destruction from the Tornado that came through recently are a reminder to everyone of how quickly life can change for people, and how destructive these acts of nature can be. Having relatives in that corridor- and friends as well- we should be thankful that there are people going out in these vehicles to study the effects- and hopefully someday come up with a suitable set of devices to make them more survivable. A question about the spikes (the ones that 'hold' it into the ground)- are those mechanically lowered, or spring/fire-powered down? I'd imagine that would have to be something rather fast-acting to prevent 'issues' along the way. Also: Does the vehicle go off-road often? (My memory of the series is rotten- as usual.) The SDC pics are great- I'm looking forward to that credit-whore trip this year. Celebration City, however, is quite sad to see. OZCat looks so sad falling down and splintering for such a 'new' ride all over. Of course, it could have been preserved- but that would have required some serious help along the way. Now that it is rotted and rusting, it's days are numbered till it becomes firewood. R.D.
  4. Outstanding photos again Chuck- and Verbolten is by far the eye-catcher of the season. I'm glad they're taking the extra minute to make everything look so good with it. How were the other rides at the park doing? Hopefully my beloved Nessie was doing well for the day...
  5. Welcome to the Games Forum: As this is your first thread, a few things you should know- 1.) Use the youtube function for your videos. AJ has written a great tutorial about it HERE! 2.) You need to fill your thread in with more content than four videos: Add some pics- tell us about your park, and give us some details. A lot of people would appreciate that. R.D. Games Forum Management Team
  6. Thanks Matt and Hanno- I'll pass along the info to the member who asked the question. R.D.
  7. This is why, for the most part, TPR parents are far better than any other parents I've seen. And I couldn't agree more: Sometimes it's more than just a restraint- but rather, the wherewithal to know when it is a RIGHT time to go on a ride.
  8. And here come the: 1.) Lawsuits 2.) Over the shoulder restraints 3.) Seatbelts I love the quote about "She was tall enough to ride, but was too young to ride it alone..."
  9. Interesting TR, Sam- SDC is on the 'to do' list this year for me, but when becomes the question... I've neglected the mid-west for too long now, but I know to avoid certain seasons in the Branson area. Nice pictures all around.
  10. Under the category of weird coincidences... I was watching a few YouTube videos today... and I noticed who the sponsor of this one...
  11. That's pretty awesome, Chuck... and why aren't you promoting this???
  12. Thanks Matt and AJ on this - I've switched to Chrome myself, and it hasn't given me any real issues so far. Firefox however is a mystery to me...
  13. Hey all... I just got this from a member of the exchange- he's using Firefox, and has reported download errors from the exchange... QueerRudie wrote: Please PM me the location of the file that is giving you issues- as well as the type of browser you are using. Some browsers will not download properly if the file isn't specified correctly- this is an issue with some browsers- and some files. R.D. GFMT I'm using Firefox. I have noticed that sometimes files do not download with file extensions! haha. As for a link to the tracks, it's any track that I try to download that I haven't downloaded already. Note: this is not an error I am getting in No Limits. It's an error page that comes up in Firefox (kind of like a 404 error page). Is this a new error to the exchange? I've yet to see anything like this - other than the odd RCT 2 file download problems with file extentions that has been corrected. R.D.
  14. Please PM me the location of the file that is giving you issues- as well as the type of browser you are using. Some browsers will not download properly if the file isn't specified correctly- this is an issue with some browsers- and some files. R.D. GFMT
  15. I think we have a winner, then. I'll post up the announcement tomorrow morning.
  16. I'm sort of in agreement with you- Scarlet Rain and Fireball both impressed me with the attention to the specifics of challenge. Which one of the two would you pick- as I'd like to announce the winner tomorrow. I could go with either, but I'd prefer to keep it to one.
  17. Video. I demand video to be posted. Preferably more than one!
  18. Guys, Gals and everyone else: The photos in here are getting extreme. 1.) No more "A picture of each then I'll post them all" posts. I will ban you for that. That's ridiculous, and really excessive 2.) if the picture is blurry, don't post it. Same as above. I will ban you for that. It's not quality, people can't see what the picture is, and in the end it does nothing to show what you really have- other than a blur. 3.) If you're going to list out your maps do this: Kings Island: 1999,2000,2001,2003,2005 Six Flags Over Georgia: 1968,1971,1973 etc. Please keep this thread clean. It is great you want to share/trade your maps, but keep the "My post is bigger than your post" collections outside the forums. R.D. Games Forum Management Team
  19. There was an element of 'weirdness' to that whole day- at least for me. Very surrealistic, somewhat twisted, and with it's highs and lows. Seeing Jo's pile after riding Cali Screamin- PRICELESS. I'm still shocked at that myself. Riding Tower of Terror for the first and LAST time: I'd still like to see my exact expression on my face for that... Seeing the 'tipsier' people when I returned to see Tron later...Genuine weirdness all over- and if it weren't for Soarin, StarPort 77 and Pirates of the Caribbean, I'd have stuck around for it, too... Great photos again, Chad.
  20. Pics please, or no thread. One link to an outside site a good thread does not make. R.D. Games Forum Management Team
  21. Having been a landbounre person for the vast majority of my life, I've only seen the eyes of the seas from other peoples' perspectives. Granted, there are some cases where you'll find bias (Travel Agents, etc.) and others that are leaving out details. While I won't be on one of these ships anytime soon, I can say with certainty that many times over these TRs- whether parody (Carnival) or otherwise are beyond detailed- and if I was going to have to sell somebody- I'd check these out before. As you said, Robb, there are cruises for everyone. What flies on a Carnival ship won't fly on a Celebrity, what goes on a Norwegian won't go on an RCL cruise. It's all in personal tastes- and how wildly they vary.
  22. I think I need to change my boxers... quickly. STUNNING pics of one of His greatest works going up. Nothing beats a massive Schwarzkopf Erection anyday!
  23. It's reassuring that this is all being done on the up and up. Finally, some respectability being brought to this troubled property. And here I was thinking that secretly we found the lost financial link to Prince Desmond- and his attempts to find a home for Teh Big Dipper...
  24. Volcano is a great ride- but as the others have said: DO IT FIRST. The dreadful capacity of the ride can lead to long, long line later in the day. The experience is of course one-of-a-kind, and wonderfully smooth and thrilling- and a must-ride for KD.
  25. "The Media Zone?" "Twenty Mechanical Zealots?" "Totally Miss Zao?" "Tower Middle Zone?" "Terror Method Zeal?"
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