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Inferno Insane

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Everything posted by Inferno Insane

  1. Ying Yang Twins Feat. Lil Jon & The Eastside Boyz - Salt Shaker
  2. Solo Rides, I had quite few, Best ones' Inferno – Do a mega run from the entrance, Front row open rest close, boom off it goes, The looks I get from people seeing just one person arriving in a Full station *classic*. (Has happen about 6 times now) X:\ No Way Out – quite different on your own, very quite and weird Flying Fish –Getting about 25+ circuit, which got quite boring after a while. King Solomon's Mines / Wild Mouse – even thou riding in pairs is fun, riding alone you get some amazing airtime. Poor / Embarrassing one’s Nessi and Happy Gater at Coney Beach. Never felt so embarrassed for ages. Jungle Coaster – Having countless number of goes , and getting asked how many rides now! Dragon's Fury – hardly spins just like Inferno even thou not rough, half rattle’s with a empty or half train.
  3. Arrr yes the Kilimanjaro Toboggan Ride I remmber that a good 17 years ago, plus it was one of the better dual toboggan I been on, Shame Legoland couldn't somehow keep it Talking about toboggan's the one at Robin Hill on the Isle of Wight is a Very good one also at 400 meters, just shame the lift hill goes on for ages which hurts and £1 a go each time. If possable could you post it? would be nice to see it again
  4. David Guetta vs The Egg - Love Don't Let Me Go (Walking Away)
  5. Just come back from a weekender in Wales. Fri - Megafobia (Oakwood) Sat - Speed (Oakwood) Today - Mega Blitz (Coney Beach Pleasure Park)
  6. Last Game Played - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
  7. Sat: Big Apple - At a dump called Billing Aquadrome (Northampton) Sun: Nemesis - Alton.
  8. The Mistral Flying Machine at Pleasureland Southport, snap pretty well with a mild/strong wind from the sea. After 1st riding them last year so much better than Oakwood which I found hard to snap, and when you do snap you get either evil looks or a shorter ride than other people. Bummer Southport's are close for Health and Safety this year would of rode most of the day when I visited in April Knowsley Safari Park had some when I visted sadly close like half of there park
  9. Mmmm #1 - was either Dragon Ride at the Needles (Isle Of Wight) or Vampire at Chessie. #50 - No Idea #100 - Goliath - Walibi World #150 - No Idea #200 - can't remmber, might of been one of the coasters at Adventure Ciry or Disneyland or Knott's. Currently I'm at 217 which was the Rattle Snake at Knowsley Safari Park.
  10. In no order, some of mine fav's Splash Mountain - Disneyland Resort Log Flume - Pleasure Beach Blackpool Logger's Leap - Thorpe Park Timber Mountain - Knotts Berry Farm Devil`s Barrels - Holiday Park
  11. Yesterday - Nemesis. Also the staff get some kudos points, giving me and friends some Priority Pass to use.
  12. When I hear about this yesterday, had to laugh. lost count the amount of times Thorpe have had a power cut. Seem like it happens every year, and looking at the website looks like Inferno back open, but can’t be ass to visited as there no reason to go when Stealth is close.
  13. Last game played - Peter Jacksons King Kong - The Official Game of the Movie. Borrowed this yesterday from a Friend (no way spending £50), got 2 achievement, then completed it today and got the last 7 today, wat a piss easy way to get 1000 points
  14. Hellogoodbye - Jesse Buy Nothing... Go To Prom Anyways
  15. Haven’t posted for a while been a tad busy coasting, latest last ridden in bold, olders not in bold. Grand National - Pleasure Beach Blackpool (Sat 1st July) Avalanche - Pleasure Beach Blackpool (Sun 2nd July) Rhino Coaster - West Midlands Safari Park (3rd July) Antelope - Gulliver's Warrington (Fri 30th June) Rattle Snake - Knowsley Safari Park (Fri 30th June) Crazy Mouse - South Pier (Fri 30th June) Le Furio - Dennlys Park (Fri 16th June) Bouzouc - Bagatelle (Sat 17th June) Stealth - Thorpe (Sun 18th June) Nemesis - Alton (Sun 25th June)
  16. Ooooh thats a shame even thou I hear so many bad things about Tornado, really wanted to try a Pinfari corkscrew oh well
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