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Everything posted by TheDarkMaxim

  1. Im holding out hope for something great to go on the Cuda hill. Part of the reason they decided to not recessitate the slides was the fact that it's a huge prime chunk of land. So i have a feeling/hope there is some grand plan there.
  2. I think the most disturbing thing is their long term debt load has skyrocketed back up to $1.39 Billion.
  3. Yeah, the park would never falt out say "hey were not building a new coaster in the next 5 years". I call bullshit on that. I'd rather just wait and see and not get hyped or make hypotheticals unless there is real signs of progress or teasing.
  4. Yep that's it exactly, even the lightest mist can cause the tires to slip.
  5. Everything except for the giant wheel can operate in rain. Only if the rain is severely limiting visibility, or if lightning is within 10 miles will other rides start closing.
  6. Don't forget inflation. TTD at todays prices is $32.3 million
  7. It would be a very expensive move. Really, moving anything across the street would not be cheap or easy. I would say space is really not an issue in the near term.
  8. Heres the map I was talking about. Much of their land on this side of 77 is developed. There are a bunch of federal wetlands on the rest of their property, however I don't know much about the restrictions on developing that land. One other thing, that long skinny set of parcels is a former rail line.
  9. Buffalo+Rochester is larger than Cleveland. But I will say it again, the GTA is enormous and is one of the best things going for the park. In the US and Canada it's the third largest metro having recently passed Chicago. Amusement parks are a fairly regional draws, save for the Orlando parks, and a select few others; so the park just needs to be to focus on drawing from the region. And the campground, hotel, cabins, and trailers are huge for this. People love 2-5 mini vacations close to home, and the park clearly recognizes this, hence why the accommodations have been receiving steady upgrades every single year for the past 5 or so years. This is more or less Herschend's strategy too, how many people in NY and NE have ever even heard of Dollywood or SDC. Probably very few, and not to mention those two parks are in very remote and low population areas. Land wise, much of the land the park owns is on the other side of 77 actually. Ill have to get that map again to show this. Height, a main airspace artery does run just west of the park, but its still fairly high in altitude at that point so its not much of an issue. Lastly, the park doesn't need to get more urbanized around it, that's parts of the woodsy camping charm the park has. The area around CP for example just seems insanely trashy with 30$ motels lining the streets. If you want to be in an urban area, drive 15 minutes down rt33 and you're in Batavia.
  10. First, Six Flags was 99-06. So I wouldn't included premier since there were major management changes in the purchase. Second, adding new rides doesn't equal quality. Six flags and PARC neglected all the existing rides. They could have added 10 things every year, but If they don't maintain it, it's going to fall to shit really quick. Again, maintenance is the issue. They are basically rehabbing opposite trains each year, and yes they made a promise, and so far they haven't been able to keep it. But they are fighting an uphill battle to fix previous mistakes.
  11. You continuously complain about this, but they aren't "refusing" to use other trains. They are undergoing maintenance still, I've said it again and again, previous actions are hitting the park hard currently when it comes to upkeep of the attractions.
  12. I've never ridden a flying, but if any of them are as good as Firehawk I would rank them very highly. 1). Invert (Banshee, Montu, Alpengeist, Great Bear, Raptor) 2). Wing Coaster (Gatekeeper) 3). Standup (Mantis) 4). Hyper (Diamondback, Apollos Chariot) 5). Floorless (BTDK, Kraken) 6). Sit down (Kumba)
  13. Yeah their dispatches really were incredible, I noticed also that there was usually at least 1 or 2 supervisors operating/attending. I wouldn't expect this to last forever though, likely just to make a good first impression and keep the long ass line moving (which it does).
  14. How about the remaining coasters at SFNO, its going on 9 years of them being closed.
  15. The foliage looks awful. Too many of the same trees and same size trees, perfectly lined up. Vary it up with smaller trees, other styles, random patterns, and bushes.
  16. From what I noticed, Firehawk and FoF first thing. Diamondback doesn't really matter when, and Banshee seems to have a short line mid day after everyone has migrated from it.
  17. Weight limits are generally enforced by, does the guest look over said weight limit? If the person is iffy you would make the guest aware of the weight limit, and leave it in their hands. You would be surprised by the number of people that will honestly follow said suggestion.
  18. Just out of curiosity, why did they fill the pool, then start building the play structure?
  19. Or they just want to keep the bridge because it adds charm, and they can deck it out with banners and hanging flowers.
  20. Wasn't a major part of it the value of the land it sat on? Then of course the bubble burst and it lost value, and nothing became of the site.
  21. Age doesn't mean shit. Predator is 23 years old, there about 40 wooden roller coasters over 50 years old (the oldest is 112). It's all about the maintenance, and the trains with a wooden coaster. The old trains beat the crap out of the ride, and upkeep was bad for many years. A heavy retracking, or topper track could make it far better. An Ibox redo would be very cool, but then it's a steel coaster.
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