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Everything posted by TheDarkMaxim

  1. I wasn't expecting it but BlastOff at Darien Lake is awesome for its size, and has a really good pop of air time at the top. I rode Power Tower a few weeks late and I was a bit disappointed by it, there was very minimal airtime on the shot tower.
  2. 1. Maverick 2. TTD 3. Millennium Force 4. Magnum Xl200 5. Raptor 6. Mantis 7. Gatekeeper 8. Wicked Twister 9. Mean Streak 10. Gemini
  3. Believe it or not, Herschend has more control over this deal than we realize, or they are just good at repackaging the truth when I spoke with a higher up from Herschend corporate during IAAPA. Unfortunately, I can't remember his name for the life of me. My question during Q&A session with the Show Ambassadors at IAAPA was, "What unique opportunities does Darien Lake posses to make it an attractive option to enter into a management contract?" Well, his answer was pretty straightforward with the usual they have a lot of land and they have an untapped potential to become a major resort. However, a major detail of that answer was that the ultimate goal of this management deal is to decide whether or not Herschend will buy Darien Lake, and own it outright. Some food for thought... This is exactly what ive heard from upper level management. But very obvious things need to happen first, increased attendance and revenue. From the pieces ive heard there is a over arching plan including capital, management, and infrastructure improvements.
  4. Just a little side note I pulled from CNL's quarterly statement. It seemed like a relatively low attendance summer.
  5. Huss rides tend to not be very reliable. Look at Dollywood, they had so many issues with Timber Tower and after a battle with huss they finally removed it.
  6. No its not like that. The listing states that they are already designed and fabricated, except for the supports. "Proslide PLUMMETHS & FREEE FALL COMPLEX NEVER INSTALLED- For sale stand alone or as a COMPLETE WATER PARK -8 LARGE GROUP OF SLIDES; HAVE NO COLUMNS BUT ALL DRAWINGS-," They also all have a year of 2008.
  7. I was browsing ITAL and saw this. If you scroll to the bottom there are several listings for 8 ProSlide slides that have never been installed. Enough for an entire waterpark. Does anyone know where these are from?
  8. ^There wasn't one. Old flat parts, and I believe the trains from BTE were used.
  9. Viper was one of the many projects that was supposed to occur this season, but didn't due the boardwalk area eating all the construction resources. The mini golf course was closed, and that whole infield was going to be redone. That may happen this year, same with some other small "redo" projects that were put on hold.
  10. Houston seems like it is the most under served following the demise of SFAW. The 4th largest city in the us and there really isn't any major amusement parks around. I would also say, Seattle, Nashville, and Miami/South Florida.
  11. Windjammer Surf Racers was a fairly big failure as well. Vertigo at Walibi Belgium was a pretty big ride that also failed.
  12. I feel like I'm in the minority, I really liked mantis. My bet would be on a Japanese one that has some minor mishap (bolt coming off, etc.).
  13. From what ive heard (which is correct). There will still be a haunted house and graveyard, they just nixed the Dark Waters theme and the boat ride. I'm guessing this has something to with a logistical problem creating a boat ride.
  14. That area of the park will still be open. Minus Grizzly Run, and Thunder Rapids (likely Shipwreck Falls too).
  15. You are pretty much spot on sir. Though DL's case is a bit more extreme. Supervisors and managers would end up working a ride on a DAILY basis due to the staffing levels this year. From the beginning we were never at a proper amount of people which is only exacerbated now at the end of the season. Where you are off a bit is on the training. For our attractions training occurs on two levels. Attendant and operator. Attendant training can take between 5-8 hours depending on the number of position (for example, Grizzly Run has 5 attendant positions to train on. Where as a roller coaster will have two or three). Then operator training requires and additional 5+ hours. So my point being, it takes a while to get people trained on rides, and a lot of logistics to create smooth operations (breaks, split shifts). Cleanliness is also supposedly going to be a major focus next year. With park services (the sweepers) focusing more on the bathrooms. And other staff focusing on their own areas. Maintenance like the rest of the park is low staffed, but they face some of the biggest problems. The rides at Darien Lake were so poorly maintained over the last ten years, and this is now causing many of the major problems. This is also why you are seeing one train operations. Parts were taken from one train to fix the other, so that they could have atleast one train running while replacement parts are brought in. (Example, ROS has been almost regularly been alternating trains each season)
  16. Well first, cuda is broken and is likely going to be removed. Corn popper is broken, had to have a part custom made that was going to take 8-10 weeks to make. As for the other rides, this season the entire park has been extremely understaffed, and with everyone going back to school there are simply no one to work all the rides. Thus why you may see one ride open for part of the day, then close to open another ride later.
  17. And ttd uses the unload then load, like MF, but they just do it with two trains.
  18. I rode mantis for the first time this year, and I loved it! Front row, my head never even touched the ostr, and no nut crunching either. I really liked the quick tight layout.
  19. The galaxy had been used as storage, but it's empty now since it was used for concerts during kingdom bound.
  20. You can try and discredit me all you want, but I'm telling you what I saw. A guy in an olive green shirt with a GCI logo on the back doing surveying work next to the path to the hotel. I could have taken a picture, but one, creepy, and two pulling out my phone while working is prohibited.
  21. Polin to me seems like a cheap knock off of much of ProSlide's products.
  22. Ready for the twist though!!!! I noticed the guy surveying had a twisted coaster on the back of his shirt, with no company name. Well upon investigation to logo I saw was none other than: Minus the text.
  23. They are currently surveying near predator, and there are many footers with orange spray paint on them.
  24. First of all, that "quote" from Bob Montgomery was fabricated. He never said those words, though they are partially true. As for the ride itself, CNL is pushing for it. Where as HFE is hesitant due to a decrease in attendance at not just DL, but all their parks. Lastly, like I said before Predator will close within a week if this project is going to occur.
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