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Everything posted by TheDarkMaxim

  1. Herschend signed their lease in January of 2011. And no Herschend has the final call in the improvements, yet I believe CNL funds them.
  2. Expect predator to close within the next two weeks. Or this project will not be occurring this year.
  3. Cuda is going to be torn out. Or face a rather expensive repair. There really is no refurb occurring.
  4. The thrill rating system is universalish. Same system used to classify different trails for skiing. Galaxy theater is still there. The scrambler and spinning coaster need to stop. Relocating a ride is far different than In RCT.
  5. Do you use a tripod and low shutter speed for your fireworks shots?
  6. Not the greatest view, but Darien lake has a nice skyline. Can't wait to see it this year with the new tower.
  7. Sorry to be blunt but, this is pointless to discuss. 1). The support structure is terrained. All new supports would be required to relocate those slides. 2). They are in rough shape. There are numerous issues that plague the slides. Also as a side note, floodgate falls will not be removed until cuda falls is. It also must always have water in it to avoid caving in. It holds up cuda falls, so any movement will lead to cuda falls becoming structurally unsound.
  8. Six Flags in my opinion is one of the worst companies based on their descisions and such. In all honesty, i wanted to see them go into Chapter 7 bankrupcy (liquidation), so the parks could be seperated, and hopefully fixed. But from a financial stand point, SF is doing what they are supposed to, aka please their share holders. So as long as that keeps going, expect SF to stay the same.
  9. But was it 15$ for a tiny personal pizza, or was it actually decent food. How much did you pay for parking, did you have to rent a locker to put your stuff in when you went on rides? Etc....
  10. I really dont agree with comparing SF to Disney, SDC, or DW. They're deisnged and priced for different economics. It would be like comparing Carnival cruises to Royal Caribbean, they are targeting different clientel. Or like Spirit Air to Emirates. So Six Flags isnt going to be as concerned with the high detail or cohesive theme, its all about packing in as many people as possible, at a low ticket price, then gouging them with everything else. Where as the other parks have higher ticket prices, higher park quality, and cheaper extras (food, parking, etc).
  11. Thanks for all the comments guys! (Note: I meant to blur the back of the one building, it isnt finished and looks terrible.) Construction Continues..... So here's some history about the property...around the turn of the century a sprawling manor was built on the site of the park. It feautred many other small buildings including an ornate gate adorning the driveway. In the early 40's after much neglect, the main home burnt to the ground, as the other structures rotted back into the ground... Several buildings still existed when the land was turned into a beach, including the gate house. It was then repurposed as the entry gate for the beach. It has been saved again, now simply acting as a decoration. Two slides named HydroForce have been built on the beach. Ohh...i forgot the rollercoaster! Introducting Seneca Cyclone, built by the Philadelphia Tobogggan Company, it is one of the tallest roller coasters in the world at 95 feet. It takes advantage of the tree covered hillside to provide even more fun. The park also has two other rides currently, The Grande Carousel has been installed. Skylift has also been built, giving guest the opportunity to view the entire park, as well as Seneca Lake. A large chunk of the park has now been developed. -Thanks for reading!! Comments/critcism welcomed!
  12. In the mid 60's a business man purchased a couple acres of waterfront property, located on Seneca Lake in central New York. He transformed it into a very popular beach, naming it Seneca Beach. After operating the property as just a beach for nearly 10 years, the owner purchased 75 acres surrounding the park with the intention to grow Seneca Beach into a great family destination. 1973 For the year, the beach will remain closed as major contruction is occuring on the property. SCR259.BMP A brand new, more permanent entrance has been built. SCR260.BMP The entrance plaza is taking shape, with a restaurant, outdoor eating patio, and a bathhouse for the beach. SCR261.BMP The beach will sit idle during the expansion. SCR262.BMP Lastly, an overview of the land that was purchased. -Thanks for reading! Comments/criticism welcomed
  13. The problem I see, is that some of your paths seem very narrow. Disney doesn't have any places that look like sketchy back alley ways. Besides that I think this is one of the better attempts at a Disney park.
  14. I also think it seems bland. The buildings are very similar, and short. Differing heights will greatly help in adding variety. Other than that it looks like you have a good start.
  15. Well, one last major update. Then i'll be readying this park for NE. SCR253.BMP I present, Blackhawk. A B&M wing coaster with 5 inversions. It is themed afer the double black diamond run at Breckenridge, which shares the name....just dont go crashing into the chalet. SCR254.BMP ...well someone didnt listen. SCR255.BMP The dual load and unload stations. SCR256.BMP Overview 1 SCR257.BMP Overview 2 Finally i am looking for a beta tester, someone that does not have WW or TT. -Thanks, TDM
  16. Its been quite a while since ive played RCT3, what pack are you using for your steel supports?
  17. Im looking for an opinion, these are both wing walkers. Which one do you prefer? (They are designed for a certain terrain, so dont mind some off the excessive heights) SCR251.BMP SCR252.BMP
  18. Just a lil update/question. I really want to put a winseeker type ride in the park, though i have not been able to find a custom ride, nor make one with 8cars. Does anyone have some info on how i could find/make one?
  19. Today Kodiak opened for the first time. It has been a huge hit with park guests. SCR246.BMP The entrance plaza and shop. SCR248.BMP The station and queue area. SCR249.BMP The hammerhead and queue fly by add suspense to those waiting in line. SCR245.BMP An overview of Kodiak. SCR247.BMP Another overview of the area. SCR250.BMP Another angle. Thanks for reading, comments/criticism welcomed. -TDM
  20. ]As the story goes, during the 40's a British fur trader ventured up to Alaska. He returned to the lower 48 (at that time the only 48 states) to the rocky mountain area with more than fur. He brought two live Kodiak bears, a male and female, releasing them in the mountainous terrain of western Colorado, or eastern Utah (it is unkown which state he was in). It was believed that the bears never mated, and simply died off. This story has taken a new turn though in the past few years. There have been numerous sightings of what appears to be a Kodiak bear arround the outskirts of Denver. Is it possible that these bears mated, and generations of them have been hiding in rockies? Finnally, an answer came last year as one was captured roaming Breckenridge Park. Now, you can experience the legend of the Kodiak. Kodiak, a product of Great Coasters International, will take you up 105 feet, reach speeds of up to 55mph, on a nearly mile long course through the Breckenridge Woods. SCR244.BMP Artisit's rendering of Kodiak. The park also released this image of the site. The crews had a very productive week of construction, completing the hammerhead, and sweeping turn following the first brake run. SCR243.BMP -TDM
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