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Everything posted by PURE

  1. ^Sorry. Couldn't help myself. What's a bummer is that Batman, Riddlers and Deja Vu is cut off in that photo, cause you can see them pretty clearly as well.
  2. I'm still trying to figure out why the trim doesn't line up in that picture. If you look at the new and old monorail pictures the window glass shapes look the same, is that just a coincidence? Or did they leave the same basic cars and remodel just different parts of the nose cones? Or are the front and rear cars completely new?
  3. Who's to say this guy didn't pee his pants on purpose to get a couple laughs? Don't know why Robb rectified this one I didn't think it was funny the first time...
  4. "We didn't think anything would happen." "We just wanted to blatantly ignore the rules cause we thought we were invisible." Screw these kids they had what was coming to them: 1. Because they're dumb enough to think a tower designed to carry 1 person at a time could hold 70 people. 2. Because they're using excuses like "We didn't think anything would happen to us." 3. They ignored the rules. No sympathy from me. These are the types of people that ruin privileges for people like us that follow the rules.
  5. Call me a Negative Nancy, the first 15 seconds on Sierra were awesome with the helix and all. But on my second ride I didn't get nearly the same experience, and it really brought down my opinion on the ride. But its in Camp Snoopy and perfect for the kids, so I understand that. However, in no way was it more intense than Batman at Magic Mountain. Even on its worst day.
  6. Yeah I think a lot of it has to do with the angle and the comparison of height right next to that lightpole. It really shrinks the size of the ride. Heres a good shot of the second hill that alone looks huge. Compare the size of that second hill to the height of the first drop in this picture. 230 feet is quite a ways up.
  7. Honestly I could give two craps about the color scheme (even though I think its horrendous). But when you see a compact coaster like this compared to a coaster like the one Knotts is plopping in, it really makes you wonder what the hell Knotts was on when they signed the deal. There's a thread already started for worst addition of 2007, I'm starting the worst addition of 2008 thread right here, right now. We can continue the list as the year goes on...chances are #2 will happen at Knott's this year as well. Oh! I already thought of it. Panda Express smack dab in the center of Ghost Town, themed western, right across from the Log Ride. #1 The Pony Express #2 Panda Express in Western Themed area of the Park Funny or horribly coincidental, both have the word Express in them.
  8. Oh god I just read this. And I was going to respond to a spam forum earlier, why, I don't know, cause there were nudie pictures and someone else did. Good thing I didn't...maybe this thread should be sticky'd so more dumbasses like me see it and avoid daily bannation. Cause I didn't even know this rule was in effect.
  9. I must be the only one that is not looking forward to the installation of this ride, and am disappointed they are again ruining part of the parks original themeing. A short, unoriginal layout that could have been several times better if they had just taken the time to do it right. Now the colors have come out and they're just as disappointing. This will be Knott's second installed ride in a row that doesn't bring me into the park to ride. I could really care less. Knott's = still going downhill
  10. ^Thats not completely true. If the weathers been good and its sunny in the morning and the forecast doesn't call for rain, and it starts pouring down, some of the rides will stay open. The reason the park has been closing like it has is because the weathers been crappy like this (well, I got here Friday and basically its been raining since then) for almost a week now, and it hasn't looked like its going to be shaping up. I've ridden Batman, Goliath, Superman, Viper and Scream in the rain plenty of times.
  11. ^^Best post of the thread. Like every other poster in this topic I couldn't agree more with this decision. From my own observations and watching families at theme parks and restaurants the past couple years, most people these days have no clue how to raise their children, much less have kids that listen to them when the parents tell them what to do. Every day I see kids blatantly ignoring their parents when they ask them to do something. Theres stuff that kids get away with these days that I NEVER would have gotten away with when I was 5-12 years old. Even going to the Block these days, they announce a 10'o clock curfew, and I still see parents walking their kids around at 11 o' clock or later. And all I can think is "What the hell are your kids doing up this late? Get them to bed you stupid parents! There's a reason they don't belong here after 10!" Same reason why kids shouldn't be in a restaurant where adults are trying to enjoy an quiet, peaceful, expensive dinner. The kids don't belong there. And since I'm over 21 now, I've got no sympathy for minors either. Because when I take my lady out, I really just don't want to see them or deal with their immature minor bullsh*t. Good move Disney, way to class up your act and cater to the older crowd that visits your park too.
  12. Does anyone else see the kid that went down the slide right after the raft in that second video? He slid up the other side, got some air, and and at the bottom of the slide full speed ran right into the raft! It looks like he got stopped flat in his tracks! Haha! Me too. It'd be a good lesson for people that do this crap. It Must have been a slow day and they were running only a couple boats. If that boat started coming down when he was halfway over the track there was no way he would have had time to get out of the way.
  13. If anyone can't decide whether they wanna go or not, one thing I know, when Magic Mountain gives complimentary lunches, they're pretty damn legit. At the Tatsu opening they had free cheeseburgers, chicken strips, fries, sodas, and The Official Drink of TPR, Vault Icees. All for the taking, as much as you wanted. So if you're on the wall deciding if you wanna go or not, maybe that'll sway you! I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it, and I have a couple questions (I scanned the first post and didn't see anything about these, sorry if they've already been asked): How many people are we allowed to bring? Whens the latest we can RSVP? Thanks for gettin this ready for us Robb! I'm sure a good time will be had by all!
  14. Some of you guys keep talking about these improvements like nothings going on in the park. Like you want the place to be turned around in a couple months or something. This stuff takes years. They're taking out eyesores, spending 10 million to revamp a great ride that'll be better than ever, they're catering to families with a TT, and the parks all around pretty darn clean. Magic Mountain is better now than it was 5 years ago, and people still don't seem to think these gradual improvements are good enough. Don't expect any miracles, and enjoy whats there. Otherwise you're always going to be disappointed.
  15. ^Buy 1 get one free is about as good as it gets. If you can find company coupons, you can usually get in for around 27 bucks. And there's really no rehab schedule available to us, unless there's a current mechanic on the boards. I've been wondering why people are complaining about the identical 4D coaster colors. There's a couple differences actually. X2 will have the track red, and the ride rail painted the same color as the supports. Also, the supports aren't black, they're dark grey. If you look at all the X2 promotional items you can clearly see the difference. ^^^^After looking at Viper, I actually prefer the new color. I have a feeling they're going to be using the same red color for both Viper and X though.
  16. I'm sure there's a thread somewhere, but I couldn't find it. Here's the long and the short of it: Arrow sold the 4th Dimension coaster to SF, agreeing to a completion date before the ride was even done being designed. In fact, vertical construction began even before the brake run (the one that goes under the lift) was made. As the date grew nearer, Arrow knew that the ride wouldn't be done in time and told SF. SF basically said "You gave us a date, get it done or you're not getting paid." Arrow never actually completed the ride on time. Summer 2001 was the billed date, X actually opened in January of 2002. The result: Arrow goes bankrupt installing a coaster MM doesn't think it should have had to pay for because the completion date wasn't met. Not sure what it has to do with the Bat ride but there ya go...
  17. ^lol. If the spot was previously occupied by a ten story tall steel coaster, isn't it obvious that a waterslide would fit right in? I mean, they probably have enough space for a new bathroom/changing room as well.
  18. ^This is the part where you discover the difference between things that have feelings, and things that don't. I just don't see the point about feeling bad about seeing rides leaving that sucked. It was beat up, used, uncomfortable, an eyesore for years. If anything, its out of its misery. Oh, there I go again, giving a tower of scrap metal feelings...
  19. ^I called it launching. You call it propelling. I think you're being a bit technical, its the same damn thing! The LIM's push the rafts on the uphill so it makes it over. A push from magnets whether you're at a standstill or already moving doesn't make a difference. You feel the boost of the LIM's while you're on the ride. What's so wrong with calling it a launch?
  20. Revolution even has an ACE landmark sign in front of it that states it was made by Schwarzkopf. ACE Plaque I like the Deluge idea. The good thing about Magic Mountain is when they add things to the park, they're typically bigger and more advanced. Perhaps we'd get the worlds largest Deluge water ride, with a longer, faster launching unit. This is going to be a fun year at MM. Can't wait for Spring!
  21. For anyone who's still confused: Flashback is not going to be moved anywhere! It is being cut into little scrap pieces convenient for shipping methods to be melted once and for all. Reading the last 5-7 pages of either this thread or the Flashback being demolished thread will tell you that. I think the area Flashback is in now will become part of Hurricane Harbor. Or they'll do nothing with it and let it sit empty for a year or two while they think of some sort of addition. Where Psyclone once stood, I'm hoping for an huge Intamin launch coaster or new woodie. ^^Yeah watch out for the bottom of the pretzel loop especially in the back seat. Seems to get me every time.
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