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Everything posted by PURE

  1. ^Thats definitely a good way to put it. If you combine that with the parks that aren't getting squat in 2008, you might have something going.
  2. I'm guessing Banquet. Cause it was pretty bad. But Tyson isn't that great either. Amen to that. Can't believe we don't have one yet, maybe sometime in the future when the clientèle improves.
  3. ^Yeah New Orleans is pretty much bad news for anyone that owns property there. ^^But how much money besides parking do you actually spend in the park? I can't remember the last time I paid for general admission, parking, flash passes or more than $20 in food, beverages or souvenirs in the park.
  4. That would be the last thing on my mind if I could time travel. On another not, thank you for the pictures. The new paint looks awesome, It'll be weird driving up the hill and seeing X when its first completely repainted, it looks like a completely different ride now!
  5. Exactly. This is how people think in the year 2008. It's why BMW's and Mercedes are so expensive. Charge more and people will have more respect for the park, and more of an idea of how much it costs to enjoy a day at Magic Mountain. And just like haiderodes said above me, if you pay more, you feel like you need to go to get your moneys worth. If you only pay 60 bucks, there's really no motivation to go back to the park, because you aren't losing out on anything. They should definitly raise regualr season pass prices. I get the Xtreme Play Pass anyway, cause I go so often and its such a damn good deal.
  6. ^Perfect. That was just what I was looking for, for some reason when I was searching I couldn't find it. Thanks!
  7. I searched and didn't see a forum for this topic, sorry if its been repeated. Basically I'm playing RCT and want to add Loopy Landscapes (I'm way behind on my computer games). I have Windows XP and when I try to load the game it says my computer is incompatible. I was wondering if this has happened with everyone or just me, because for some reason I remember having a patch or something I could load so loopy landscapes would work. I haven't been able to find one so I thought this would be the best place to ask. Thanks for any help!
  8. Oh god! And they're so horrible. The way I see it these guys are in it to make a profitable business by selling what they're losing right now. They say they're cutting heads next year, which means if they're seniors or not, they'res going to be less employees working full time. The guys that owned SF before Shapiro were dumb. They bought all these parks and had no concept on how to run them, so the quality went down. Yeah its a shame they're losing all these parks, but they're becoming a better (and, obviously a smaller) company because of it. To have a good brand name its best to own things for a while, I'd say the 6-10 most profitable or longest owned Six Flags companies will last, and the others will eventually get cut. The company's just going to go small until it can deplete the debt and start to make some dough.
  9. ^^^Where's the link to this article? There's some dumbasses opinion mixed in with facts and there's no way to find out where this really came from. I mean, I know this SF article is true, but you should at least provide proper linkage if you're gonna bother to post something like this.
  10. I'll be the first to admit I'm a fan of B&M because of their reliability. Even though it seems like they might be getting better at building them, whenever I hear of B&M making a new sitdown coaster, for some reason I can't help but cringe. They should stick with what they're good at.
  11. *Raises hand* This is the first Eurofighter I've seen where I'm actually impressed and wanna go ride it. Maybe because its indoors or not, I don't know. But the layout looks awesome!
  12. ^What if you build it like a pier? Both look awesome I want one of these models soooo bad! Does anybody have pictures of the train that'll be running on this? It'd be nice if we'd be able to just buy those without the coaster like the inverted and floorless models.
  13. I've only ever been on X but from watching the POV footage it looks like Eejan is pretty rough. Not that X hasn't been rough in the past. I'd totally love to take a trip to get on Eejan though, rough or not. 4D is by far my favorite type of coaster. ^^Which is why I never understood why they've been called that, besides the names sounding cool. I guess if you consider the name refers to what the track is doing, not what the riders are doing, it makes a little more sense. The movement of the riders on a half/half is known as a misty flip to rollers. Someone earlier in this thread compared the two like Batman and Silver Bullet, and for some reason that sounds like it'd be an accurate description. I thought during the rehab it'd be cool if they could re-weld the X rails at the top of the first raven to make the seats rotate a front flip, to a fly like it already does, to a catch (how the seats flip right before the photo). Imagine the air time holy crap.
  14. Call it lucky or extremely unlucky but after all the time I spend on roller coasters, there hasn't been one ride where the coaster broke down. Same with flats. I've never been evacuated either. Its bullsh*t I say. I mean I'd like to atleast have been on ONE ride that stopped working properly in some form. The odds must be astronomical.
  15. Bom Bay? Bombay? Whichever way its spelled that slide looks like a hell a lotta fun. Did someone say the floor drops out beneath you? That's amazing, it looks like you get to look out and see how high up you are before you drop too. I'd say its up there with a the Deluge slide that propels you with the LIMs.
  16. ^They'll probably sit in the graveyard for a couple years to rot and rust a slow death.
  17. ^Trashing the whole thing. I'm tellin ya man, I used to harp my fellow mechanics when I worked there to see if it would ever be possible to run the thing like it was promised to run the first time I saw the drawing of it back in '96, and the sad fact is that its nobody's concern that works there to get it running like that. Nobody's. People there have much more important things going on. Unless some miracle happens where someone up in the company wants it running at 100 and getting a lot further up the tower, it won't happen. ^I'd like to see some older footage too. There used to be a badass commercial for Superman when it first opened. It showed some kid running up to the ride, and the Krypton entrance and 41 story tower were glowing in the distance. And when he rode it his cheeks were flapping cause the ride was going "so fast." I'd love to see that commercial again.
  18. Regardless of the airtime this ride looks like its going to be a lot of fun. Its too bad theres not a drop then the helix after the MCBR, instead they go right into it and it may not be that forceful.
  19. Wouldn't it be amazing if ALL the SF parks eventually sold beer? I'd love to be able to walk around the park with a Stella Artois in hand, but of course that won't happen. Even if you can only drink it in one area of the park, I'm all for this.
  20. That's exactly right, things that may not seem normal to mechanics can seem normal to ride ops and vice versa. You're right about Riddlers and Goliath. Whenever there's only drive tires in the station and its raining the chance for over or undershoot gets higher, no doubt. Both of the cars on both sides of Superman can hit the magnets at the top of the tower if the speed is turned up high enough, I've ridden it that way and lemme tell you it makes the ride a hell of a lot more fun. However, the ride just isn't efficient that way for normal operation because the LSM's can't run that quickly consistently, and the ride shuts down way too much. The speed its at now is about as efficient as it gets.
  21. Yes, and I never said that they didn't. Of course you never said that they didn't, because I was the one that said that first. But you did say the station brake is cause for an overshoot into the brakes behind the station and that's where you're wrong. The station brake on Superman has nothing to do with the car going to the E-brakes in the back. The LSM shutdown is the only reason the car would head behind the station into those brakes. There are a lot of factors that play into an overshoot or an undershoot. LSM timing is just one of them. Also, the brake does have a lot to do with it. I've seen the car a couple of times just decide to move on its own, even though the brake was engaged and the car/ride was acting normal. Again, the only reason the car would ever roll back there is because of an LSM shutdown. That's the ONLY reason the car rides back there. It is possible to have an overshoot or undershoot in the station (which would only be an undershoot or overshoot of about a foot) if the brake in the station didn't work properly, which can shut the ride down. But that happens whether its raining or not. And such is the same for a lot of coasters. It's not the same for a lot of coasters. Superman is one of the only rides that the computers follow all the way to the end of the launch track and shut down if its not following the LSM's to the split second. The computer problem would be the cause for a shutdown effected by the rain messing up the speed of the car (which in this case would be slowing the car down if it hydroplanes). But again, that happens whether its raining or not, however I'm sure the water doesn't help. I think there's a reason why there it's only one-train operations when it rains...Oh yeah, because the trains would actually bump into each other because they could not stop. Have you ever driven your car really fast in the rain, and then had to stop suddenly? It doesn't take the same amount of time and distance as if you had to stop the same way as when it's raining. Why? Water makes things slick. Making a surface slick causes wheels to lose traction with the surface they are on. Water + Metal Track + Oil/Lube/Grease + Speed = Overshoot Going by that logic, you can see where I'm coming from. Cars in the rain and coasters in rain on track are two different things. Cars can't stop in the rain because the wheels don't have traction on the road and its their only way to stop. It's different for roller coasters. It doesn't matter if the wheels have traction on the track or not, the brake pads underneath the train will stop the train at the brakes anyway. They go to one train operation as a standard safety precaution, but the ride will operate fine with 2 trains. If anybody's been to a park on a rainy day you'll still see two trains still in operation at some rides. It's not like it rains and all of a sudden the brakes don't work and the trains won't stop and there's going to be a major disaster. You're little water + grease equation doesn't mean squat. Brake pads are completely independent from metal track and oil/lube/grease. Even if the brake fins are wet, they're dry enough to be efficient after they're clamped on by the first brake or 2. You were a ride operator, much ill-informed second hand information. I was a mechanic at the park, I asked a lot of questions when I was there, including how water effects the rides. Every mechanic there said the water doesn't make a big difference when it comes to the brakes. The water may cause a slight overshoot in the station when going to load or unload, but nothing major. Trains aren't going to run into eachother, trains aren't going to be impossible to stop, and the trains WOULD NOT bump into eachother. Brakes on coasters, wet or not, they're going to work. They're designed that way.
  22. ^^^The reason I'm questioning that is because that brake is used only to hold the car still when its loading or unloading. Otherwise the car is acted on only by the magnets, which slow it down, speed it up or bring it to a stop. They control its speed independently, regardless if the wheels have traction or not. The reason the car passes the station into the uncovered area is a magnet shut down. When the timing of the LSM's isn't just right it just shuts off and the car rolls independently and its only option is to stop back there. It has nothing to do with the brake in the station. So what I'm saying is the water could mess up the computer if the car is supposed to be somewhere but the rain effects it and its not. That would cause a shut down forcing the car to overshoot behind the station. That makes sense. But water rarely, almost never, acts as lubricant on roller coaster brakes. They're designed that way, they clamp down so strong. There'd have to be A LOT of water to effect them. Otherwise every time it rained they'd have to shut down all the rides, because none of the brakes would work!
  23. ^The Goliath train does move in the station sometimes. But its shaking with the rest of the track. ^^I don't think Superman hydroplanes in the rain, I'm not 100% but I've never heard of that, nor do I understand how that could happen. It has closed because fog was blocking the tower from the station though, if ride ops can't see the tower the ride can't run.
  24. ^^Deja Vu isn't going anywhere. ^It'll never happen. There's maintenance sheds, storage sheds, employee training rooms, a lot of people in there doing work. There's plenty of other places in the park to put roller coasters.
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