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Everything posted by PURE

  1. ^^Its nice to hear some construction is finally going underway. Here's the start to 2008, lets hope for the best. Can't wait to get on X's new trains and see how everything in the new year pans out.
  2. I just think its a bad sales move to get ride of the backwards compatibility on any level of the PS3. Now everyone wonders "Which PS3 do I get now?" or "Wait which one is the right one?" and it just confuses and pisses everyone off. Which may be why PS3 sales aren't skyrocketing. Its bad enough with computers, people don't want to go through all the research trouble just to buy a game console. Ugh, I liked Nintendo up to the N64, then I grew up. I much prefer X-Box or Sony systems, they're more of what I look for in video games. Swinging some stick around like a fool, whatever lol...
  3. I like a lot of the pictures in this thread. However, I think they'd be more interesting if you found unique places to take the closeups. For example, finding a closeup on a ride that distinguishes the ride from any other one. A weird support, track piece, or finding ways to line track pieces up with other things on the ride or in the background. Finding two parallel pieces of track from an odd angle (similar to the Xcelerator criss crossing track photo), or finding rare angles are all things to consider when you start zooming in. When you've seen a B&M zero-g roll 100 times it doesn't matter how close up you get to it, it still looks like the same zero-g roll you've seen over and over. That's what makes some of the pictures stale to me. Hope that makes sense...
  4. ^When is the last time those Magic Motion simulators have been used? I remember getting on those way back in the day, there was a runaway train simulator and I think a Colossus simulator as well. I thought they were removed.
  5. ^Thanks for those pictures. It sounded a little off to me that they would do that just to remove pieces of the track. It doesn't really make sense either. I mean, instead of rolling pieces out the back door its easier to lift each one out? I've been to the Magical Kingdom, but I haven't been on this version of Space Mountain. All I can say is I am much happier with the Space Mountain here at DL after they updated it. I like it a lot more.
  6. ^^The rides not even down yet. They are really getting new trains. They are really going to give X a paint job. They are really going to be making a tunnel with 1, count it, 1 strobe light and a boom box playing "Heaven" by DJ Sammy and Yanou featuring Do. Until the boom box batteries go out. Then its just the strobe light.
  7. Its a B&M hyper and although I'm sure those trains will help with the forces, it is a B&M hyper. Millennium Force isn't a number 1 coaster anyway, so I don't see the point of argument. However I do see a point in arguing that MF is about as forceless as most B&M hypers out there.
  8. Its like there's an orgy in my mouth, and everyones invited!
  9. I was really amped to hear the price for the PS3 dropped down to $400 bucks, however what I didn't hear is that the $400 price took away the backward compatibility of PS2 game play. Now I'm not that well informed when it comes to Video Games, but I do spend time with them, and this kinda bummed me out. It means I can't trash my PS2 when I buy this console. Did everyone hear about this? Was I just out of the loop?
  10. Maybe everyone on the train blacks out and gets severe neck whiplash ONLY when this dude rides. ^I don't think it has anything to do with you hijacking the thread. He may be talking about the quality of content in your posts. I mean, c'mon dude, the rides not designed to black out riders, you can't possibly think we'd all believe you...
  11. I've heard people complaining about their legs getting thrown around however I've never had that problem myself. Dunno why, maybe cause I'm shorter? I think the leg restraints would keep your legs "there" but they still might whack your shins around. Montezuma those are some great photos thank you for sharing them with all of us! Coasterfreak101 thank you too I've never seen that video before. I'm sure when the model worked the designers were so amped up with what they could do with it.
  12. Dude your obnoxious attitude is really wearing thin on me and the mods here. It's great that you were a ride op. Yay! But you know what? Ride ops don't know everything. In fact, in my experience they know very little. Stop acting like you're Mr. Know-it-all of parks because you pushed a button to make the ride go. You can still say what you're trying to say, just don't be such an a$$ about it. Next annyoing post and you'll get a 24 hr ban to remind you of this. --Robb Robb I was a ride mechanic for the roller coasters at Magic Mountain. Not a ride op. I'm not acting like I'm Mr. Know it all, I'm simply stating what I've experienced from the job and what I've seen. Just because brakes need to be replaced doesn't mean they won't run fine for weeks or months. It's not a safety measure, 10 sets of brakes won't go out at 1 time. If one goes the rest are there for a reason. Thats all I was trying to say. Although it hasn't really aged well, I still like Viper. I love the first drop all the way to the brake run, then its bad track design really makes for a rough ending. Which is why when riding I typically hear people getting off saying, "wow my noggin bouncing against that hard restraint really hurt." Which is what I think, even though it has awesome capacity, will end Viper as well. Too rough and too many guest complaints like Psyclone.
  13. Aww shucks! No super cool pictures from me, I totally missed out on the zip ups!
  14. On page 3 of the master plan link, it shows the layout of a "race coaster." Layout looks like a typical Intamin rocket with a tophat. Except this time its going to be faster and (perhaps?)taller than the previous 2. Yay.
  15. ^^^Unless you've worked on the ride, read maintenence standards, been there during state inspections, and know when OSHA is going to be there, you don't have 100% certainty about anything that in depth with the ride. And that's my point. The state isn't there EVERY DAY to make sure the ride is up to Arrows standards. You can think whatever you want, the fact is you don't know what's going on with the rides nearly as much as you'd like to think you do. You can make your own assumptions from that. I thought Viper wasn't getting painted for another couple weeks?
  16. ^Yeah is that a BRIDGE crossing Beach Blvd to a resort hotel with *gasp* existing Reflection Lake and MORE water East of the park? I think so because I can read La Palma, Stanton and Crescent in a clockwise respective fashion. Wow I've seen that picture before, but I never really paid attention... ^^There's a way I can magnify it, but it's only because I have a Microsoft mouse with a soft key that you click and it zooms in. If I could find a way to copy the image the mouse makes I'd be able to expand it and save it a little larger, but I've never been able to figure it out.
  17. I'll be there taking some good bye photos of X and you know, illegal backstage photos and whatnot . Perhaps I'll post them if any of them are worthwhile (I'm in no way a photographer). ^^I'm not going to explain any further. You win man. I'm excited to see the park. Hopefully crowds will be minimal.
  18. Awesome Trip Report. Those are some sweet pictures, really makes me wanna make a trip there. And I've never even seen that park before. Thanks a lot! The commentary really helped too.
  19. ^^Brakes still work even though they should be replaced. They wear down slow enough that they can go weeks or even months before the brass falls off. And secondly, how would you know the requirements to legally open a ride or not? Maybe you, too, should provide us with some sort of proof as to how you've been informed of such a strong "coaster legality" accusation.
  20. Wow. The Batmobile and now this. Couldn't agree more lol.
  21. ^Almost a guarantee yes. Painting the rides doesn't take too long. Unless they undergo a minor re-hab of the ride (a lot of the brakes (over half) needed to be replaced last time I checked) which is possible, the ride shouldn't be down for more than a couple weeks.
  22. ^You mean Knotts Berry Farm? Like it says in the bottom right hand corner? This is a pretty awesome picture I've been checking it out for like 10 minutes now just because its interesting to see what they were thinking about doing. I noticed the Pony Express location soon after looking at it, and thought that was a cool coincidence as well. Looks like they had a lot of great ideas, some of which apparently didn't fall through. But hey, what's new?
  23. Main gate psa? Is that the guy that makes the announcements over the loudspeakers in the park? I'm going on Friday to say goodbye to X for the winter. I'm hoping the crowds are mild on that day as well seeing as how its the day after Thanksgiving and hopefully everyones out shopping for the huge "day after Thanksgiving" sales. *crosses fingers*
  24. ^^I wanted to ask...did your Mustang always look like that? Or have you had more time (and especially $$$$) in your "later" years to get it to look like that? I have a 70 Cougar that I've been restoring for almost 2 years now. Its similar to the Mustang (a lot Ford parts) but takes a bit more time customizing seeing as how its so damn hard to get parts. That and the money. Its expensive to restore older cars, especially if you want to do it right. What kind of engine do you have in there? I've got a 351 Windsor with a 4 barrel Edelbrock. Yours looks like it may be a 289 Cleveland based solely on the radiator to block hose, but I can't tell in the pictures. Maybe we should start a "show the car you actually have" thread. Talk about car parts and problems, advice and stuff. Cause really, it never hurts to get a second, third or fourth opinion when it comes to car problems...
  25. Lamborghini Reventon 2008 Dodge Viper 68 Mercury Cougar XR7 2006 Toyata Tacoma 4X4 Access Cab with the SR5 Package De Lorean DMC-12
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