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Everything posted by X2coasterfreak

  1. Yeah. My last character was a Redguard, I was stuck at the part where you had to kill the Troll at High Hrothgar, I assume you have gotten there. With my new character I killed it my second attempt in about 45 seconds. I could easily see how someone could spend 12 or more hours playing this game. It's no wonder why it won Game of the Year 2011. Lucky you that the troll on High Hrothgar was the only thing you had to kill. I had to deal with a random dragon appearance as well as the troll. I had to run down to the town at the bottom of the mountain for help.
  2. I saw Streetlight Manifesto, and Reel Big Fish last night, with Rodeo Ruby Love and Lionize at the Pomona Fox Theater. Reel Big Fish was alright, but Streetlight Manifesto was awesome! They sounded so ridiculously good live, I absolutely love Streetlight!
  3. Fallout 3 has been my number one favorite game, until just a few weeks ago. Skyrim is hands down one of the best games I have ever played, it's Fallout on steroids, absolutely amazing. Also I have MW3 as my current multiplayer game, its just as fun as the other CoD games and way better than Black ops.
  4. Definitely agree, the new Pirates scene of WoC is awesome! And that Colin Mochrie pic
  5. For me this ride is a total dark horse. I will forget about it for some time, then when I see how construction is coming along, I get excited. This ride is small and compact, but boy I bet it really packs a punch
  6. 2012 is going to be such a great year: Manta Carsland Lex Luther Drop of Doom New parks for me: SFGAdv SFNE Lake Compounce So excited for next summer!
  7. ^My friend on this site, chickenbowl, has an on ride photo of us in the pouring rain. It was very fun, but you can see the pain we felt. Xcelerator in drizzle has the same effect.
  8. ^ I think it is the Superman logo at the top of the tower, when I was there last time it was lit up. After the renovation to S:EFK I think they were smart to bring that logo back to light.
  9. Beat the campaign of Gears of War 3 today. Unbeliavable. It was so good. If you're not a fan of the Gears series, play this one, it will blow you away.
  10. I really like how Save Deja Vu thinks that a bunch of retard fanboys are going to be able to stop a major park from doing business. It's not like SFMM management is going to say " oh screw it, a 1,000 likes on Facebook, we're keeping it!" I guess it just bothers me how stupid people are, honestly what is this world coming too?
  11. Looks to me like a ZacSpin and an X coaster had some strange child. Incredible...
  12. Holy poo poo this is insane. So I guess I will finally get my Intamin droop tower credit
  13. New Hotness USA is the trip I have been dreaming of. I am definetly going to try to make it happen!
  14. Sent in my e-mail! This would be a really cool and fun event! *Edit: Sweet, got my confirmation e-mail , super stoked for this!
  15. I completely agree that Deja Vu and Expedition Everest are two of the best Vekomas. I'm upset to see Deja go, especially since it has been running so good lately! I just hope what replaces it is good, like a gyro drop, giga, or dive machine. I'm anticipating the parks October announcement!
  16. I have been at the park since Thursday, and yes Tatsu was down the entire time. Having one of the most popular rides down during July has added to the long waits of other rides. Anyway changing the subject, today I had a crazy ride on Green Lantern. It was completely unbalance with two people on one side and only one person on the other. We started spinning before the block brakes, it was awesome *EDIT ^Beat me to it.
  17. Rode Green Lantern for the first time today and I thought it was great. Those drops are pretty forceful. It broke down right before I got on, and it took about an hour to get up and running. In line for Supe now and it's going about three trains every ten minutes. And the line is out past the Fortress. These ops are slow
  18. I'll be going Thursday-Saturday and brave the Green Lantern line. I was wondering though, what rides are still with one train ops? I'm hoping Apoc has gotten its other train back, that is a line that would be unberable with a one train op.
  19. ^Well green Lantern isn't officially open untill tomorow, so the rest of DC Universe might not be as well. That's probably why the website still says Batman's closed.
  20. Really, the only "uncomfortable" part on X2 for me is the last Raven Turn. It really bangs your legs around.
  21. ^^ Exactly why this ticked me off so much. ^And I' not saying SFMM is bad, it's just that they have a chronic case of delaying rides. If they can't ever settle on an opening date, then wait untill you know you can get the project done.
  22. Way to go SFMM! You guys do a darn good job with opening rides. Can't wait to ride Memorial Day 2012
  23. So excited to ride! If what Elissa said is true, it will be right in time for my birthday
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