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Everything posted by X2coasterfreak

  1. ^ Ninja has a drop? . Also I was thinking a little about Superman. I remember at WCB hearing that it was one of the park's main goals to paint Superman, so I think a re-theme is definitely possible. I can't imagine how fun it would be being launched backwards and then dropping straight back down!
  2. Happy to see that you are back Big Mike! I am going to guess King's Dominion for I305.
  3. Heading up to SFMM next Sunday. I am curious to see how the crowds will be on a Sunday in the summer and if it is necessary to buy a FlashPass.
  4. Peter: "Today was almost as bad as when I went on a field trip to the museum as a kid." Flashes back Peter " Why did the dinosaurs go extinct?" Museum Guide: " Because you touch yourself at night."
  5. Well I just got back from a trip from Disneyland and DCA, and I was very surprised with what I saw. First off World of Color. I was very impressed with the show and I have to say, it's a lot better to see it in person. Some of the parts I thought were interesting are Buzz and Zurg, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Genie from Aladdin. But the parts I thought were the best were the parts with FIRE!! The fire was very bright and very hot! Yet I really couldn't see a storyline. It was just some random parts from the Disney movies all put together. Overall I would give the show a 9.5 out of 10. All the construction that is going on is really exciting. Seing Cars Land and Little Mermaid coming along is getting me excited for the years to come. All in all it was a great trip to DLR.
  6. Words can't really describe this event, but it was AMAZING!! X2 excursion was the highlight for me. I have wanted to go back into the transfer and ride shop since I first rode X, it was so cool. Ron Frye is a really cool guy and had an answer to everything, I could spend a full day asking him about what makes X2. Night ERT rocked!! Collossus racing was another high point. Thank you Robb, Chris from RideWorld, Jay, Tim, Neal, and a big special shout out to Wiliam who made WCB even more special, and Terminators audio, incredible. Next day at Knott's was kind of hard for me because I was so tired, but I got my two credits on Boomerang and GhostRider. THANK YOU guys so much! Andrew (We Took the Tunnel!) Kaminsky
  7. Lucky you. Psyclone was the only ride that made feel like throwing up all over the place.
  8. I saw the Hurt L*cker a few weeks ago and all I can say is wow. That movie is INCREDIBLE!! The action, the suspense, everything wow. The story was all in the soldiers face and it made the movie feel like a documentry. It made you see like the soldiers see, not the media. Outstanding, go out and see this movie!! 10/10
  9. Hey guys! I don't know if any question like this has been posted yet but here goes. I registered for the event back in January and my friend, who is also a TPR member, registered about a few days ago. I was wondering if we would be on the same tour(s) for WCB , and if not is there a way to get him on the same tour? Thanks in advance
  10. Great news!! Very interested to hear what they will say. Only 26 days away .
  11. Hey Robb just a quick question. Around how many tickets are left before the event sells out?
  12. I was a little skeptical about it at first but now it sounds like something I can do. Can't wait until March, defiantly going to become a member of Club TPR!
  13. I had an awesome time at the park this weekend. As Calicoasters said X2 is open, and Terminator's audio definitely got much louder. I heard Take the Tunnel very clearly for the first time. I also made my first visit up to Sky Tower, which was very cool. It offers some very good views! It was a bit shock coming up into the parking lot seeing X2 crest the hill. It was as thrilling as ever. Batman's new colors, and batmobile are very cool looking. Goliath is also very bright and shiny, and that airtime just keeps getting better . The operators on the rides do seem to (try) and be more friendly. All in all much improvements, and well worth it.
  14. I think this is a great move for the park. Adding another family coaster is just the thing the park needs. I am happy they're doing it. Also, does anyone know if X2's parts came in?
  15. I going to the park Super Bowl Sunday as well. I need to get my season pass validated before West Coast Bash.
  16. Just sent in the forms today. Last year was so cool, I hope this year is even better! See you there!
  17. I went Super Bowl Sunday last year and it was awesome! I rode X2 in the front twice without getting off. Too bad the park is closed this year. I will hopefull be going the week before on Pro Bowl Sunday.
  18. Yes! Can't wait, this year is going to rock! I will hopefully be sending in the payment later this week. See you guys there!!
  19. -Favorite new coaster X2 -Favorite new ride Screamin' Swing -Favorite new park N/A -Most memorable park moment Hailing at WCB 2009 -Most memorable coaster moment Riding Tatsu for my first time, it was my first "Big" coaster -Best ERT session WCB sessions (Only ERT sessions) -Least favorite coaster Do Not R.I.P Psyclone -Least favorite ride Soarin' -Least favorite park Belmont Park -Most interesting ride you've seen introduced Ball coasters -Least interesting ride you've seen introduced Zamperla MotoCoasters -Your favorite TPR moment (favorite post, trip report, video, whatever!) "I have to make a visit to the porcelain toliet" -The decade's biggest flop Hardrock/Freestyle Music Park -The decade's biggest success Disney -The best meal you've had at a park Johnny Rocket's SFMM -The worst meal you've had at a park The House of Blues at Disney World -Best park turnaround SFMM -Worst park turnaround KBF -What was the biggest trend of this past decade? Intamin Accelerators
  20. Xbox360 Elite 360 Games, Star Wars the Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition, Star Wars Republic Heros, and the two games that come with the console Extra 360 controller Six Flags Season Pass Star Trek DVD Taylor Made Lpd Black Golf Balls Star Wars Death Troopers Book $15 iTunes Gift Card Star Wars Figures Star Wars Battlefront Elite Squadron PSP
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