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Everything posted by X2coasterfreak

  1. I don't think they are coming for SAW it is too obvious. Or maybe I'm wrong. I still say Minneapolis St.Paul for Nick Universe. Have a nice trip R and E!
  2. The coaster on the banner could also be Renegade at ValleyFair! just an idea.
  3. Ok I have another guess. Minneapolis St. Paul. It has something to do with the number 2, so Minneapolis St. Paul are the twin cities. If you are going to a place with rides could it possibly be Nick Universe?
  4. Ok here is my guess. You are at LAX and are going to France. Possibly, most likely Paris.
  5. Cool I got my conformation today and I am glad to know everything is set. Oh and since I am only twelve do you think I could get the Percy the Small Engine credit? This event is going to be so cool see you there!
  6. I went there too on a rainy day with my school. It was a lot of fun to ride X2 in the rain. It was strange that day. It poured harder than I have ever seen. I talked to one of the ride ops and he said all rides lost power except X2 and Riddlers. We rode eight rides that day which is a lot knowing it poured for an hour.
  7. I had a question about X2. I went Super Bowl Sunday and I rode X 3 times, all in the front. They were great except for the third time. In the middle of the lift hill the music cut out. Then at the bottom of the hill instead of doing a front flip, it went back to the normal position. Also the ride was quiet a lot rougher than the first two times. What do you think happened?
  8. I will be sending in the check on Friday. It will be an awesome event. Can not wait. I also wanted to say if you are looking for a hotel Comfort Suites has great rooms for a good price. See you at Magic Mountain!
  9. Yes!! Finally I am so excited. I am going to attend WCB 2009. See you guys at SFMM.
  10. Terminator is really going a long great. I went the SFMM sunday and it was pretty impressive.
  11. Wow Fuji-Q sounds like a place I would love to go to. Not. It seems really bad and operations are a discrace to the roller coaster world.
  12. Yea i have school the next day also. Does anyone know when it ends? I would like to stay for the whole event so I could experiene night ERT.
  13. Yes! Finally West Coast Bash I have been really excited about it since I saw the last TR.Definetly plan on going. By the way Happy B-day Robb!
  14. My most memorable memory would have to be riding X2 with my friend. He had to wait 3 years to ride it. It was so awsome.
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