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Everything posted by Cyber.Fiber

  1. It's a cardigan without a shirt underneath ... and thank-you everyone!
  2. Got a new hair cut today, thought I would share and see what others thought!
  3. Hey there, Sorry to resurrect this thread, but I really need some help. I have tried to fix the missing data file in this park but have no idea how to do it! Could someone on here who knows how to do that sort of stuff fix this park for me? I need to download it onto my computer as the old one crashed and I don't have any of the files on the new computer! Thank-you!
  4. On February 27th it was my 1st anniversary (1 Year) with my boyfriend! Surprisingly it dosen't feel like it has been that long a time at all! I couldn't be any happier!
  5. I learned what DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) is... Apparently, 12-48 hours after you begin a new work out routine you experience severe pain that is at it's worst on the 2ND day... Unfortunately, today is only the first day and tomorrow we are running a beep test.
  6. Voted! Good Luck! p.s I loved the picture!
  7. Hey guys, Sorry for the very late notice but I am not going to abel to enter a park this time. School caught up to me and I haven't had a chance to work on the park in well over 4 months. Good luck to everyone and hopefully I will enter the park into a contest ruinning in the new year! Best of luck to everyone, Joseph
  8. I have been using my iPhone 3Gs and it works amazing! Speeds on 3G are incredibly fast and there is almost insant download of pictures as if I were on my desktop. I love technology!
  9. ^But were Canadians and have the right too. Does that make you change your Oppinion? I know for sure that I want to get married someday, have a lovely home that is equally mine as it is my husbands and my childrens. The idea that I have these privallges, while others liiving In different countries don't just makes me sad. Everyone should have the right to be who they really are and have equal rights. It's just not fair at all.
  10. 32GB iPhone 3Gs! IN WHITE! Couldn't be happier! Hope everyone is having a fantastic Christmas!
  11. I watched it on NTV... LOL That would be why!
  12. OMG. It's about time! This episode just made my entire life!
  13. I am JEALOUS. Our stations do not show the previews for the next week of most shows. It is so annoying...
  14. Two days ago was the 9th month that my boyfriend and I have been together! It feels like it was only yesterday that we meet, but it was so long ago! Everything is going great and we are both very happy! Lets hope for the best!
  15. My mom has both the old man and woman that were at the last booth in the second video. She keeps them up year round and calls them her servants... LMFAO. I wish I was joking...
  16. I just started watching the show yesterday. I am in LOVE! I will defiantly be buying each season on DVD. This is a must watch show!
  17. Go with the Premier track. Both the track and trains look more realistic! Keep up the good work!
  18. I have a bike but unfortunately, winter is just around the corner... and biking 45 minutes in -20 degree weather is just not an option... It is though from spring through fall!
  19. That is awesome! Although a bit unnecessary considering that they still have to hire table services, it is a very neat idea until the novelty wears off! I feel like a lot of children would get into "trouble" with those touch screen controls... LOL
  20. I have yet to do an update myself, in fact, I have yet to start my park... I think that I may do that tonight... LOL Expect an update soon!
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