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Everything posted by Cyber.Fiber

  1. FML. About 4 months ago my mom got me my first cell phone, a Samsung Omnia. Before she bought me my phone, I told her that I would really like to get a Palm Pre when they become available, even though the release date was set for after my birthday. Anyways, She ended up getting me a phone and there was only a 30 day exchange. The Pre came out 2 days after the exchange was up. I am now locked into a 3 year contract with a phone I dislike and there is nothing I can do. To cancel my contract would put me $400.00 in debt and to buy the Palm Pre to replace my Omnia while staying on the contract would put me $600.00 in debt. I hate Contracts. I mean how can anyone expect you to keep a phone for 3 years, especially when the rate at which technology advances increases every day. To end, My Omnia is in perfect condition, not one scratch, not one drop and I hope things stay that way for the next 3 years... I HATE YOU BELL
  2. Well, after about 8 chapters into The Constant Gardener I decided that I would come back to it after reading a few shorter books to touch up my reading skills. I picked up Farenhight 451 from our gorgeous new library and am quickly moving through it. So far I am enjoying it very much! I'll get back on here in a few days and let you all know what I thought of it!
  3. I Start Tomorrow... My Day: Wake Up- 6:45 Bus Pick-Up- 7:36 Arrival at School- 8:05 School Begins- 8:26 School Ends- 2:15 Departure from School- 2:25 Departure from Bus- 2:55 UPDATE First Semester Time Table: Period 1: Spare Period 2: Math Period 3: Lunch Period 4: Art Period 5: History
  4. I discovered 2 days ago while brushing my teeth that my bottom wisdom teeth are growing in. How I discovered this... My mouth started gushing blood as the toothbrush broke through the gum revealing the tooth. Luckily, my bottom jaw has enough spare room to accommodate them, but my top Jaw has NONE. So looks as if I will be back on here in a couple weeks telling you all the story...
  5. Get Real... 9/10 I LOVED this movie. Summary from IMDB: Basically it was just a great movie showing the hardships of growing up not only as a teenager, but gay as well. Much, MUCH better than it sounds! Highly Recommended even to those out there that aren't homosexual...
  6. I have been together with my boy friend for just over 6 months now. I am the happiest I have ever been and cannot wait to see what the future holds for us! I don't look all that happy but I totally am! I thought it was the typical "Make a B*tch Face" picture but apparently not...
  7. I have started reading the book and am currently just begging chapter 2. I am kind of lost in terms of who each character is because of the frequent and often unannounced name changes. For example, One character is introduced as say John, then a page later they are referred to as Mr.Walker. I will most likely read a Spark Notes summary of the first chapter to just get more background information and to clear things up. Don't get me wrong, the book is good so far, and the plot seems great, I just need to get into it more and enjoy it for what its worth.
  8. Is it only me, or does I seem as if July goes by incredibly slowly while August is over as soon as it begins... I go back to school on the 8th. I only went to my home park (Canada's Wonderland) 3 times this year. I am kind of disappointed about that, seeing as how I went over 30 times last season... If the calender is accurate, my mom plans on going 2 more times though before school, So I can hope... *Note to Self* Buy school supplies this week!
  9. I am just about to start reading John Le Carre's The Constant Gardener I hear good things about it, but I will let you guys know what I think when I start!
  10. Thank you! I will check that out right now... Hopefully I can fix that little issue!
  11. I am woken by a painfully loud Sonic Bomb every morning... and it sucks... Night Stand... Sky Mall...
  12. I have recently been buying music off iTunes like no other. Tonight I bought: Made Of Bricks- Kate Nash- $7.99 Foundations- Kate Nash- $4.99 You Are Free- Cat Power- $9.99 Paper Doll- Rosie Thomas- $0.99 ------------------------------------------ Total: $23.98 Unfortunately, This is all purchased on my father Visa. There go's part of my first paycheck... *Edited to include the newest purchase of the night*
  13. I am quite sad to see that they are re-branding the Hanna Barbara Land section of the park. I wonder if the Scooby Doo Shooting Dark Ride will be re-themed in the process. Although, Ghoster Coaster should remain the same theme because it is no longer "HB" related as the park dropped "Scooby Doo" from the name 2 seasons ago. But the real question still remains... Will the Rainbow Bridge be removed???
  14. I will re-save and upload right now. Do you know if I have to do anything special to get it to save all the scenery and object data? EDIT: NEW DOWNLOAD UP!
  15. Thank-you for the compliments! At random I get in the mood to whip out the old disk and build a little park. I have attempted to build larger parks in the past but my lack of attention span really limits my ability to complete the parks. I also find that if I start to build in one style, I have a hard time changing it up, so doing different themed areas is quite the task! LOL! I hope that I can get to the point where I can complete a 100x100 park at some point in the near future! I have included a download at the bottom of my first post. (Although I'm not sure if its showing up?)
  16. I got bored this week and decided I whip out the old dusty RCT2 disk and build a small 50x50 park. It took about 7 hours to build and landscape and I am quite happy with the results. Major Rides: Wildcat: A PTC Out and Back Wildcat II: A Small PTC Twister That Intertwines With Wildcat Hangman: A Small Custom B&M Dive Machine Grist Mill: A Schwarzkopf Shuttle Cannonball: An S&S Reverse Free Fall Onto The Pictures and the Download! And Don't Forget To Comment! Wildcats Hangman Wildcats The Wildcats Doing Their Thing Close Up of Paths SCR10 (2).bmp General Overview of the Major Attractions Wildcat and Wildcat 2 Hangman (Left) Wildcat and Wildcat 2 (Center) Grist Mill (Upper Left) Park Overview Tivoli Gardens2.SV6 Download! Enjoy!
  17. I Love these Retro Pictures! This is no exception! Keep em' Coming!
  18. Here is my desktop. I am in love with it! Clean and Simple
  19. First place I'm traveling when I graduate... Japan LMFAO.
  20. Coaster Dynamix: Coaster Dynamix In about a month the new sit down kit will be available for $150.00. The kit is going to include One 8 Car Train, Lift, Station (With Dispatch), Flex Track, Molded Track, Supports and Bases. You can even purchase Cat Walks and Chaser Lights for the lift. The kit is 100% customizable and would be cheaper to buy than buying your own supply's and hand building. Here are 2 Examples of Amazing Models: Custom Dive Coaster Model: Dive Coaster Model Intamin Twister Coaster: Maverick Model You should defiantly look into it! Best of Luck!
  21. Hey All, I have an unlimited amount of Canada's Wonderland maps from this 2009 season if anyone would like some. All mint condition and never opened. PM me if interested and I can send some off immediately! Joseph "Unlimited means I can always get more" Hinds
  22. Age: 16 Middle Name: Stewart Pet Peeve: Slow Walkers Color of your bathroom: Yellow with White Wainscoting Best Movie of ALL time: Mean Girls Best Song of ALL time: Too Many to Choose From Best TV Shows: GLEE. Favorite Band/Artist: Ever Changing Depending on my Mood Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Splash Mountain, Tower of Terror (MGM) Yummiest Ice Cream: Yougen Fruz If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Brittany Spears Morning Person or Night Person: Night Person Pets: 3 Cats, 2 Dogs, 1 Bird, 2 Gerbils Favorite Color: White Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): Cruise Coke or Pepsi: Coke Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: Ingenious Best Vacation Spot: Anywhere with Family and Friends Cook or Go Out: Go Out Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Beach
  23. I am LOVING this trip report so far. Excellent job and so nice of you to sponsor. He is adorable! Glad your having a great time!
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