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Everything posted by Cyber.Fiber

  1. Schotchcer, Alpengeists' lift supports are not I-Beams, they are L-Beams, see HERE: I do not think that this is going to be an Invert, but at this point, I honestly have no idea what it is going to be. All I can say is that I'm excited!
  2. Now that more pieces have been arriving on site, I am a firm believer that this is going to be a B&M coaster. In THIS picture, it looks as if catwalk railings have arrived and the recent delivery of I-Beams suggests that they could be for the break-run or the lift. As to what type of coaster this is, I have NO idea. B&M uses the same type of catwalks on all of there coasters... Here are some images of other B&M's for comparison to what we have arriving and what their purpose could be: http://rcdb.com/3290.htm?p=14122 http://rcdb.com/527.htm?p=29614 http://rcdb.com/3631.htm?p=17811 http://rcdb.com/3631.htm?p=19382 http://rcdb.com/9309.htm?p=34114 7 Days till we find out!
  3. Let's hope that if this coaster does indeed travel into the parking lot, they landscape the sh*t out of it and don't theme it to Six Flags. (But from what i've heard, the landscape company that is involved should be doing a mighty fine job..?)
  4. Theatre: Wicked (OMFG SO GOOD) Grease Beauty and the Beast Lion King Film: Dancer in the Dark: IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT, YOU MUST. Most likely the saddest movie/ musical I have ever seen. Music is written and preformed by Bjork (such a stunning performance from her) If your not into/don't know Bjork, give it a chance. The storyline is just incredible, as I'm sure that you'll be crying by the end of it. The whole thing is on Youtube in 14 parts.
  5. That is just incredible! Looks so cool with no limits!
  6. All this talk about the seat configuration reminds me of when Behemoth was announced to have the new concept seating. The open seats on Behemoth were advertised the same way that the SkyRush seats are being advertised; with the seats having a more open feel/ better views. Everyone thought that this would result in a different station layout, and that operations would be delayed by people arguing over which seat they should take... ...Turns out the station was set up like every other station and the arguments over who-sits-where were non-existent. Really, when you think about it, the GP usually want to ride beside each other (EX: So the girl can hold the boys hand, and said girl can cuddle into said boys shoulder cause' she so scared and all that other cutesy sh*t)... 50% of the time, It isn't until a group comes along until someone sits in the outer seats. From what I see on my regular visits to Canada's Wonderland, many times the outer seats on Behemoth are actually the harder ones to fill and aside from the first and last car, the others are always a 1-2 train wait... If anything, Hershey will have a filler on hand to help with the flow of people going through the station. Behemoth rarely leaves the station with an empty seat, and its all because of the attendants offering empty rows to people waiting outside the turnstile into the station building... the GP don't usually care where they sit as long as they get to ride the new ride. We'll all just have to wait and see when this thing opens, I'm sure that Hershey will have this all figured out.
  7. I really cannot wait for this announcement. Its time our park gets some more love.
  8. There is a whole thread dedicated to it here: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=35254 I believe the accident was a result of the wheel axles having hairline fractures through the welds. They were not seen as a result of the park not preforming annual X-RAY scans of the axle welds in addition to the regular inspections of the ride. Such a sad accident.
  9. The wiki article is a vague source of information regarding the accident. The reason for this is that the article is about "Incidents at Cedar Fair Parks" and not about the Drop Zone accident in particular. The Information from the Wiki Article: "In August 1999, a 12-year-old boy who was mentally disabled fell from the tower and died. The victim's family claimed the harness was not locked properly. An investigation was inconclusive and no charges were filed." First; the boy was mentally disabled, and that is why I took offence to you using the phrase "Retarded Kid" to describe him in your first post. Second; the victims family SPECULATED that the boys harness was not locked properly. This does not mean that it wasn't locked properly, it simply means that they thought it could be the reason behind the accident. Third; saying "the investigation was inconclusive and no charges were filed" does not present any of the facts found during the investigation, but simply states the outcome of the case the family had presented. And Fourth; a footnote that takes you to a dead page is not a valid source. The wiki article is correct, but the problem is that the article does not present you with all the information required for one to create an informed post. It leaves lots of room for speculation instead of giving you sound evidence to support your statement. The second article that you posted does contain more information, however, the information is ALL speculation and contains NO solid evidence within it! It is written mostly with information collected by the writer from people who had been visiting the park the day of the accident; and we all know how reliable information from the GP can be. At one point in the article, after guest remarks are made about the employees of the park not being diligent, the police sergeant states: "most of those opinions are, so far, subjective." This statement, along with many others like it throughout reading, deem what seem to be facts as just personal opinions and thoughts; which in the final report do not contribute to the actual investigation findings. Had the article been written after the investigation reports been published and had contained information from the report as opposed to information gathered from the GP, your argument would have been valid and much stronger. I don't want you, XYZ, or anyone else reading this thread to get the idea that I'm being a smart A$$ by responding to your post, but I'm positive that many people on here would agree with me when I say that if you are going to post in a thread about "Most Notable Accidents" you should at least be able to support your "Most Notable Accident" with the correct facts, especially if what you are talking about it is a notable accident. By saying: "There was a time when a retarded kid opened his harness and fell off Drop Zone in Great America, killing himself. He must have been scared of heights." , you sound like an average member of the GP, and you aren't contributing anything to the thread. If it was a notable accident for you, one would think you should know a bit more information about the accident; and if you don't, someone will more than happily post the correct information for you to read, just like I did. I didn't post the two articles that I did to start a fight with you, I posted them so that you could gain a better insight into the accident, which is what this thread is about. I just found it rude, although quite hilarious (I mean Wikipedia? REALLY?) that you attempted to corroborate your first post by responding with two articles that were both poor in terms of their factual information and in their creditability when all I had originally intended to do was supply you with correct and creditable information that I thought you might find interesting about the case. Basically what I am trying to say is that if you don't know what you're talking about, go do some research and expand your knowledge on the topic. If you are given the information, don't attempt to argue with the person who gave it to you by posting information that is nowhere near as creditable as the information that they presented. They most likely just wanted to help. I don't want to start a flame-war out of this, I just wanted to let you know what I thought you should have taken from my post.
  10. That fire looks ridiculous! Who cares if it doesn't shoot from the top, that's one big flame!
  11. Not only is your wording selection in referencing the victim as "a retarded kid" very politically incorrect, but your facts are wrong also. I thought that I was reading a post in the "Stupidest things the "GP" have said" thread. Here are the correct facts regarding the incident, which was deemed unsolved with no explanation to how the boy fell: The incident occurred on August 22th 1999, and after much inspection, they were never able to find a malfunction that resulted in the boys death. The harness remained closed for the duration of the ride and the boy met the requirements. Now you know the correct facts of the accident and now know that its pretty unacceptable in most places to use the word "Retarded", especially in a situation where you ARE talking about someone who is mentally disabled, I can speak of my own memory of this accident. Even being over in Canada, I have memories of this particular accident. I remember my mother wouldn't allow me to ride Drop Zone at Canada's Wonderland after reading about this accident in a magazine of some sorts while at my grandmother house. I remember clearly my first ride on Drop Zone. My dad wanting to go on it and I refusing to go, scared by the story my mother told me of the accident. I ended up going on it (After being called a chicken. Nice dad eh? ), and coming back to Hanna-Barbara Land to meet up with my mom and sister, and telling her that I was "Not Dead". She was not happy. I think that the most traumatic incident that comes to mind is defiantly the Superman Drop Tower Accident. Just a crazy accident, that could have happened anywhere before the modifications to the safety systems were made.
  12. Update! The castle is not yet complete, but the coaster is! SCR56.BMP Some landscaping has been done! SCR59.BMP I think it looks a lot better now that the trees have filled in! SCR57.BMP Entrance plaza is shaping up!
  13. Hey guys, I have been working away on the park tonight and have a few progress shots to share! I have been working on the parks entrance plaza which will lead to the Castle / Vertical Drop Coaster. There will be another update tonight, so stay tuned! SCR45.BMP Overview SCR48.BMP Entrance Plaza SCR43.BMP Entrance Plaza (with stone path) Which do you prefer?
  14. Is Mount Prometheus made of an existing rock? It looks so realistic. The pictures and videos are fantastic. I want to visit the park SO bad and these updates are just killing me! I just need to get to Japan first!
  15. Yes, I would have loved to have done some diagonal paths in this park, but there were no half path tiles so I opted for 90 degree paths instead. I find when I do diagonal paths with the full squares the guest tent to get "lost" or "stuck" and that creates a big problem with trying to redesign everything! Ps. If anyone could teach me, or point me to a source that could teach me to make custom paths, I would love it! Yes, I agree with this very much, it is a temp. ride anyways, just to relive some of the crowds while I start building in other ares of the park! It will be fixed as this project continues! Thanks for all the feedback! I am hoping to learn a lot from this project, so keep the coments/criticism coming! Should be updating in a few days!
  16. Ha Ha, I would have the turn much wider had I not have set the guests ride intensity level so high. I need that turn that sharp to reach the 9.20 intensity rating The G-forces are all in check though! I have done a bit more work tonight, here are the photos: New Rides: Reverse Freefall: Cannonball Enterprise: Cog Wheel Merry-Go-Round: Antique Carousel Any comments welcome! SCR36.BMP Overview of Park SCR29.BMP Closer View SCR32.BMP Another View
  17. Being done school for the summer, I finally have the time to start a new park! This is the first park that I have done that is larger than 50x50. I believe the grid is 100x100, which will be quite large for me. Anyways, onto the pictures, and Please stay tuned as this project develops, and if you have any criticism/suggestions, please fell free to speak them! Coasters/Rides: Wooden Coaster: Castle Crasher Topspin: Black Smiths Hammer Space Shot: Watch Tower SCR23.BMP Back View Layout SCR9.BMP Closer View Of Back of Area SCR7.BMP Completed Section SCR15.BMP Front View Layout
  18. Thanks! Winning Prom King was a complete shock. We didn't have "contestants", it was simply write down a name! Apparently, if you win with 230 votes majority,you have made a mark on the school!? LOL
  19. Just had prom 2 weekends ago and got some pictures to share!
  20. Its a toss up between two pairs of boots: Dr. Marten 50th Anniversary 8-Eyelet Boot Jeffery Campbell Wedge. (for more formal/fashionable occasions... and for some extra height) And a pair of Black Havanas for the summer. (i've had mine for 3 summers now, and they are still kickin'; best $18 i've ever spent.)
  21. Its a Split Complimentary Colour Scheme. Its bold, yet isn't harsh on the eye because "Goldenrod" falls within 2 shades of red-orange, baby blues complimentary colour. I like it... a lot actually... There is your art lesson of the day. Have the smaller side of the selection tool on the baby blue: Goldenrod is within 2 shades of red-orange, its complimentary colour.
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