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Everything posted by supertrooper

  1. Maybe he can also teach you how to use tweezers. Generally, there should be 2 eyebrows...but you are still adorable with 1. Pluck me....please!
  2. The music from Mamma Mia! is the only part I enjoyed (the actual music, not the singing)... and that's only because I am a big ABBA fan. The story is really contrived, and the acting wasn't that great, and there was way too much loud, over-singing (ruining ABBA's distinctive harmonies) in the touring version I saw in Dallas. You could basically take the music of any band and make it fit the story. I'm sure the original London production is much better (at least the soundtrack is), but I can't believe they are actually making a movie of it....it's just so...blah. But yeah, congratulations of being in the orchestra pit...the music quality really is great.
  3. Wasn't the fake accent horrible? I just don't understand it...it seems like she would have noticed her bad habits after her first season, or at least someone would have told her how ridiculous she sounds.
  4. Whoohoo! You went during the UCA All-Star Cheerleading competition. I totally would have been in the Milkhouse watching. Seriously. I'm pathetic and totally gay, I know, but I love cheerleading competitions, almost as much as coasters. You took a picture of one of the best teams in the nation too...Stingray Allstars from Marietta GA.
  5. I love Sarah Silverman. And George Carlin, and the late, great Bill Hicks. I guess I just like any comedian that makes fun of religion.
  6. I really don't understand the fascination with Rob and Amber. Enough already. How many reality shows does one couple need to be the star of? Just quietly go away now....PLEASE!
  7. I've got two Corgis, but only one would sit still for more than a second...the other thought I was up to no good.
  8. 7/10 71/100 79/100 looks like I'm a C student, at best.
  9. Here's a link to my portfolio. Carbonmade is a pretty cool, free site if you want to use it to show your stuff. http://poindexterdesign.carbonmade.com
  10. Imogen Heap in November at SMU. I just love her.
  11. I'm sick of Charla and Mirna...mainly Charla...or is it Mirna? The one that's not a dwarf! Anyway...I can't stand the way she talks to people who don't speak English fluently. She speaks English to them, but with a Spanish (or Italian) accent. How irritating! She needs to be smacked. If someone came up to me and started speaking French, I wouldn't understand them. If they continued to speak French, but with an American accent, I still wouldn't understand them. She's an idiot, and I'm tired of her yelling at her cousin to hurry up...she's going as fast as she can. I'm also sick of "the Guidos" and their matching outfits and stereotypical comments, like "I could really go for a glass of Chardonnay". I do wish we were able to see the train-wreck that is John and Victoria this season.
  12. ^ Is friggin hot...and knows it < wishes he was as friggin hot, and knew it V thinks I'm a perv
  13. Me too...especially Honeycomb and Apple Jacks...I like to put them in my mouth and suck out the milk. Mmmmmm. I have 3 job interviews in the next two days. I hate my current job and need more money.
  14. I watched Babel last night....wow...that was depressing. I liked it, I think, but nothing was resolved and just left me feeling kind of empty. I guess that was the point?
  15. Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion Coal Miner's Daughter Valley Girl (the only good Nicholas Cage movie...maybe you can count Peggy Sue Got Married, but that's pushing it) Female Trouble Serial Mom I just noticed that all of my movies have a "female" title...and I don't even like girls.
  16. ^is a Connecticuter, er....a Connecticotian,um...a Connecticutensian? A resident of Connecticut. < Watches the movie "Beaches" while singing "Sunrise, Sunset" (not really, just stereotyping myself)
  17. Yes...it doesn't take much to prepare for sitting on my butt for two days. Are you double jointed?
  18. Hey all! I'm Phillip. I've been a member for awhile, but have only recently started posting. My boyfriend and I have been living in Dallas, TX for the past 8 years, but I'm originally from Lexington, KY (he's from Cincinnati). I haven't been to a theme park in a while, because I don't much care for SFOT and my bf is not a fan (he tolerates them, but could do without). I need coaster buddies.
  19. I hate any television commercial with doorbells in them...it makes my dogs bark and drives me crazy. I hate any radio commercial with squeeling tires, car crashes or sirens as sound effects...they make me tense up. And I can't stand radio commericals that have someone eating or drinking something (especially while talking...Dr.Pepper and Starburst come to mind) or the sound effect of a beverage being poured into a glass...it really grosses me out for some reason.
  20. Hah!...that could so be interpreted the wrong way...but I doubt 6 inches would impair your walking ability...9 inches maybe.
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