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Everything posted by PCW_Nut

  1. Not sure of the entrance but definitely know the the station is on the side where the arcade is now. I am guessing that perhaps you will enter sort of under the turn to the lift and then queue up under the lift/brake area perhaps zigzagging back? The only other option would be to put the entrance on the opposite side between the bathroom and the first aid station, which I think would be the better of the two options. Kind of walk under the brake run and zigzag to the left back to the station area. I was listening to a couple workers talk yesterday about it but couldn't make out too much. All I got was that there is some sort of new aspect to be able to allow them to know when to dispatch the next train. I am guessing an overhaul to the area will be in play much like when Behemoth came in as this part of the park will see CRAZY congestion for a while. I predict lines back to the at least the fountains by the theater for Preview night and/or opening day.
  2. I took the first picture by the party area as mentioned, just where the Staff entrance is. The 2nd and 3rd pictures are from the left of what used to be Barney Burgers (which I miss dearly by the way). Fair bit of land clearing and markers going on.
  3. Here are a few pics from today to show some progress. They are moving along at a good pace so far. Also posting couple of pics from the area where Dinosaurs Alive is rumored to be going. Parts for the chain lift Lift motor? Overview of brakes so far and station area. Overview of the area so far Land Clearing for Dinosaurs Alive Although its not a huge selling feature for me, I will admit that if this is Dinosaurs Alive they are putting it in a great spot
  4. Awesome pics and a great report. One year I need to get to either the East or West coast HHN.
  5. Again, I agree with other posters, its great for a lot of people, but really not my thing. I had seen markers and stuff back by Boo Blasters over the last little while, could it stretch that far back or is that just regular maintenance?
  6. ^ Where is any confirmation of Dinosaurs Alive coming to Wonderland? Not that it wouldn't make sense or fit that area, but no one has confirmed it. I guess on a side note as well, who really wants Dinosaurs Alive? I mean, it's neat I guess, but, I've found all these additions a little odd for these parks. Seems more the style of the Busch Parks rather then Cedar Fair.
  7. ^True. Well, either way, CW will break Canadian records with this
  8. Wouldn't you think they would wanna promote such a feature as fastest/longest drop right away? I mean, I get the logistics of going into a trench and possibly making it a deeper drop, but I just don't get why such a stat that would garner even more attention from the enthusiasts would go unmentioned right off the bat. Clearly they know already exactly how long/tall the drop is, so I just don't know why they would hold off on announcing it. Again, does it matter to the GP? I consider myself an enthusiast and for me it doesn't matter, sure it'd be a nice claim to fame, but doesn't change anything about the ride itself. EDIT: Please note, just my opinions here.
  9. Can't we all just get along? But seriously, as many others have said, who cares about the long brakes? We have a 300+ B&M coming to our freaken' park. Its what comes before the brakes that matters the most and its awesome. Of the locals to Wonderland, who ever thought we'd ever get a giga? Exactly. 2012 can't come soon enough.
  10. Figured this could be a fun little thread where we all finish the following phrase: You might be a coaster nerd if....you try and speed over speed-bumps just to get a little bit of airtime. Edit: If this is the wrong area to post this, please let me know but "random random random" seemed more non theme park related.
  11. ^ You know, I ragged on Windseeker when it first opened and I first rode it, however the more and more I ride, the more I like it. Not so much as a ride per say, but as a great way to see the park and enjoy a great view. If you have yet to do it, make sure you ride during night. I didn't believe it till I did myself, but totally different ride and I find it a lot scarier at that point as well. I will be very surprised if the majority of the ride is not built by the time winter kicks in. They are really only being held back right now I think by the park still being open but they've done so much already. Think they are at 40%+ of footers or something being poured. I make a prediction that by Mid to late November the lift will be done. Once Haunt closes, as good ol JR would say (wrestling reference for those who don't know) "Business is about to pick up".
  12. ^ You know, I ragged on Windseeker when it first opened and I first rode it, however the more and more I ride, the more I like it. Not so much as a ride per say, but as a great way to see the park and enjoy a great view. If you have yet to do it, make sure you ride during night. I didn't believe it till I did myself, but totally different ride and I find it a lot scarier at that point as well. I will be very surprised if the majority of the ride is not built by the time winter kicks in. They are really only being held back right now I think by the park still being open but they've done so much already. Think they are at 40%+ of footers or something being poured. I make a prediction that by Mid to late November the lift will be done. Once Haunt closes, as good ol JR would say (wrestling reference for those who don't know) "Business is about to pick up".
  13. So looks like that's Terry of London in Splash Works? Looks good so far. So, are there any rumblings of any major work around Leviathan as in a new plaza area or something? After the crazy line ups last time when Behemoth opened up, I hope they kind of find a way to account for the crazy crowds that will now be over there.
  14. Not sure if this link will work but it's their update as of today (Sept 11). They are doing a great job cleaning up it seems. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150785320035551.729448.207828210550&type=1
  15. ^The Behemoth Burger looked so damn good...but if you want something similar in Toronto, look into the Angry Texan at Burger Brats (www.burgerbrats.ca). Back on topic though, ya, the Ex really has gone down hill lately, I swear, ever since the original CNE Grandstand was torn down it's never really been the same.
  16. ^Ya i guess you are right, we have picked up a bit of the habits from the US...Turkey Legs/Deep Fried/Either way...its all good to me...but I have started my diet until next summer at least.
  17. Fat over here? As in Canada??? Umm, look a little south of us my friend... Umm Well, I ended up eating most of it myself, BUT, it was more of a share with at least another person type of dish.
  18. Ya, I am totally down now for the New Hotness...if i go broke I'll make it work...been far too long I've been on the site and not been on a trip.
  19. I opted to pass on the Donut Burger after some reviews from friends and the insanely long line. I do know what you mean, the EX is hit or miss with me too...now I only go for the buildings and food. How sad is that?
  20. Thanks...ya this was my big food send off for the year..back on a diet now to start getting my heart to pump more then just fried food This is a Mars bar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_(chocolate_bar)
  21. Part 3...The Midway The midway was great this year...one of the better mixes of rides, games, and food they've had in a long time No escape from the fried food. MMMmmm Fried Butter Mini Star Flyer Not just any type of mouse...it's a CRAZY MOUSE! No fair would be complete without a cheesy Haunted House Real nice lighting package Always good when this type of zipper is up This was themed to Nascar. Is it supposed to simulate a crash or something? Hi Mr Bear. Enjoying yourself? Fun with Fireworks mode This is what it should look like Chaos ' A game based on violence against women? Sure, only if I can get a knock off Hello Kitty Best named game and best water gun game EVER! You had to shoot the target that's lit up. Real fun actually. No CNE is complete without Tiny Tom Donuts An artsy shot to end my TR. Thanks for viewing everyone. Till next year.
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