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Everything posted by PCW_Nut

  1. I have a feeling this thing is going to fly up until the hammerhead. Pictures do not do this coaster justice. Seeing it in person, in the front of the park, its just something that should be part of every coaster enthusiasts hit list.
  2. Was looking at Roadway Inn. Due to the location, cost, and fact that only need the room to sleep, the reviews seemed decent enough. Any thoughts?
  3. I am sure there's a way it can be adjustable. I guess only time will tell however. I am attaching a little bit of a closer view of the trim.
  4. Here are a few more shots I grabbed today as well. The more and more that comes up on this ride, the more excited and impressed I get. Enjoy. Shot from a nearby car store. Shows a good idea of the height between the barrel roll and the bunny hill Overview of construction so far. Wanted to get a good shot of the brake compared to Dragon Fire Track and support ready for the turn around Different angle showing the entire layout so far
  5. I will have some pics up by tomorrow afternoon. Gonna go in the AM to grab some shots.
  6. Ahhh those were the days. Six Flags has parking lot coasters...Paramount Canada's Wonderland had parking lot stunt shows
  7. I think one thing for sure can be said about Leviathan, and that is it will definitely add an amazing visual as guests are coming into the park. If you come from the right side of the lot, you will literally have to walk by and under this beast in order to get into the park. Also because of its location, as you can see from some of my previous photos, its going to be a coaster photographer's wet dream come true with all the angles you can get of it.
  8. I don't know why they are calling it that either. Perhaps they just wanted to change it up a little from the title of "overbank", make it sound a little more intense? *shrugs*.
  9. Oh it's still there? *squinting my eyes* oh I see it now.
  10. ^HA...now Photoshop Fox Mcloud onto the track and we're set.
  11. Quick update from the weekend. They have finishing the "barrel roll", the high speed curve, and the entry into the first camel back. Ride is looking amazing as you can see. Enjoy. Artsy shot #1 My new wallpaper at home.
  12. Isn't it midcourse brake, McDonald's drive through, brake run, rest stop, transfer, station?
  13. Just got in line...only 13hrs to go! It's a pickle party! "PCW_Nut_TPR_4_Life" is who I am.
  14. As cool as a tunnel may be, I wouldn't want to tarnish the view of that drop. I am still holding out for some decent themeing within the plaza area around the ride. Perhaps some sort of fountain statue deal.
  15. Intrigued to hear the details. Thanks for the quick update as always!
  16. ^Truly hope you're right. I still find the helix to be somewhat forceful on Behemoth and hope that this "barrel roll" will provide as much force as it looks like it will.
  17. Just a few shots from today. Enjoy. Overview of the site. The "barrel roll" is coming along quite nicely. Still looks like this element will be quite forcefull. Showing a bit more of the angle for the turn. Track by the front gates waiting to placed in their future homes. Loving how low this appears. Another angle showing what's been done so far. That's it for now.
  18. Just got back from the park for another update. Will post a few pics shortly.
  19. Making the long trip from Toronto to WCB this year! I can't stand the Off Season up here so I need my fill of coasters.
  20. The whole lot is blocked off due to the parking lot being used as storage for local car dealships during the off season. Since the ride is at the front of the park there is more then enough areas you can still walk and get good shots with a decent zoom. During the winter it may just make the small hill around the park that much more fun to climb but I am sure myself and others will be around to take pics of it.
  21. Please forgive my bad PS skills...did my best for now. This is my version of how it would fit, WITH Dragons. I mean who needs the Fast and Furious part of the backlot anyways? Here is sort of how I think Coaster Freak wants it. Without Dragons
  22. Working on it now but you'd have to kill like half the backlot if you are including Dragon Challenge aka Non Dueling Dragons.
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