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Everything posted by PCW_Nut

  1. I'll use Hershey as an example of a park with rides from the same company that share some similarities in terms of twistyness etc. If you want the best way to differentiate Behemoth and Leviathan it's quite simple, and has been stated time and time again. Speed vs Airtime. In terms of the decision to build at Wonderland? Meh, who cares where it's built. The fact of the matter is, if the coaster rides well then people will come and people will be happy. Could another park used something like this? Sure. Could wonderland use something like a master blaster waterslide like Mammoth? Sure. Fact of the matters are those rides are at those parks and that's that. Let's just be happy that this will pave the way for other B&M giga's around the world and a whole new era for B&M.
  2. It definitely is nice to see that "this ride sucks" type of talk go away, especially since it is not even open for anyone to make a judgement
  3. Its blended in well just based off the angle of the image, but you can see the i-beam like support in there.
  4. Little off...I think if you look at these you may get a better idea. Photos from the Leviathan website.
  5. Thanks Robb. I will figure this out as I need to experience the craziness that is WCB.
  6. Ya, I was thinking that when looking at it in person yesterday. Already the backseat on Behemoth is insane for the first drop, I can only imagine how this will be falling 300 approx feet to the ground floating out of your chair. It may not be the most inspired layout, but I still think the speed this ride will be going at will be enough of a reason to love it. I will be going back next weekend and will grab some more shots. It looks like one more lift, 2, maybe 3, more pieces for the drop then the crest and we'll have ourselves a Giga!
  7. I do have that time away from work here in Canada and am looking for something to do. I only have one question really. I do not drive, which means I have no way of getting around easily. Will there be any sort of bus or transportation options available?
  8. If you look at the pull out, not sure if this is a normal B&M thing as well, but its also using an I-Beam like support until it gets up a little higher. I wonder if it has anything to do with the weight of the trains and the speed or something like that? Either way, they definitely look nice.
  9. Thank you very much. That is going to be one good thing about Leviathan for sure, because of its location right along the front of the part there are going to be plenty of amazing chances for photos. Aside from the station area everything will be more or less viable without even entering into the park.
  10. Stopped by the parking lot today to get a close look. Can't wait to ride this next year. Here are a few shots. Love how steep the drop will be. Good look at the drop and pull out from the drop Close up..thank god for zoom Not much left now to finish the epic drop Overview of the drop and pullout so far
  11. I305 no. MF? I think the comparisons are easily there. Big lift, huge overbank, lower to the ground, couple airtime hills, all about speed. Look at those examples and tell me how you cannot compare the 2? I guess come 2012 season we'll find out if the ride is good, bad, or something in between. Just excited for Canada's first Giga and B&M's first Giga.
  12. Off ride I am sure its fine. As for On ride, if I am not mistaken the State of Ohio, as well as most parks in general, have very strict rules about taking cameras on rides. So unless you're talking about on ride footage with written consent, you aren't going to get far with your filming.
  13. Here is one quick shot. On top of that there's lightning, spiders walking about, a part where you see into the mountain and its all skulls and what not. Check out http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1096239#p1096239 for my recent Hauntmania trip report for more pics.
  14. Can't wait to try the Cinnamon Bread next year on the New Hotness trip. MMMMmmm
  15. I can say that from last weekend that was not the case. It was the normal lighting package. I will be going again tomorrow night and if in fact it has changed for the Haunt I'll make sure to take a couple of photos for you.
  16. Ya, we basically are more or less surrounded by residential areas. It's never really been an issue up here in terms of noise levels. It brings in money so that's kind of the most important part.
  17. Canada's Wonderland: Halloween Haunt Trip Report: HauntMania Trip Report
  18. Agreed, however I just think that a couple more zones would allow more scares through the busy night. Universal clearly does it best, but the zones truly allow those who aren't willing to wait in line on the busy nights the ability to at least get some sort of scare throughout the night. Again, this is kind of a small nitpick, as the rest of Haunt this year was amazing. I can't wait wait to get back for Terror of London.
  19. Roll it into next years Haunt and you will also be able to ride one of if not the best B&M hyper out there and the first B&M Giga...sure that sweetens the pot just a bit? I think the only thing Wonderland's Haunt lacks is any good scarezones. They have 1, 2 if you count the Midway section near Clowns at Midnight, but they aren't really your typical "zone" so to speak. Aside from that this was probably one of the best jobs they've done on Haunt and even the kids Campy Spooky throughout the day was well done.
  20. Ya, I was like a kid in a candy shop. Haunt season is my favorite time of year so it was great seeing the models. The fact they allowed photos was even more amazing.
  21. I was on it 8 times in a row last night, so, unless it was today...I haven't heard of anything yet however.
  22. Ya, it was a great move on Wonderland's part and wasn't expected. Was such a fun night and can't wait to go back to Haunt...mainly for Terror of London.
  23. Last night was a great event hosted by CWMania.com. It featured a Q&A with Haunt staff, behind the scenes tours, etc. In terms of the New Hotness for Haunt this year let me run down a couple things: Terror of London: I cannot speak enough about how amazing the sets were in this maze. Walking out onto the streets of London for the first time was like walking into From Hell or Sweeny Todd. Very impressive sets. The scares weren't there, but for this I can forgive them as I was just too wrapped up into the world. Clowns at Midnight: Not a new maze, but did receive a rather large overhaul and for the better. New layout, new scares, and just plane creepy, especially for me as I'm terrified of clowns. Mother Noose: Again, not a new maze, but a new location and layout. I found it was much better a maze, however not as well themed as in the past. Didn't feel too wrapped up in the idea of being in the fairy tales as much as I felt I was in a glow in the dark acid trip out of Alice in Wonderland. Skeleton Crew: This show was pretty good even thought I only caught the tail end of it. Just some trampoline work with the performers dressed up in Skeleton Outfits. I will post a video soon and link it here. The park was dead, pardon the pun, so they decided to close it early. This was both a good and bad. Bad because we did not get to see The Hanging as the show takes place at 11pm and the park closed at 10. However, it was good because park staff met us at the front gate to hand out return passes for any night of the haunt going forward. Something they did not need to do in my eyes but definitely a welcome apology. In addition, due to the light crowds we were able to get through all the mazes at least once with no Congo lines at all. In some cases me and my two friends were the only people in the entire maze. It was a very personal and terrifying experience. Enjoy my photos from the event and feel free to ask anything else. The event started outside at the registration booth. The entry plaza/graveyard was very well done this year First stop...Maple Room. Thanks to Wonderland for letting us enjoy some great pastries and hot chocolate. Up next was Wonderland Theatre for some Q&A Mother Noose Blood on the Bayou SPOILER WARNING: Terror of London. There are no words that can explain how gorgeous this maze is. The sets are top notch and walking out onto the streets of London the first time is truly breathtaking. Kingdom of Carnage Red Beards Rage Set for Skeleton Crew Time to see Blood on the Bayou with most the lights on Time for ERT. Got 8 rides in during the 30 Min session. Time for the raffle. One of my guests won the grand prize Haunt package. Now enjoy some random Haunt shots. This maze really benefited from the new location I think. Scareactors in the Clowns area are top notch. My friend even had to read a story to one of them The new LEDs in the fountain are amazing An example of how they are using the projector for the Mountain. At one point a giant spider crawls along the top of the mountain as well. Quite amazing My only complain for Haunt is not even Scare Zones. There are a lot of dead areas in the park that could benefit from a scare zone. They have this one by the washrooms at Wonder Mountain but could definitely use more. Creepy hanging babies The set for The Hanging. Due to the early closing the show did not take place but since the park gave out free return passes, I am sure I will get to see it another night.
  24. I noticed the projectors are still up, so perhaps maybe they have something in mind for the Haunt they haven't or won't announce.
  25. Universal Orlando Islands of Adventure Sea World Orlando Busch Gardens Tampa All 4 WDW Parks Canada's Wonderland La Ronde Canadian National Exhibition 2012 Will be a great year!!!
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