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Everything posted by PCW_Nut

  1. Gravity Group - Video 1, 5:24 - talking about a 90 degree bank on the top of an airtime hill
  2. Maurer Söhne - Video 6, 1:30, talking about being able to double launch - Never heard of that before and theirs a lot of banked turns on there
  3. Martin & Vleminckx, Video 3, 9:57, talking about the High Five
  4. Gerstlauer, Video 2. 0:15 - Talking about new trains on old Scwartzcaufès (spelling)
  5. Itamain, Video 1, 12:42 talking about their NEW drop ride on the OLD superman tower
  6. Rocky Mountain, Video 3, 0:10 - talking about their new trains
  7. Was the ride or attraction in the inside portion of IAAPA or outside
  8. Proslide Video 2 ,12:30 - them talking about the new Mammoth ride
  9. Ya I am thinking the "barrel roll" is going to be an amazing element. This ride is going to be all about the speed so I cannot wait.
  10. ^ Visually I am sure the sights will change, but I can almost guarantee that the ride will not Still though, it's going to be quite the amazing sight to be going under this giant B&M.
  11. Just got back from a quick ride up to Wonderland to check on the construction. I figured I'd add a few more shots cause lets admit, who doesn't want to see more of this sexy sexy ride? That's what I thought. Enjoy. Quick overview Moving a support for future assembly Closer view Can't explain how amazing this looks Workers getting into place for adjustments Ya, this looks like fun Dragon Fire in the mess of supports. Can't believe how small it looks now. This looks like it will pull some nice forces right after the drop. Don't forget... Dinosaurs
  12. Great pics. I'll post some too as I am just at the park now as well. Plus drove around and saw that they already have about 5 or so dinasours set up.
  13. And to think they still have about another 50-60ft to put on that.
  14. ^ I'd go with maintaining the park. At least for a couple years. Maybe throw something back in splash works after removing the drop slides a few years back. Perhaps they can even work on yearly updates to Starlight Spectacular? I would love to see that show get more attention as it was quite amazing. Either way, I think for at least the next couple years they can rest a little in terms of the thrill rides and focus on the rest of the park infrastructure.
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