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Everything posted by PCW_Nut

  1. But i realized what it was JUST as i had hit submit hence the edit. Didnt know that was against the rules. Sorry
  2. Ding Ding! Correct! I edited my post before his was posted I call a TIE!
  3. Zamperla - Video 4 - 12:20 - Talking about Bloomberg being happy and Coney Island, hence being around water and food and the Air Race
  4. B&M - Video 4- 1:48 - Talking about the new Parc Astrix ride...There are interactions and water around it.
  5. GCI - Video 2 - 4:46 - The model of the new Euorpa Park ride shows its interaction and placement around water
  6. Sally Corp - Video 3 - 8:15- Hard hitting question and reveal about shooting or calling turkeys at Holiday World on Gobbler Getaway
  7. S&S - Video 1 - 12:42 - Talking about the MiniHu aka Frog Hopper 2.0
  8. Gravity Group - video 1 - Talking about the High Five - its a dueling coaster, so hence, a twin. Nevermind - Good one though
  9. Video 1 - S&S& - Green Lantern ride -trains being 4 across instead of 2. (is a clone of their El Loco)
  10. Premiere rides - Video 5 - 0:55 - New superman ride and single train operations
  11. S&S - Video 1 - 0:30 - Talking about their new 4 wide Green Lantern trains
  12. True true...its all good. 2 rounds left and I am feeling lucky.
  13. But that is how its labeled in the Youtube description. Figured that wouldve been enough. Oh well, round 4 it is.
  14. RoboFusion, Video 6, 10:16 - Who doesnt like robots and food
  15. Pizza, Video 2, 7:53 - Pizza is the bomb, that is enough of a reason
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