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Everything posted by disneyfan1313

  1. Wow! I am excited about this. IMHO anything that is pretty unique with more theming is a very good thing. It will be interesting to see if there are reliability issues with a mid-course boost.
  2. It is interesting that they are rehabbing the rooms so soon after the resort opened (in the lifecycle of hotel rooms that is). I suppose it is because the hotel was designed to be "trendy" from the get go and they have to keep up with the latest look. It could end up being a pricey proposition if they have to do this every few years or so.
  3. Not to play the devils advocate here - but season passes are "advertised" to get you into the park you are buying them for...anything else is generally gravy and an great extra. I would bet that for the most part the GP does not even pay attention to the ability to go between parks (i.e. with a six flags pass) and unfortunately the GP is who parks market to and who they make the most money off of.
  4. Great TR! Were the Autopia cars silent or did they have any kind of onboard audio or sound f/x? I loved the shot of the aliens popping up next to the train.. I had no idea that happened!
  5. ..and don't forget the part where they give you the look like "What the heck does this idiot think.. that Soarin' is back here in world showcase" .. that was friggin hilarious.
  6. While it is nice to see pics from a park we don't see that often on here - the quality *really* leaves something to be desired. Thank you for taking the time to make a report though.
  7. Awesome trip report! I really enjoyed seeing parts of the parks that we don't normally get to see (dark rides, water rides, etc.) Thanks for putting it all together!
  8. These retro photos are great! It is amazing to see how these parks have changed since the 70's and 80's before the roller-coaster race started.
  9. Hmm - Interesting. It might be possible but I have a hard time believing that it would be a good business decision for them. A show like that will drive people to Citywalk but not to the parks. Cirque works at WDW because it is one more amenity to keep people on property. Uni needs more in IOA - It needs something to keep people in the park longer and to keep it fresh.
  10. No no no.. You misquoted me - It was "Cousin Debbie, please do not give me any more hot towels that will scald my hands to the bone"
  11. No issues on my Mac either. Are you using the latest version of Windows Media Player and the latest versions of MacOS? Also the latest versions of Safari seem to work *much* better for me than Firefox.
  12. Ummmm..... No. My fave water ride is Splash at WDW with 12 TPR folks crammed in.
  13. Awesome. Seriously friggin AWESOME. I can't wait to see the next edition!
  14. Wow. I would *love* to talk to the folks who voted for this and find out their travel patterns and most importantly how on *earth* could Illuminations not be anywhere on the show list. Fiesta Friggin Texas!??!?! WTF?!?! Heck I would even through "Bill and Ted's Halloween Show" on there. Oh.. and the shows at Tokyo Disney Sea - blows *anything* in the USA away. Seriously - the TPR Awards is the Best.Idea.Ever. .. There should be some qualifications for voting though such as "Been to a park outside Ohio"...
  15. Perhaps this comment shows my age - but aren't games supposed to be about fun and replay value and not "OMG LOOK AT TEH F/X AND TEH RENDERING!!11!!". I know a lot of people do buy consoles and gaming PC's for the fastest, newest, best grafix card. But there is something to be said about a simple game like animal crossing which is horribly addictive and fun..but the graphix...meh - forgettable.
  16. I never cruise during the busy times (no cheap rates then! ) so I am not sure if it is *a lot* worse during the summer or spring break. I can tell you that you know even during the slow times that there are tons of kids aboard DCL (you see them at large gatherings like the Pirate party and the Sail Away Party) but you don't see them throughout the day and late into the evening. (actually planning my wedding aboard DCL as we speak! )
  17. Princess is great! Top quality service and food and the ships are really beautiful. I respectfully and wholeheartedly disagree. Having sailed on all the major lines, Disney is by far the fave for this childless couple in our late 20's. We see far less children on Disney cruises than other lines because there is so much for them to do. We find on other lines kids tend to roam the halls in packs bored out of their mind and looking for trouble. You see none of that on Disney.
  18. Hmm. I went into it thinking there would be less fireworks than there were. Being a local I had read all the articles in the paper about the neighbors complaining and how much they had to cut down the pyro..etc. I was expecting a few low level shells and nothing else.. it was the rest of the show that was kinda....."Meh?" It would be an *great* show at any regional theme park around the country - but when you have the competition you do in Orlando you can't help comparing it to what else is out there. IMHO even Sea Worlds night time show is a bit better.. But it is all opinion and what makes some happy does not make others.
  19. Looks like you had a great time! You *need* to try Disney Cruise Line though.. it blows carnival away.. And with the CM discount you can't beat it!
  20. I feel safe on one of them at a major theme park. At a carnival....hmm.. Not so much!
  21. Hey Eric! Glad to see you had fun at WDW - just a couple of notes. -The dinner buffet at Tomorowland Terrace is a temporary addition to handle the overflow crowds from the free dining promotion. There is no need to worry about the noodle bowls never coming back.. -Believe it or not the water jets on Splash are not adjustable.. they are "Off" or "On"...luck of the draw beyond that.
  22. Ouch! I guess the year really is not going well for them. I guess it is perception but this screams to me "OMG WE ARE NOT GOING TO REACH OUR YEAR END TARGETS! FIRE SALE!!!". Loss Leaders do not work in the theme park business.
  23. Someone who lives in the area might know for sure - but I have heard all the protests are kinda ironic because the area where Disney's America was supposed to be built now has 'Big Box Shopping Centers' and Condos and such that cause more traffic issues than a theme park would have.
  24. Heh.. Nothing is wrong with them - I just did not know if it was "Waco" as in crazy or "Waco" as in Texas... either one is just as disturbing
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