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Everything posted by coasterbill

  1. Kumba has 4 trains and 4 transfer tracks if you look at the transfer table. Once upon a time, this park used to care about stuff so they had one more train than needed so Kumba could always run 3 trains. You see how well that's working out...
  2. While some rides close early for the event, Rip Ride Rockit cycles until about 3am every HHN night, so if there are noise ordinance concerns then I guess they only care when they decide to care.
  3. Universal's hours are awful. We were just down in Orlando for 2 weeks and spent almost all of our time at Disney instead specifically for that reason. We'd finish working at 5 and the parks would close at 6. We could go to Universal on weekends of course, but the parks are mobbed on the weekends and Express passes are expensive. We usually picked Disney on weekends too since you can spend like $25 at Disney and never wait in a single line all day no matter how busy it is. There was one random Friday night when studios closed at 6 and Islands closed at 9 and it was awesome! We got to the park like 20 minutes before 6, got in line for Rockit at park close and didn't wait long at all, then went to Islands and had a great time. It's a beautiful park at night and the coasters are all great night rides. I really, really wish they would stay open late more often.
  4. Despite the bunched up cabins in the concept art, I'd imagine this is most similar to the Disney Skyliner on a tiny scale? Either way, this seems like a smart move.
  5. I've thought about this way too much because we love Coco. I feel like the problem with that would be that there would be absolutely nowhere to put the queue. Right now, the pavilion can barely handle the queue for that dumb boat ride. My dream scenario that will never happen is a Coco ride show building behind the Anna and Elsa meet and greet with an entrance near Plaza de los Amigos but this will absolutely never happen ever.
  6. I feel like Cedar Fair is one of the only American chains that doesn't typically limit rides on their newest ride with the skip-the-line system anyway. This makes sense.
  7. I'll just keep saying what I've been saying this whole time. This ride is perfect, don't screw it up.
  8. People under-estimate how cheap this park is. People put them up on a pedestal, but at the end of the day they're a regional park in Ohio that sells day tickets for $49.99. All we heard about at IAAPA was about how cheap the train was and how cheap it would be to maintain. It's proof-of-concept for Zamperla so they probably got a good deal, but I feel like people focus too much on the up-front cost and not the continuous costs of ownership. Intamin's spare parts are expensive. Zamperla is... Zamperla. Intamin could have built an insanely kick-ass ride but it would have cost more money up-front and probably more money every year going forward. Cedar Point is cheaper than most enthusiasts want to believe that they are. The entire motivation behind removing an Intamin multi-launch and replacing it with a Zamperla Wild Mouse was cutting costs without acting like they were cutting costs. It cost them money up-front, but think about the change in power consumption and staffing / maintenance costs every year forever. The entire motivation behind Top Thrill 2 is... exactly the same thing. Less staff positions, less maintenance, cheaper parts... etc. I'm not even upset about either of those things, but let's call this what it is.
  9. I heard rumors that Sandy's was actually open last week for a few days, but it looks like it's already closed again. I hate this place. I want to love it... I really, really, really do and on the 6 days per year where most of the good rides are open it's actually fun but I've never ever seen such a dumpster fire.
  10. You are correct. I'm not even convinced that this thing is opening next year, and if it does I would expect it to be open somewhere around mid-to-late Holiday in the Park.
  11. As one matures in life they graduate from team Sheetz to team Wawa. Sure, you look back fondly at your party days of getting blackout drunk and then going "YEAH MAN PUT MOZZARELLA STICKS ALL OVER THAT BURGER AND SPELL IT WITH A Z" but there's no shame in not being about that life anymore. Also, I'm sad about that Super 8. I used to stay at shit hotels all the time and now that I've grown up a bit and become a fancy-ass Wawa person my tastes have changed and I'm more of like a Marriot / Hilton / Choice but Comfort Inn / Suites or above person. That Super 8 was always WAY too good to be a Super 8 though and I feel like even now I'd consider staying there if it were still like it used to be. I'm sad to hear that they checked the sign, saw that it said "Super 8" on it and realized that they were supposed to suck. That's a bummer.
  12. This made me LOL. Two of these suggestions are actually great though. I'll let everyone decide which two.
  13. The one at Fiesta Texas has the same name and a themed queue. Knowing the Six Flags web team, it's very likely that they just copied and pasted this description from that one. It may have a themed queue or it may not.
  14. Don't forget that they just closed Wicked Twister and replaced it with a small Wild Mouse with a lift hill. I don't know the answer to this question, but I'd imagine that replacing Top Thrill Dragster and Wicked Twister with Top Thrill 2 and Wild Mouse is probably not an insane jump in power usage in either direction. I'm prepared to be very wrong on this though.
  15. I honestly feel like the capacity will be fine. It sort-of looks like they can park a train out right before the switch. Sure, the old ride had six trains but usually 1 was in transfer, 4 of them were busy doing f*ck all and 1 was actually launching every minute or so. ... or all 6 of them were doing f*ck all and maintenance was there wondering if they should put in their 2 weeks or actually go and fix Dragster for the 3,786th time that week. As for the ride, it looks cool. Hopefully Zamperla impresses everyone.
  16. That was never the norm. There were rare days like that, but they were also balanced out by breakdowns that lasted for weeks / months at a time that seemed to be becoming more and more frequent. In 3 of it's last 5 seasons it ended up on the news because of a major breakdown and one of the 2 years where that didn't happen was 2020 when the park opened for the season 2 months late and the park closed at like 7PM every day. It barely had the opportunity. ... remember this in 2019? ... or this in 2017?
  17. Dragster also spent like 4 hours of every day broken on a good day. If capacity is lower but uptime is better this could still easily see more riders per season.
  18. If that's an emotional support duck then the emotional support duck will now also need an emotional support duck after riding a giga coaster and being traumatized for life.
  19. ... or, why not just skip the line for free by being a duck! ] Source: Reddit PS: I have no additional context right now, but it looks like a duck rode Millennium Force. This might be my favorite theme park story since the Orlando Eye semi-exploded on New Year's Eve.
  20. I have lots of issues with Wonder Mountain: The Blast Coaster. 1) Can it coexist with Vortex? Thunder Run? I don't really care about Wonder Mountain's Guardian in it's current form. It's an upgrade over Thunder Run but it would be a shame to lose it. It would probably be a downgrade from Vortex and it would probably require them to remove more than one ride. 2) It looks like shit. So Wonder Mountain would have an off-center inversion coming out of it and spit fire now? lol why? 3) Where would the rest of the ride even go? I just imagine an ugly mess of track over everything. 4) If you want to build a wing coaster, please just demolish Time Warp and that awful SLC. The other 2 concepts seem great.
  21. I also prefer this format dramatically to Discord and Reddit, but I don't control what people like.
  22. So we went to the park today. El Toro is running exactly like it always has. There is about 5 feet of new track… it’s the roughest 5 feet of the ride. Otherwise I’m sure they did some work somewhere but I couldn’t tell you where. It doesn’t look like anything was touched.
  23. El Toro is open. Reports are mostly that it’s running exactly the same as it was before it had the accident, which checks out considering they did almost no track work of any kind. We’re hoping to ride Monday so I’ll let you know what it experience is.
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