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Everything posted by coasterbill

  1. Skyway is also testing. The park definitely made a weird 11th hour change with that. All good news... except for the Kingda Ka thing. lol
  2. They're in Florida and have zero indoor air conditioned rides. That's ridiculous and I hope they replace it with one... and then build like ten more.
  3. Weird update not involving Kingda Ka but I’m me so you should expect this… The park removed the Skyway from the map in the update that came out today, but the parachutes are still there. They then proceeded to put all of the cabins that were off the ride and presumably in the boneyard back on to the transfer tracks. Source Nothing this park does makes sense. Also, speaking of the new map… RIP to all of these people.
  4. Use the Skyway cable or the parachute cables, it's not like they're using them for anything else... (Yes, I understand that you can't actually do this. Please god don't be that guy)
  5. One other thing to know is that a lot of their coasters aren't on Fastlane. The really good ones are, but Bat, Dragon Fyre, Fly, Thunder Run and Wonder Mountain's Guardian are not. If you care about riding those then rope drop them or save them for the day that you don't have Fastlane. The Wonder Mountain's Guardian line has a habit of being perpetually awful
  6. We got to ride Darkoaster the other day. It's definitely fun, but capacity is very concerning. Verbolten was a walk-on all day (just to give everyone an idea of crowd levels) and Darkoaster was never posting less than 130 minutes when we walked by. We rode in Quick Queue and that's basically the only way to ride it unless you rope drop, and even then you had better be near the front of the turnstiles. They must have only been pulling about 50 people per hour from standby... tops.
  7. We rode Grizzly yesterday. The first half is smooth, the second half is not. The ride is fine. A lot of slower sections weren't touched and they shuffled like crazy but it didn't matter because we weren't going fast enough that it was uncomfortable. I feel like a lot of parks wouldn't have bothered to publicize the fact that they kind-of re-tracked half of a ride. I like that they did it, but people should go in with tempered expectations for how extensive this refurbishment was.
  8. Oh, well if you want bad news I can provide that... - Best of the West is now a VIP lounge to save on staffing, the amenities of which look terrible. - The Houdini queue is now a "VIP garden" and the ride is closed - Skyway is closed (probably) forever but will probably be left to rot forever also. - Parachutes: See above ... it's premium
  9. I visited on a weekday in late September. I didn't even really understand why they were open (though British parks all seem to do daily ops when American parks would do weekend-only ops), but they ended up being kind-of busy.
  10. I didn't hate the park, I just hated the experience of riding the coasters. I'm still stunned that a park would run 2 cars on a Maurer spinner and still stack them. Everything else had an unnecessarily long line also just because they decided to create one by running everything terribly. There were also a ton of school groups on the day we went, which didn't help. The non-moving Vampire queue inside the cave was some weird British schoolkid screaming match. Ugh... just thinking about it, yeah no. I did enjoy the animal stuff. There was a strong "This is Animal Kingdom on meth" vibe.
  11. Super Flight is out. The website says to “Stay Tuned for an all new attraction”. I’m sure this news will be truly devastating for all…
  12. I'd hit Flying Turns first, but you can make a case for Impulse. It occasionally runs one car, which is horrible.
  13. So I have to tell you... El Toro looks like crap. Anyone expecting a full refurbishment is going to be severely disappointed. There are some regulars who firmly believe that the coaster isn't opening this season. I'm not one of them, but they rarely have more than 1-2 guys working on it at a time when the park is open so they're not exactly going balls-out with a major refurb like Liseberg or Heide Park either. This is Six Flags and they're Six Flagsing the crap out of this. There's no update. I feel like it will probably open in the next few months with the bare-minimum amount of work done and I would hurry up and ride it... just incase.
  14. It's a bad early entry lineup for Cedar Point but it's not bad compared to most regional parks. You're never going to find me complaining about any ride lineup that includes Millennium Force.
  15. The park doesn't close for weather, it closes for low attendance if they can blame weather and say that they closed for weather. I absolutely would not go. They'll run rides in the rain because weather isn't actually the problem but they'll also probably close like 7 hours early. You might get lucky and there will be a bunch of groups in the park or the weather will hold off so they can't close but I wouldn't risk it if you're coming from far away. Absolutely not...
  16. Here are some great photos of the two new rides. Drone Video: https://www.facebook.com/100067060294418/videos/pcb.567076412204364/931194838135395 Source: Sky High Erectors (lol), LLC --- Also, some people more familiar with the park than me have noticed that the drone video shows that their Sky Ride is gone, because Palace.
  17. Was that you who just asked this question on New Element? You really do have a much better shot over there.
  18. Gun to my head I would agree with the smaller back spike but I give up making assumptions about this because if you told me a year ago they would be adding a spike and a swing launch I would have laughed in your face and... here we are.
  19. Man, they really are building someone’s insane No Limits fantasy in real life. I’m not actually convinced that it will be a better ride this way, but I’m still amazed that they’re really doing it… Source: CP Rundown on Facebook
  20. I missed a lot, but is there really a discussion taking place about whether a Boardwalk-Bullet-style wood coaster (or any wood coaster) costs a park more than a Wild Mouse? It’s not just about the upfront cost. This is a lift-driven small steel coaster that will operate 6 months out of the year. It probably won’t need any meaningful track work whatsoever for decades. The ride is different than anything they have because it spins, it’s cheap to build and will be cheap to maintain. Replacing Wicked Twister with this will probably pay for itself over time and they can market it like they did something cool. A day ticket is $49.99 without a promo code and they charge less for a season pass than Fun Spot. Why not? It's not like they're pricing themselves like Magic Kingdom here.
  21. The park has a crap ton of coasters and this is the first spinning coaster. I don’t get how it doesn’t fit in. It also has a low height requirement (for Cedar Fair). It’s different for them, so it’s a perfect fit. Realistically this entire thing is also a budget cut. They can operate a small lift driven Zamperla rather than an Intamin Inpulse that used a ton of power, required more ride ops and required more expensive parts and more maintenance. Still though… I’m fine with it.
  22. Nobody should single rider any 2-across ride *almost* ever unless they hate themselves.
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