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Everything posted by coasterbill

  1. If you Google “How many coasters does Dorney Park have”, the number 8 comes up because they have it in their media center. They probably didn’t remember that it was a thing when they removed Stinger (and/or they don’t really care).
  2. It’s sad, but nobody rode this thing. It never had a line and probably cost a lot to operate. I don’t like it but I get it.
  3. Sorry, that was a different thread I guess. Yeah, rent an unnecessary locker and then buy a single use line skip. As-of a few weeks ago it did not work for Ice Breaker. Don't bother asking employees for help, none of them know that this is a thing. This should not surprise anyone because... SeaWorld. lol
  4. Be ready to buy Quick Queue. Then you’re fine… If you don’t want to do that, see my locker trick above.
  5. Quick SeaWorld tip: If it’s busy but you don’t want to buy the full Quick Queue for a half-day you can buy single use line skips for Mako, Manta and possibly others for $10 each if you’re short on time. Nobody at the park seems to know that it’s a thing, but go to the bank of lockers near a ride, buy an unnecessary locker for $1 and then it will ask if you’d like to buy a single use line skip. We did this a few weeks ago. It does not work for Ice Breaker, those lockers try to sell you a Manta one. They probably just grabbed them from over there and moved them. Lol
  6. Anything could work depending on how badly you want to do it, but SeaWorld is by-far the least insane option. I’d do that. Hollywood Studios is insane but doable. I wouldn’t do Universal if you don’t have an AP. No way… If you do Hollywood Studios, just stack Lightning Lanes all day. This also assumes that your plane has good Wi-Fi. At 7am, get on there and grab probably Slinky if you care or Runaway Railway if you don’t once return times get into the afternoon. Right (and I mean right) at park open, buy an ILL for Rise. There is a standby line, but why do that to yourself? If a time doesn’t pop up, keep refreshing. Then 2 hours after the park opens you can reserve your next Lightning Lane. Keep doing this every 2 hours until you walk into Hollywood Studios with a stack of line skips for the afternoon. Don’t go to Universal. You won’t get in much. I wouldn’t do Disney either, but I hate it less than I hate the Universal idea. My issue is, what if you buy your Lightning lanes and your ticket and your flight gets delayed by 4 hours? You can’t be spontaneous at-all with Disney. With SeaWorld you can just buy a ticket when you land and go.
  7. I feel like I hate almost any pre-show where it's just a total free-for-all in a massive room with everyone fighting to be near the door. Plus, that one is mostly uninteresting and you might still have 45 more minutes of waiting before you actually get on the ride. It's just awkward.
  8. They were running the Hagrid's preshow a few weeks ago when we were there. I have no idea why. I hate it, and it's nowhere near the loading platform.
  9. I would take all of this with a grain of salt. One person can post about it being restrictive on Twitter and there are endless horrible clickbait Disney blogs and YouTube sites that will cite that one tweet and make it a huge news story. Whenever Disney opens anything, there are hundreds of “articles” from sites like this finding some major flaw and then 99% of the time you never hear about it again because it’s not actually a big deal. Remember the “Skyliner doesn’t have air conditioning!” articles? When was the last time you saw anyone care? I’m not saying that this issue isn’t legitimate, but let’s wait and see. I have a suspicion that this is probably overblown.
  10. Because it costs more than $6 to operate and they're Busch Gardens Tampa.
  11. I hope it does, specifically because of the first half of that statement.
  12. Hersheypark has removed their atrocious Whip. If you're tempted to kind-of care because you assume that it's a classic, it was built new in 1997 and it absolutely sucks.
  13. I'm a huge Splash Mountain fan but I'm optimistic. Like Elissa said, everything they've built lately has been good. I'm mostly just bummed that it will be closed for 1-2 years and that you'll probably spend a year after that needing a boarding group for Splash Mountain. We got our last ride in the day before it closed. Saturday was mostly normal crowd-wise aside from the penny press lines. We pulled a lightning lane about 2 hours before park close for an hour out. I guess one day before closing wasn't good enough for most people as the hordes of humanity showed up on Sunday, We went to SeaWorld. Screw that.
  14. I wouldn't be shocked if they don't replace it with anything whatsoever.
  15. Right now basically every non-coaster ride in the park except for the train and rapids are closed either for refurbishment or because the park doesn't care. The only ones that really stand out are Falcon's Fury which will almost definitely be broken, the Sky Ride which will definitely be closed for budget and the train which you should ride from the station "near" Cheetah Hunt to see the animals. I enjoy Stanley Falls because of-course I do but it's closed for like 2 months. Best seat on Montu is the back, closest to the load side. Best seat on Kumba is the back, closest to the unload side. I don't have a preference on anything else.
  16. Yeah, Carowinds did a good job with this. Kings Dominion is a shitshow. lol It would be fine if they communicated it, and enthusiasts might have been able to anticipate this but selling tickets, saying "We're open all year!" and then 2 days before it all started quietly throwing it on the website that only 3 coasters would be open is just going to piss people off.
  17. I really liked Harmonious a lot so that's kind-of a shame, but we got Happily Ever After back so I can't possibly not be happy about this news.
  18. I have an impossible time believing that Six Flags would buy a fourth Nitro train. There is absolutely no reason to run more than two during Holiday in the Park, and they run three for the rest of the season without issue. My guess is that the 30,000 lb shipment is either a replacement lift drive and other parts for Green Lantern which was scheduled to be open for HITP but broken for the entire event (lol good) or 30,000 Nitro operations manuals with minimum temperature guidelines that they can use in the Holiday in the Park fire pits next season. As for the name, it’s dumb but I also don’t care. Just paint it… holy shit does it ever need it.
  19. There has been an update to the ride refurb schedule, but it doesn't impact the three rides that anyone cares about. Boo Blasters on Boo Hill (January 2, 2023 - February 17, 2023) Camp Bus (January 30, 2023 - February 17, 2023) Carolina Goldrusher (November 21, 2022 - March 10, 2023) Drop Tower (November 21, 2022 - March 10, 2023) Hurler (November 14, 2022 - March 10, 2023) Intimidator (November 7, 2022 - March 10, 2023) Kiddy Hawk (January 2, 2023 - February 17, 2023) Mountain Gliders (January 2, 2023 - February 17, 2023) PEANUTS Pirates (January 30, 2023 - March 10, 2023) The Flying Cobras (February 18, 2023 - March 5, 2023) Vortex (October 31, 2022 - March 10, 2023) Wilderness Run (January 9, 2023 - January 27, 2023) WindSeeker (October 17, 2022 - March 10, 2023) Woodstock Express (October 31, 2022 - March 10, 2023 Carolina Cyclone is actually broken so it's listed with no dates and will probably open whenever they manage to fix it. I want to criticize the Boo Blasters decision since it's their only indoor heated ride, but after riding it in November honestly... just set it on fire, I don't care,
  20. This is why I laugh when enthusiasts come out talking about parks having super-secret 5 year plans. They may for some things, but other times I feel like they get thrown things like this and have absolutely no plan whatsoever. This is a shitshow. lol
  21. Can we all just stop and admire the fact that Kings Dominion is now a year-round park and they've given everyone absolutely zero indication of what that means? They've cut hours from 10-5 to 11-5, probably because they won't have anything to do but if you look at the website it would appear that everything in the park will be open this weekend except for Grizzly, Drop Tower and White Water Canyon. In reality they'll probably have 2 coasters open... maybe... I don't know. They're going to piss a lot of people off who actually buy day tickets. Carowinds seems to be doing a fine job with this. Kings Dominion is acting like they forgot that they're open for the next 2 months.
  22. Nice to meet you yesterday! And yes, Ale House is very welcome for the incredible support yesterday. Lol
  23. They’re not really closed for the well-being of anyone, they’re closed because this year has been a dumpster fire and they know they’d lose a ton of money if they opened the park. Hopefully they realize that this is not a HITP-specific problem and they run the event again next year. November and December sucked, but so did April through October.
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