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The adventure of Lil' Robby Robb

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I've read all the posts, but I was seeing if there was talk on the side of putting them in one. Anyway it doesn't matter, I was just suggesting. These are incredible my friend, I can't believe how good you are. Haha I'm curious to see how this coaster crash ends.


Thanks, man ^_^

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LOL ... I mean "Final Destination 3"


Well DUH it's like FD3, didn't I make that obvious? It's a parody on FD3.


guess the entire comic that was about FD3 refferences passed you by, huh?

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LOL ... I mean "Final Destination 3"


Well DUH it's like FD3, didn't I make that obvious? It's a parody on FD3.


guess the entire comic that was about FD3 refferences passed you by, huh?

It was about FD3?

I thought it as just about Robb&Friends

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LOL ... I mean "Final Destination 3"


Well DUH it's like FD3, didn't I make that obvious? It's a parody on FD3.


guess the entire comic that was about FD3 refferences passed you by, huh?

It was about FD3?

I thought it as just about Robb&Friends


not since comic number 9 or so it hasnt.

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I apologize for the delay, everyone.

It's just that lately I have been occupied with ther projects of mine, I have a series of animations that have been delaed, partly because of my work on lil robby rob's comics, and also, I just got a new job as a cartoonist for a newspaper!


so it will be a while, but don't worry, the strip didn't get headchopped just yet.

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Congratulations! That is wonderful news! You realy are a talented young man. You should be very proud of yourself.


Keep up the good work. Enjoy your new job.



Thanks Guy ^_^


This iwll actually be my 2nd job in the field. my first job was being assitant to Israel's #1 cartoonist! I also sent comics to his magazine.


but the bastard fired me and gave me some half-assed reason as to why.


by the way, guys, if any of you want ot check out my stuff that dont ncessarily include Robb, Elissa, and Vekoma (head)bashing, you can check out more of my work at:



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That's just like me! Always trying to get out of OTSR! Oh, thanks for the Diet Pepsi Derek. However, I don't drink sodas. They make my teeth itch.
Glad you like it, Guy. Watch out for the corkscrew ^_^
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X_X;; oy vey... dont feel bad, Guy, that's totally not why the toons are delayed. Thankfully the missilies are nowhere NEAR my city. my city is actually considered the safe haven for everybdoy right now.


The toons are delayed becuase ig ot other toons i work on, as well, but it shouldnt be too long before the next lil' robby robb comes out.


tsk tsk, guy... cant you wait for your demise patiently like the rest of us? solve a rubik's cube or something. and besides, im having toruble to figure out how to intergrate a headchopper into this, considering i already have the layout figured out

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