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Going to a white party...


which do you like...  

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  1. 1. which do you like...

    • light blue blazer
    • Plaid blazer

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In 2 weeks im going to a white party but im stuck between 2 blazers. Im gonna wear some white slacks and a white shirt but I cant chose between the 2 blazers I have! I know it would be better if I actually had them on but i'm tired lol! Thanks for your help!


close up of the plaid...


or this one...


this one?

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I think you should go with the light blue one..the plaid one is nice, but people mostly wear just one plain color to those types of events...I've been to a white party before in La. (besidee the light blue is closer to white ).........hey, are you sure thats not lilac?

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If it's a "true" color party, they will not let you in unless you're totally dressed in the party's color. We have color parties here all the time in Miami/Fort Lauderdale, and I've been to a couple in NYC and LA. Granted, you're in SC, so they may not be so strict.

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