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Movieland Studios Discussion Thread

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There's a reason those of us who have been on it affectionately call U-571 by it's proper name, "The Drowning Simulator."


Did I mention there's a crazed, angry German man screaming at you the entire time? Because there is.

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  cfc said:
Here's a little video to get you all in the "Diabolik" mood.



Dude, why haven't I seen this movie yet? That looks so insanely dumb, but in a good way. Also, bangin' on a bed of money. Come on!

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I had no idea the middle letters of the sign tilted just before the drop!

I never noticed it, even when watching it. Too focused on watching the car

itself, I guess. Great little effect, there.


And a great reminder of what it was like, back in 2010. Even with the ker-chunk, lol!


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Hi guys! We are back... And we have a special album of the day one of Diabolik Invertigo.

Very compliments to all the Movieland's staff for the good job!


Here you can find the Movieland Live Tour album on facebook -> LINK ALBUM


And below some photos:





More photos and videos on http://www.movielandlivetour.it/diabolik-invertigo .



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