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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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I just got back from a road trip during which I spent a rainy but good day at Six Flags St. Louis. I noticed that Screamin' Eagle's lift hill mechanism made a different noise from American Thunder's. Would anyone be able to tell me what caused the difference? Thanks.

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I wasn't going to comment on the reason for the time of closing, but I want to make sure there isn't any misinformation. Basically, the national weather service got it wrong. Anyone hear about Holiday World's two (plus another shortly after closing early) tornado warnings? Basically it looked like after 2:00pm, through the evening, it would not be safe to have anyone in the park. Once one o'clock came around and the mega-thunderstorms didn't come, there really isn't anything you can do (especially with night shift called off) besides be thankful nothing bad happened.


The park will not close early in the rain due to profit reasons. With so many Guests coming from out of town, the park must do its best to stay open, regardless of profitability.

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  HWFan said:

The park will not close early in the rain due to profit reasons. With so many Guests coming from out of town, the park must do its best to stay open, regardless of profitability.


^This. I wouldn't imagine a park would just close early because it's not going to make profit throughout the evening. Parks have to be set up to operate at an occasional profit loss and make up for it on busy days. The goal is to be in the black at the end of the season, not hour to hour.

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  Vonni said:
^ When I was there on Monday it looked like it still had the lights for the jack 'o lantern up. Of course it wasn't lit, but just an observation I made.

Actually both the regular white lights and Fright Fest orange lights stay on Colossus all year long. That is one of the nice parts of having the new, longer lasting LED lights. Without it, it would be a LOT harder to do the lights in terms of taking them down and putting them up each year.


I had noticed the clock program hasn't been on for a while now. (During the 55 hour weeks, it seemed like the giant clock was almost mocking me as I left each night, counting down my hours of sleep.) I will go ahead and look into it tomorrow and report back.

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I was at the park yesterday and took pics of some places to show what they looked liked in the 70s and today. The older pics I found on a website that has been posted here I think it was sixflagsstl.net. So enjoy and let me know what you think.

























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  RKO said:
Are there going to be fireworks July 3-5 or just on the 4th. The website didn't specify.

I believe it's Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


That's what I was thinking, thanks for the help.


Does anyone remember what panda express used to be?

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McDonald's used to be where Mooseburger is now


Yeah, McDonald's used to be where Mooseburger is, and Johnny Rockets used to be a burger place called Screen Stars, but for the life of me I can't remember what Panda Express was.

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Tremendous photo comparisons. Thanks for posting that.


That really shows the lack of trees and barren asphalt areas that we complained bitterly about for so long. At the same time though, the buildings had so much more architectural presence. The train station used to be such a focal point, but now it's just another old pavilion. Some of the new visual additions to the buildings and areas are huge improvements as well, while others seem like they are slapped on without a lot of thought. It feels like there's been a shift in how SF manages individual buildings vs. the entire park itself, if that makes any sense. The individual buildings are less focused on while the pathways and outdoor areas are much better.

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First: great. I mean great. Pictures. Thanks for taking the time to make that comparison.


Second: How successful has the boomerang/aqua twist/sky screamer side of the park been since the transition? I hardly ever see any pictures of this area posted. I know it's not like they're all right next to each other, but they're close enough to where I think it would have made a difference in the traffic of that area if the additions were successful.


Third: DAMN! The park is looking pretty good. It's enough to almost make me want to go back, but I'm still not sure this year is the year.


  RKO said:

Does anyone remember what panda express used to be?


Although I could be completely wrong, the first time I remember seeing Panda Express was in the early 2000's and I... THINK... it was built as a Panda Express at that time. Or at least being an obese teenager at the time I couldn't remember seeing the building there and then one year... low and behold: Crab Rangoons for sale!


Speaking of obese, I can't help but bring it up being somewhat of a fitness/nutrition nut. I'm not trying to offend anyone but this is a reality check that shows how people have really packed on a lot of pounds in forty years.

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I know I am old and biased...... My Family was transferred from SFOG to St. Louis to build SFOMA. We were there from first dirt shoveled. BTW- This park was not supposed to be built in St. Louis.. it was planned to be built in Oakland- but the city of Oakland would not approve the build. Anyway .... Randall Duell did a great job designing this park. It was very themed and layed out perfectly when built. It was new and sparse.... but nicely fitted and finished. It was the finest park in the chain of 3 by far. Had SF just stayed consistent- add landscaping,let the tress grow, etc.- this Park would have rivaled any Park out there. Time Warner and Premier messed up this Park IMHO. It is still a nice park- but it could have been so much better. I am not singling out SFOMA- they messed up SFOT, SFOG and Magic Mountain as well. There just was no thought given to keeping these properties as "Theme" parks. Attractions slapped here and there with only $$$ in mind- not beauty and consistency. Thanks for listening to my rant...


Now the good news... at SFOT and Hurricane Harbor here in Dallas -I have seen more new paint and fix up than I have seen in years. It sounds like SFSTL received a ton of new paint as well. Great- maybe the new management is on the right path finally!

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