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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Dark Universe revealed!

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Now that is exciting news! Great to see Universal, well Comcast, investing big time into the parks stateside. With them being so landlocked in comparison to WDW, it's always intriguing to see what they can pull off. It's pretty easy to picture them adapting the ride systems of either HP or Spider-man/Transformers into an attraction for a Dr. Suess property. Not sure if they would ever let go of the Marvel license in Florida. As long as the cost is reasonable to maintain that license, it makes sense to keep the marvel heroes out of WDW as the next wave of movies come out.



I'm talking about when the Contract with Marvel ends. I doubt Disney would let Universal to keep licence of a 3 Billion+ Dollar franchise without Universal having to pay through the nose.

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Dear Disneyfan 1313,


We will just visit Islands of adventure. We've been to Universal Studios in L.A. 3 years ago.

We will be at Islands of Adventure on nov. 19th. It's a monday. We don't have a chance to go on an other day, because we are in Fort Lauderdale after and before we are at Longboat Key.

I hope that it will not be so crowded.


Keep in mind that the studios park is VERY different from the LA version. You should be fine on Monday 11/19. I would be very surprised if it is busy at all. Have fun!

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Not to be a downer, but given that Comcast is a publicly traded company, you would think that someone outside of micechat would have reported this? For example, the money for DCA 2.0 was in the form of bonds, and news of Disney issuing those bonds was reported on all the financial websites.


Not saying it won't happen...I just wouldn't get excited just yet.


This. Do I think there are some "blue sky" plans? Yes... But I would be shocked if they didn't wait to see how Potter 2.0 did first.

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Now that is exciting news! Great to see Universal, well Comcast, investing big time into the parks stateside. With them being so landlocked in comparison to WDW, it's always intriguing to see what they can pull off. It's pretty easy to picture them adapting the ride systems of either HP or Spider-man/Transformers into an attraction for a Dr. Suess property. Not sure if they would ever let go of the Marvel license in Florida. As long as the cost is reasonable to maintain that license, it makes sense to keep the marvel heroes out of WDW as the next wave of movies come out.



I'm talking about when the Contract with Marvel ends. I doubt Disney would let Universal to keep licence of a 3 Billion+ Dollar franchise without Universal having to pay through the nose.


From what has been reported, the contract sounds like it is perpetual so long as Universal keeps paying and meets the terms of the agreement. Considering they just spent all that money upgrading Spiderman, I don't think Universal has any plans of letting it lapse...

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does anyone know when the lience goes.

and i was a IOA on 10th before flying back to Australia but i was there around 11am and both Popeye and Dudley do right were close so the whole land was pretty much closed. Do they do this for a reason or was it bad luck for both the ride to be shut.

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^Please note that our Terms of Service require posters to use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Your post was rather garbled, and I had a little trouble following it.

Edited by cfc
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Now that is exciting news! Great to see Universal, well Comcast, investing big time into the parks stateside. With them being so landlocked in comparison to WDW, it's always intriguing to see what they can pull off. It's pretty easy to picture them adapting the ride systems of either HP or Spider-man/Transformers into an attraction for a Dr. Suess property. Not sure if they would ever let go of the Marvel license in Florida. As long as the cost is reasonable to maintain that license, it makes sense to keep the marvel heroes out of WDW as the next wave of movies come out.



I'm talking about when the Contract with Marvel ends. I doubt Disney would let Universal to keep licence of a 3 Billion+ Dollar franchise without Universal having to pay through the nose.


From what has been reported, the contract sounds like it is perpetual so long as Universal keeps paying and meets the terms of the agreement. Considering they just spent all that money upgrading Spiderman, I don't think Universal has any plans of letting it lapse...



Spiderman wasn't included in the Marvel purchase. To quote somebody "Sony has to release a new Spider-Man movie at least once every 5 years, or the license reverts back to Marvel. With Spider-Man 3 in 2007 and Amazing being released in 2012, they were right up against the wire. Had Amazing not been made, Sony would have lost the rights this year".

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^Movie rights are completely different than theme park rights. Universal has the right to use the comic book version of Spiderman and the related characters. Has absolutely nothing to do with the movie license and movie versions of Spiderman.

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  • 2 weeks later...
^.....there is only one thing that can replace it: SYFY SATURDAY NIGHT CINEMA LAND. Who wouldn't want to ride Sharktopus?


Or how about Megapiranha, complete with exploding piranha! Supergator tearing up a Polynesian village??



All 3 ideas would make for great water rides!!



Or even Megapython vs. Gatoroid? It would be a great dark ride!!






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I just went to HHN 22 last night, and I have one question about Revenge of the Mummy...


Has anyone noticed how bright it is? The first scenes are great, I even noticed new lighting effects on the Imhotep animatronic. However, when we reached the scarab scene, the screens were clearly visible. It was even worse when we reached the turntable scene. You could see the turntable mechanism, catwalks, the screens that show the Imhotep projection, everything! Then, after the first launch, it was pretty bright in the show building. You can easily see the track all around you, the catwalks and the supports. Maybe it's just me, but I remember it being MUCH darker in there...

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^ I know these are two different rides but I had the exact same experience last year at HHN in Hollywood with their inferior version of the Mummy. It seemed like there was a light on the entire ride and it killed all the fun of being in the dark and not knowing where you were going to go.

Maybe it's cause our eyes are adjusted to the darkness already? That was one thing I thought of, cause there is no way it is that bright during the day. It was disappointing because it was my Dad's first time on the ride and I feel like it just wasn't the full effect.

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I've noticed that Mummy has issues when it comes to lighting. Some visits the lighting throughout the queue and ride are very dark, dark enough to where you have to have your hand in front of you so you're not running into things. Other days the lights are very bright as Bryce stated I could see a lot of the screens and catwalks.

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I've noticed that Mummy has issues when it comes to lighting. Some visits the lighting throughout the queue and ride are very dark, dark enough to where you have to have your hand in front of you so you're not running into things. Other days the lights are very bright as Bryce stated I could see a lot of the screens and catwalks.

I agree. The turntable scene was by far the worst. I could barely make out Imhotep as we rotated because it was so bright.


The launch Imhotep projection is looking very nice though!

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Maybe it's cause our eyes are adjusted to the darkness already?

I've always seen the "inside" of the ride as being much, much brighter when I ride it at night. I just rode Mummy at USO a couple of weeks ago at night and it didn't seem any different to me.

Edited by robbalvey
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Maybe it's cause our eyes are adjusted to the darkness already?

I've always seen the "inside" of the ride as being much, much brighter when I ride it at night. I just rode Mummy at USO a couple of weeks ago at night and it didn't seem any different to me.

Ah, that was probably it then.

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