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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Thanks for the info, we are staying at the Royal Pacific so can totally use the resort entrance. I was kinda wondering in case we run over to IOA to see the new Hogwarts Dark Arts show and then want to get back in to HHN quick, but not a big deal.


I think since we have tickets to HHN for Sat and Sun night as well as express pass for both and based on advice here, we are going to take a short hotel break and have a relaxed meal at citywalk on Sat and go back in for HHN about 7:30 or 8 when it's nice and dark and the atmosphere is better. If we really don't get many houses in we can always use the stay and scream the next night.

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To be fair, there’s nothing uncommon about this. Griffon closes for wasps almost daily this time of year, Dollywood has a well known bee problem and even Nitro briefly closed for bees a few weeks ago before they remembered that they were Six Flags and decided to run the ride anyway because Nitro stops for nothing.


Boldikus and I blew through the Virginia bee convention on the top of Apollo’s Chariot on Sunday too. Brit and his SO wisely sat that one out.

Edited by coasterbill
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To be fair, there’s nothing uncommon about this.


This is different. Hagrid is a caretaker for creatures. He should be able to keep the bees under control.


He teaches care of MAGICAL creatures. This type of muggle bullshit is not a part of his job description.

Edited by coasterbill
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To be fair, there’s nothing uncommon about this.


This is different. Hagrid is a caretaker for creatures. He should be able to keep the bees under control.


He teaches care of MAGICAL creatures. This type of muggle bullshit is not a part of his job description.


Silly me.

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Also about Hagrid's, I hate myself. I feel dirty saying it, but I liked it more than Dueling Dragons. It's not perfect (mainly because of how fast you blow by the detailed animatronics), but we were smiling ear-to-ear and it was our favorite ride at the resort.


That being said, I wish they found a way to keep both Dueling Dragons (or even the non-dueling Dragon Challenge) and Hagrid's. I made sure to wear my Dueling Dragons shirt to the park and even the employees shared the same sentiments.


Canobie, please let us know how it goes with the line. We will be there less than a week after you and while the main purpose of our trip is to do HHN for the first time, we certainly do want to get on Hagrid's as long as we are there. Trying to decide if we need to get up early which is not attractive with the late HHN nights or just get there when we get there and take our chances.


Where to begin with the line for Hagrid's?


The park map now has a warning that the queue for Hagrid's will close at 3 pm. Normally, I'd rope drop the brand new ride. However, I wasn't willing to waste walk-ons at other rides for a coaster that I noticed didn't always open with the park. That being said, it did appear that Hagrid's opened with the park both days per the app.


We ended up entering the queue around 1 pm on Monday. It was almost entirely filled. There is a single rider line approximately 1/4 of the way through the queue. It was tempting, but we decided to skip it for two reasons. One, there is no way to tell how long the single rider line is. Two, you're pretty much guaranteed to get the side car (more on that later).


The queue moved quite fast and there was a good amount to look at (not as much as Dragons though). After an hour, we had reached the second to last room. Then Hagrid's went down for a "short delay". That short delay then turned into an "extended delay". We stuck it out for an additional two hours. People were asking the employees what was wrong and they said this happens every day. I feel sorry for the employees because it's not their fault the ride basically skipped the testing phase.


It's also worth noting that Universal was giving out bathroom passes for anyone that needed to leave and re-enter. To re-enter the queue, at least one person in your party had to remain in line.


We weren't going to leave that line. Since it was now 4 pm, it was entirely possible Universal wouldn't reopen the queue. And we didn't want to wait until our last day to ride it. But then Universal announced the ride was closed indefinitely. To say the crowd was pissed was an understatement. However, Universal did compensate everyone in line with 2 free express passes. One was valid for Hagrid's. One was valid for everything else.


Now here's the odd part. Hagrid's was testing while they cleared out the queue. We decided to stick it out and sure enough, Hagrid's reopened a mere 15 minutes later. And then the masses flooded back in.


It would have been smart to use standby, but we weren't chancing the ride going down again. So we booked it through the Express line. We beat everyone in standby, but had a few Express people ahead of us. And since there was no one immediately behind us, Universal allowed us to wait an extra train for the front. This is something they said isn't possible if there's any sort of queue.


After we got off, we immediately got back in the standby queue. That way, both Emily and myself could try the motorbike. Our wait started in the room after the preshow (which is pretty far back I might add) and we were boarding in about 30-40 minutes. We contemplated going again, but they had already closed off the queue by the time we exited. If you're keeping score back home, they only kept the queue open for about 45 minutes after it was reopened.


We also speculated that only having one motorbike would cause some frustration among guests. I saw in at least two instances guests asking the greeter if they could ride in separate rows so they could both get motorbikes. Universal said no. I found the higher elevation of the motorbike to be really unique and I think 90% of guests would prefer the motorbike if you asked them. Thankfully Tron is coming in 2 years.


The ride's current operating state is embarrassing. I'd almost say they should take the ride down to get these issues sorted out, but they really can't with all the advertising they've done for Hagrid's. It really is a no-win situation right now for both guests and the park.

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Hmm, if you were able to get on the ride in an hour or less, then why do they shut down the line at 3? Is it more of a maintenance reason? I originally thought they had to shut the line down early since the ride got such ridiculously long lines that they were still having people in line well after the park closed.


This is what drives me crazy about Universal and why I find no need to go every time I'm in Orlando (which is becoming yearly now). They did the same thing with the water park; opening before all the kinks were worked out so they could compete with whatever Disney was introducing at the time. We noticed the same thing when we stayed at Cabana Bay several years ago. That thing seemed to be built faster than a Chinese skyscraper and you could notice imperfections and design flaws all over the room.

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Hmm, if you were able to get on the ride in an hour or less, then why do they shut down the line at 3? Is it more of a maintenance reason? I originally thought they had to shut the line down early since the ride got such ridiculously long lines that they were still having people in line well after the park closed.


It looks like a completely full queue holds about 90 minutes worth of people assuming (big assumption) there are no breakdowns.


I'm guessing they're trying to spin the closures as capacity since that looks a heck of a lot better than saying we screwed up and rushed the ride open.


That sounds like a complete shitshow.


Oh it was. It was also stunning to hear the amount of pre-recorded messages they had for delays. We counted at least 5 different ones- bikes need more tuning, class is delayed, Hagrid is caring for creatures, etc.



Your account has stripped me of most of my desire to ride Universal's new coaster, no matter how good it is.


I'm sure it'll improve eventually (I mean it can't get worse), but I have no clue how long that will take.


I also think I was higher on the coaster than most enthusiasts. I think most people will still prefer Dueling Dragons.

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Thanks for the report. My son is determined to do the running of the Hagrid bulls at rope drop on Sat. I'm ok with that since it isn't at the crack of dawn and we are just flying in this evening, not doing HHN until Sat and Sun, so we should get to bed at a reasonable hour. I'll let everyone know how it goes.

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So, we returned from our weekend last night.


We thoroughly enjoyed HHN. The props were all top notch and it was really nice to experience some haunted houses that were properly staffed and the atmosphere was awesome. I wish they did not have to send everyone in a steady stream, I get why they have to. Otherwise on busy nights the lines would be undoable. But it really does detract from the scary factor when you have a heads up from the commotion ahead of you that something is happening. Not sure if they do smaller groups on less crowded night or not. Also, the amount of non scare actor staff in the houses takes you out of the theming a bit. Again, I get why but too bad.


Also, for future planning....we did not enter HHN either night until about 8:30 and by 12:30 were able to get in half the houses, one show and whatever rides were open. Relaxed and no frantic running from place to place or having to be stuck in the stay and scream. If you can afford it totally the way to go. We were told Sat night was a sell out but other than Stranger Things which had a 120 min wait, the next highest wait was 75 min. We never waited more than about 30 minutes with the express pass.


Our experience with Hagrid's: We arrived at the IOA turnstiles by 8:15 Sat, Sun, and Mon mornings and got in pretty quick. We were some of the first in on Sun and Mon by the simple act of lining up in the middle queues where the umbrellas are and not under the queues on either side where the permanent structures are. The other lines were 20-30 deep and no one was at these. Funny what habits the people will have.


On Sat we were told as we entered that Hagrid's was experiencing and extended delay so they lined everyone up in the Lost Continent and in front of the old Sinbad theater. Front of the line was under the arch right behind the talking fountain. They were very good about letting people go out to get food and use the bathroom and we all set up the refugee camp that the line became. The ride opened at 11.


Sunday, same as Sat except it was 11:30 when it opened.


Monday, ride was ready at park opening and we were on first train of the day. And then literally had Hogsmeade almost to ourselves for about 30 minutes which was incredible.


Each day the wait went almost immediately to 60 min and then within a half hour was up to 90 min and then shortly thereafter at 120 for the rest of the day. I believe they closed the line about 3 each day but cannot swear to that exact time.


Is it worth it? Well that is really subjective. For us, yes because we have ridden everything else multiple times and HHN didn't start of course until the evening. If you have one day and don't want to sacrifice the other rides, maybe not. I can tell you that this is one extremely fun coaster that we enjoyed immensely and from the reactions of the masses it is a huge hit. And I did a lot of talking to people while in line that A) normally didn't do coasters but were trying this one and B) had never waited this long for a ride before but stuck this one out. Take that info however you want.


Of course there were employees all the way in asking people not to run and were absolutely being ignored, as I think they expected to be. No one was actually trying to make people walk.


The fountain was quite entertaining for anyone near the front of the line. On Sunday when we heard them start to test a huge roar went up from the crowd and the fountain was all "what is that? what's happening behind me?" and when told he said "Oh sure, Hagrid gets all the press" Snarky. I liked it.

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One detail that I realized I forgot to report. The pre-show was not operational any of the 3 days we rode Hagrid's. I don't know if that is because something was wrong with it or if they just didn't turn it on until the line naturally backed up to that point. I'm kind of guessing the latter so they could minimize the early backup.

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^ I got the preshow on my first time waiting. The line was backed up to the entrance.


When I rerode it after it broke down, the queue started after the preshow so they just sent us through. It's surprising how far back that preshow is from the loading platform.

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I've been wanting to go to Halloween Horror nights for a very long time now but I finally got to attend last night. The place was crowded but we still managed to do all 10 houses plus universal monsters a second time since that was my favorite and watch both shows and even had time to eat and drink in between without an express pass. All of the houses were absolutely incredible with the details and sets and costumes. Universal monsters was by far my favorite though with a combination of great scares and awesome sets and costumes.


I don't care for the conga line type walk through myself but it's something I fully expected and understand. We definitely missed a few scares here and there because of the timing but it really doesn't detract from the night. I also understand the need for the security inside the mazes but I wish they would hid them a bit better to where they come out if only need be.


The only thing that I thought was lacking were the scare zones. I can't compare it to past years but I was expecting a little bit more out of those. The actors that were in them though were great.


Ride wise we didn't do much, we have annual passes now so we got there around 3 to process those and just get into one of the holding areas to avoid the lines outside. The only ride we went on was the new fast and the furious ride. Now the ride itself is fine but just really feels like they could have done so much more and since it's just an overlay of the old rides it's hard not to think about the old rides that were there like earthquake that had practical effects.


We were on the fence about the fast passes, I didn't realize they only get you into each house once and for $179 plus tax I just couldn't justify it. That plus the cost of the ticket for the day and it's pushing $300 a person for one day. That's almost most than our annual passes at that point. If it was unlimited we probably would have sprung for it. I really don't care for waiting in long lines anymore but all of them were really manageable and the longest wait we had was stranger things at 70 mins.


Overall a really great time and I'm definitely going to try to go again next year.

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The Universal Orlando Resort has sent us a press release formally announcing the debut of The Bourne Stuntacular at Universal Studios 2020 in Spring 2020.



Today, Universal Orlando Resort revealed that The Bourne Stuntacular will debut at Universal Studios Florida in spring 2020. This cutting-edge live-action stunt show based on Universal Pictures’ blockbuster Bourne film franchise will blur the lines between stage and cinema in a hybrid form of entertainment that has never been seen before.


The Bourne Stuntacular will follow the character of Jason Bourne around the globe as sinister characters pursue him. Everything fans have come to expect from the action-packed Bourne film franchise – thrilling chase scenes, punishing fistfights, death-defying leaps and danger at every turn – will happen right in front of guests with live performers, high-tech props and an immense LED screen, making it impossible to discern where the live action ends and the cinema begins.


Universal Orlando places guests in the heart of powerful stories and adventures with some of the world’s most entertaining and innovative theme park experiences. And now, the addition of this edge-of-your-seat live stunt show brings an unprecedented level of action-packed excitement for every member of the family as the character of Jason Bourne attempts to evade capture time and time again.


Now through January 6, 2020, Florida residents can save up to $75 on Florida Resident Passes and have the chance to be among the first to experience The Bourne Stuntacular. To purchase 2-Park and 3-Park Florida Resident Passes, visit http://www.UniversalOrlando.com/web/en/us/tickets-packages/offers/annual-pass-offer.


The Bourne Stuntacular will be located on the streets of Hollywood at Universal Studios Florida, in the former location of Terminator 2: 3-D. Stay tuned – more details about the exhilarating new experience will be revealed in the coming months.


For more information, visit http://www.UniversalOrlando.com.

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