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Final Destination 3

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Movies like this are made for pre-teen and teen guys who really shouldn't be allowed in the theater (via the rated R) but get in anyway, and make the majority of the $$$ from this demographic. Says a lot of the MPAA, and the theaters.


Superliciously LAME!

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Maybe they should rename that peice of crap "Vekoma: The True Story" or "This will happen in the future" or whatever because riding a vekoma is basically that painful...Lol I also heard the RCT Scream and the RCT crash. Bad graphics too. I give that two thumbs way down by the cheesy trailer. I might see the movie, and I hope they have better graphics on that. Don't tell me I'm a hater. I'm just telling the truth. Stupid HollyWood



Edited by RCT3Freak
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And this movie - like the first two - was filmed in Vancouver, Canada.


Home of "Smallville," too. And "Stargate".


I think this coaster and our wooden coaster here, are two of the most-filmed coasters I've ever seen, in terms of tv movies and big screeners. Especially our wooden one. IMhO.


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I might get it when it comes out on video... mainly to point out the errors.


1) No lift chain

2) Coaster wheels never break off unless it is Steel Dragon 2000

3) Coasters never derail

4) Six Flags should buy that park

5) I think it would be great if a Vekoma actually did that

6) This is a seriously screwed up movie

7) The cars cannot split apart unless it is Deja Vu

8) S+S Drop Towers DO NOT have neon signs on the tower

9) FD3 appears to be a load of CG crap

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To us that trailer was sh*t...no doubt about it. To us...SFMM is sh*t. Now, to the general public, this trailer was "Oh man Scottie, I got to go see that...the coaster just flew off!" To the general public..."SFMM is awesome dude...that Deja Vu is flippin' SWEET!" The number of non-coaster lovers that will be like "Well that coaster is from Canada and does not have a loop" or "All roller coasters must have a lifthill or a launch of any of the above forms of propulsion...LIM's, Hydraulic launch, etc etc etc." Teens go to see that movie to see the crappy things that happen to these people. And yes, the CG and everything about this movie better shape up otherwise I won't be seeing it. I can picture people already screaming next year on Batman the Ride or Medusa or whatever...


Stoner Kid 1 "Dude we're gonna crash!"


Stoner Kid 2 "DUDE! Let me pull my restraint up!"


Stoner Kid 1 "O sweet brah, mine comes up without effort too!"


Stoner Kid 2 "Let's jump off as the train is going through the loop."


Stoner Kid 1 "O man...we like just hit a gnarley gap in the track."


Stoner Kid 2 "That flippin' sucks, it's like we're gonna die or something."


Stoner Kid 1 "Like woah....it least it's not a TOGO!"



BTW...this movie will probably come out during an offtime during the year, which will most likely give it the hype of being "America's Number 1 Movie" for at least week!

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  coaster_type_of_person said:
ok its computer generated....i new it wasn't viper cuz theres a hump and a big turnaround...like on one of those fair rollercoasters! so i didnt think it was viper! thx


Yeah I only knew it was the coaster in Canada because I had saw the director interview a month or so ago and they said the filming location. Also the coaster is originally from Boblo Island which is near my home. Although I have never rode it I did see it in action once. Boblo Island closed years ago and the coaster ended up in Canada on the West Coast.


The movie looks like it will be very unrealistic, although this was true in the first 2 as well. Basically the coaster just happens to have a multitude of mechanical failures all at once. The ones I saw were: Restraint failures, wheel failures, complete structural failure of the track rail, and failure of the joints between individual cars. Although everytime I ride a Vekoma this is what feels like is happening I always manage to make it back to the station alive. I mean granted I have never opened my harnes mid course and jumped from the moving train but hey maybe next time.


Here are some pictures of the beautiful Vekoma featured in the movie.


Pictures are from www.rcdb.com


Pure Smothness!!!


It looks better than it feels!!!

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  • 2 months later...

Turns out that there is a site now where you can get tickets to the Advanced Screening of FD3... Even two days isn't really an "Advance"...


Got my tickets... Feb 8th at 7:00pm.


Can't wait I'll have a review of it probably later that night. Anyone else get a ticket to the Advanced Screening?

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Back in October my daughter and I were at The Bridge cinema in LA. While in line, there were groups of people handing out movie passes to see FD3. All we had to do was call in and give them our pass number and if one or two people would be attending. The pre-pre screening was on October 6. The first installment was good. Second was OK. The third, well I'm glad we didn't have to pay. What we saw was mostly uncut footage without all the bells and whistles. It might change slightly after editing, but I will wait for it to hit the dollar theater before finding out.

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Yeah, I heard there were a lot of people complaining about how fake some of the effects looked... The visual effect people said that they were going to go back and redo them. The only reason they don't look all that great is because they rushed to finish it so they could have the trailer out for Saw2

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