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Fastest Ripped off the chain

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I guess he is talking about when you crest the lift hill and some coasters ease off of it and some just shoot down the drop...while I never really paid attention to it I would say all have the same effect due to the laws of gravity lol lol

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The Comet at Great Escape throws you over the top of the hill pretty fast. I may be wrong, but I swear the lift chain speeds up about half way up the hill. Usually when you're sitting in the front car you hang there looking down the drop before the rest of the train goes, on the Comet there's almost no hesitation.

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I guess he is talking about when you crest the lift hill and some coasters ease off of it and some just shoot down the drop...while I never really paid attention to it I would say all have the same effect due to the laws of gravity lol lol


Nice interpretation skills.

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for a lift chain i have to say superman ros is up and over quick at sfne. the whole lift moves very quickly though.


mf looks to be even faster over the top. i am not sure how much it would effect speed on a coaster to have the change i speed at top.


as for no chain lift hill coasters hulks up and over is breath taking but it is on wheels not chains so.

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Ghostrider at Knott's whips you up and over the lift pretty quick, I love how it just starts picking up speed once the first half is over the top, and the next thing you know you're flying down the drop! It's soooooo much better than the "poop over the top" ones we have at SFMM, agonizingly slow at the top, and draws out the drop more than need be.

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Some people are saying that they all pull over at the same speed, which is wrong. Both woodies at SFGAm (The American Eagle and Viper) slow down when they reach the crest of the hill, in order to reduce wear on the chain. Viper slows down more than the American Eagle. However, the slowing down on the lift doesn't have any real impact on the ride.

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Haha, The Ultimate at Light Water Valley, seriously, it may be old, it may be brutal, but ride back seat and you absoloutly fly down the drop's, the second one in particular, since you're pulled along a straight section of track before hand!


Here it is:




Fun fun!


The lift's themselves however, are piss poor to say the least, so god damned slow!

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