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Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (SFDK) Discussion Thread

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  jray21 said:
It is frustrating, but I don't mind the extra wait to get the value out of it. It beats hiking to Carl's Jr, and ends up being cheaper as well if you use it enough!

I used to go to Carls a lot cause it was right there, but lately I've just been spending the extra 5 minutes to go over the hill, especially since there's been a Habit Burger over there. Much better food than either Carls or in the park.

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  9Armgeddon4 said:
What do you guys think is going to happen to their HUSS Frisbee now that their getting a Zamperla Giant Discovery.


Unless it starts having serious maintenance issus, it's probably going to stay there for awhile.

However, I'd imagine that park management would see that as a more desirable spot for a future attraction after Wonder Woman opens. Voodoo will more than likely be replaced before Tasmanian Devil, though.

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  coasterbill said:
  Mater said:
I really hate how long lines for food have gotten since they introduced the dining pass.


Then don't buy the dining pass and eat somewhere that doesn't accept it or eat at off peak times.



Okay thank you for the tip ma'am!

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  Mater said:
I really hate how long lines for food have gotten since they introduced the dining pass.


The lines stink but it's still a good deal considering the price you pay. The other weekend I waited about 45 minutes for a Sandwich & Chips, but it's still worth it and you can definitely get your moneys worth.

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  Mater said:
I really hate how long lines for food have gotten since they introduced the dining pass.


They aren't too bad normally. I've had the dining pass for the past 2 and a half seasons. The worst I've been in was Johnny Rockets next to Taz in later 2015. Something like 35 mins it felt like from lining up and getting the chicken strip basket. Just think they were woefully understaffed and somewhat unmotivated AKA: Six Flags being Six Flags.

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It used to be (at least with the pizza) that you could line up to pay and order and then wait for your food at a different window. Now, each person gets their food before the next even orders, and I always get stuck behind a family with a large order. I understand why they changed it, I always was concerned someone could easily take my food if they said it was theirs, and I'm sure it happened enough times they stopped giving the food at a separate window.


Still, I agree with the sentiment that it is what it is, if you don't wanna wait then eat outside the park (or at your car, which I do a lot). When I do get hungry and want something at the park, I either plan it around non-peak hours, or just say, "Oh well" and get in line.

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From my experience, most often the long lines at the food stands is because of people that don't already know what they want when they get to the window or are changing their minds at the last minute. Sometimes having so many choices isn't a great thing. I think this is why every time I've been to Macho Nacho the line moves so slowly because there are so many choices before you get to the register (i.e. rice vs. beans, chicken vs. pork, onions? tomatoes? salsa? etc.) GAH!

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  TylerLi said:
Does anyone know whether The Joker is running on polyurethane or nylon wheels and if it really changes the experience?


With the exception of the opening weekend, everytime I've gone it seemed to be running with nylon wheels. Assuming I'm correct, then the only differences I've noticed compared to Twisted Colossus (Which definitely uses Polyurethane wheels) is that the nylon give it roaring sound and causes the train to vibrate. I've heard that the nylon wheels also cause it run slower, but I'm not able to confirm that.

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^That might explain the disparity in reviews. Many people who rode near opening described the coaster as amazing, some even saying that it is better than Colossus. But reviews from people who rode afterword have not been so glowing. It is still a great ride, but I never found it to be anywhere near the quality of TC. Those glowing reviews must have come from people who rode with the Polyurethane wheels.


I can also confirm that the nylon wheels do cause vibrations, especially in cars 4 and 5. Strangely, the very front and back cars seem to have the least vibrations.

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FYI, in any roller coaster application, Nylon, or high speed wheels allow the vehicle to travel faster, while poly wheels generally slow the ride vehicle down. Joker opened on 100% Nylon wheels to assist with break in procedures. However, very similar to Medusa, Joker now runs a mix of Poly and Nylon wheels to "tune" and adjust the overall target cycle time. Hope that helps.


Still tuning,



Edited by Noobitizer
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^^Thank you for clearing that up, Charles!


Whatever wheels it runs on, it's still an amazing totally marathon-worthy coaster and I definitely like it better than Twisted Colossus! (Although I will admit that TC is pretty awesome when it duels). (Also, I'm more than a bit biased).


~RAWKIN_(waiting for everyone to appreciate Joker more)_coaster38

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Went on Sunday, brought in two friends for free, and it was basically disastrous. First time I've ever gone on an offseason Sunday with no special event and have had it be extremely crowded.


Took an eternity just getting into the park. We then went towards V2 and were surprised there was an actual line (hell, there wasn't even a line last year on that awful cheerleader Sunday!). We waited a little over ten minutes, maybe 15, and got on so it wasn't the worst thing.


Then came The Joker which I've never ridden since it didn't even open until Memorial Day (and we got burned trying to go the Tuesday after Memorial Day which turned out to be a high school grad day that led to us leaving as soon as we parked). We waited 45 minutes for it (which honestly looks like it may have been a shorter line than Superman or Medusa which seemed about an hour apiece) and I've got to say that I'm pretty damn impressed. It's no Twisted Colossus as it's a lot shorter and the most clever aspects of that one (dueling trains, steampunk theme) aren't on this one while the ride is about half as long.


Everybody was hungry (my girlfriend and I have never actually bought food in the park since a one-off visit back in like 2011), so we headed to the back of the park since there's more options and we would figure the lines would be shorter, but to no avail. Literally would have been about an hour to grab anything so we decided to go to the Medusa area and maybe pick up food on the way. Got in line for the food near SkyScreamer and the line didn't even move for five minutes. I suggested that we just leave the park and go to a restaurant, followed by either try a late excursion to Waterworld (where we could get them in free and have a couple hours if the place wasn't packed) or some mini golf. We went with the latter.


All in all, a total waste. The amount of time just spent getting into and out of the park (waiting in traffic, walking over, waiting in security and entrance lines, taking the bus back) along with the half hour it took just going around in a circle through crowds aimlessly looking for food was probably the biggest nightmare of all.


We're considering not going back for the rest of the year. We got these passes last fall at the cheapest possible price ($60 - although I think they even had $50 if you buy four or more back on Labor Day 2015) and had a two day coaster marathon at an empty Magic Mountain, so we certainly got our monies worth, but it's not even worth taking the 20+ minute ride over to Vallejo to just get burned once again like we have three out of the last four times. Too many people have caught on to the year-round schedule and having a new, heavily advertised coaster isn't helping matters. It's just not worth rolling the dice and running into this same problem again, especially when the only major things for us are to get some rides on The Joker and VR Kong since we've done everything else to death.

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  CoastersOnly said:
Went on Sunday, brought in two friends for free, and it was basically disastrous. First time I've ever gone on an offseason Sunday with no special event and have had it be extremely crowded.


Bring a friend days are always busy especially the ones on weekends.

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