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Are Alpine Coasters credits?

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Personally I count them. I mean, saying you don't count them would be like saying you didn't count Mack or Intamin bobsled coasters because they didn't have any track... Even though they are both very much rollercoasters.


However, I won't/don't count Alpine Slides, Mack Water Coasters (Or most other water rides), or log flumes. Since they aren't rollercoasters. Oh, and to me racing rollercoasters definitely count as one credit.

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^ Well, if you ever get to Blackpool, and ride The Steeplechase...


Three tracks, no counting 2?


(pardon for the side bar)


Yellow, green or red track to count? Hmmm... (o; (Taken from Big Blue Hotel room; TPR 2010 UK Tour)

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I count, I will count pretty much anything that is on Coaster Counter or RCDB. I don't think that saying "I have been on 753 (completely made up number) coasters" makes you a "better enthusiast". I won't go out of my way to get on a kiddie coaster, like if I was at Cedar Point, I probably wouldn't go on Woodstock's Express.


Will I ride a kiddie coaster? Maybe, it depends on what else is at the park. Will I count a kiddie coaster? Yes, it's a coaster, so it should be counted as a coaster. Same with alpine coasters, it's a coaster, so it counts. I won't count traveling coasters, though, it's just too difficult to keep track of them.


The thing that I don't understand is why people think they need a high coaster count.

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I personally don't. I'm sticking to RCDB's definition, whatever's in that website is a credit for me.

Right, but even that has it's flaws. For example, RCDB does not list Olympia Looping or Alpina Bahn and I'm pretty sure this should count as a roller coaster.


I don't follow anyone else's list but my own. I also stopped counting in 2012 which makes things even easier now. I just ride stuff for fun and not worry if it's a credit or not!


Has anyone been known to survive that? Looks like the closet thing to that euthanasia roller coaster design.

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I've been on a few alpine coasters, and to me they do not count as credits for two reasons:


1. You are in direct control of the ride and can go down the track as fast or slow as you want.


2. Although the track and ride system is similar to a roller coaster, the ride experience feels more like an alpine slide as it is all downhill.


It is true that an alpine coaster with no brakes is quite intense, but it doesn't really feel like a roller coaster. I do feel they are a gray area and wouldn't criticize someone for counting them, but If I were to categorize them, I'd put them in the same category as alpine slides and water slides. They are all high speed attractions that are powered by gravity, but they lack the coasting aspect of a true roller coaster (i.e. the ride never experiences a natural deceleration due to gravity).


As for what I'd consider a credit, I do count rides such as powered coasters and water coasters (the Mack variety, not the ProSlide Rockets) because they are at least influenced by gravity and contain similar elements to a traditional roller coaster. A dark ride, log flume, etc. does not count because having a simple dip is not enough to consider it a coaster. On the topic of kiddie coasters, if I'm at a park with a kiddie coaster, the line is relatively short, and there are no restrictions against adults riding, I'll ride them, but I would never go out of my way to a park just to ride a kiddie coaster. Counting them is perfectly legitimate, but I'd find someone who's been on 100 coasters in the Mitch Hawker steel poll to have a more impressive count than someone who's been on 500 coasters that are mostly of the kiddie/family variety.

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I have far more respect for someone who is all "I've ridden all the B&Ms in the country" rather than "I flew to some foreign country just to ride crappy coasters to prove I don't have a small penis."






I thought Joey already proved that the second strategy doesn't work.

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End of the day - If you find yourself having to explain WHY you count something, you probably shouldn't be counting it. And the most IMPORTANT thing to remember...




What? Base treachery! I have been deceived!



This is why I stopped counting credits!

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I count . . . alpine coasters (even though I have not ridden one yet).


So, you count coasters that you have not yet ridden? Whore!

Edited by cfc
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