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New Triple Corkscrew Coaster.

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In my experiences with arrow corkscrews, I've found the corkscrews to be one of the least painful parts of the ride. I've found other parts of the ride to be a lot worse. So I guess the corkscrews could either be not that bad or really bad.


My experience is that the loops are OK, but the corkscrews are bad.

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The only other triple corkscrew in South Korea was a suprisingly good ride all around. The triple corkscrew section was really smooth and great fun, and the rest of the ride wasn't too shabby either!


I fear, however, that because this is a Chinese built-ride it won't be quite as smooth as the Arrow creation (can't believe I'm saying that!).

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I fear, however, that because this is a Chinese built-ride it won't be quite as smooth as the Arrow creation (can't believe I'm saying that!).


Oh, I can believe that you said it, and that what you said is correct.

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If you think Mean Streak is rough, Chinese knock-off coasters will definitely kill you. If you can stand Hades360 and know how to brace on a terrible Arrow or Vekoma looper, these coasters worth some tries.


I rode a four inversion Zhongye coaster three months ago (with the knock-off SkyLoop) and it is surprisingly smooth in a knock-off standard. It is definitely worse than the worst Arrow looper I've been on but nothing close to the pain on Hades360. Not to mention the ejector airtime at the back row during the first drop and the insanely forceful loops that made me grey out for 6 seconds.

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If you think Mean Streak is rough, Chinese knock-off coasters will definitely kill you. If you can stand Hades360 and know how to brace on a terrible Arrow or Vekoma looper, these coasters worth some tries.


I rode a four inversion Zhongye coaster three months ago (with the knock-off SkyLoop) and it is surprisingly smooth in a knock-off standard. It is definitely worse than the worst Arrow looper I've been on but nothing close to the pain on Hades360. Not to mention the ejector airtime at the back row during the first drop and the insanely forceful loops that made me grey out for 6 seconds.


I can stand Time Warp, Arrow/Vekoma loopers, etc... Rough woodies, not as much (depends how the roughness is), but Mean Streak is not very rough to me. Of course, I won't be going to China for coasters anytime soon. I'll be going to China next spring, but on a guided tour that doesn't involve amusement parks.

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I love this return of the previous Arrow era. Just when I thought Arrow-style designs were dead, buried, and cold in their graves for years now, along with Saturn cars, Limp Bizkit, and network TV. This loop-screw design is typically short, fast-paced, with great forces that pack a quick punch. Whether it's a Chinese knock-off or not, I think the loop-screw design is a great choice for first-timers who want to experience their first looping coaster.


Is it just me... or were there were a lot of people whining about roughness? Toughen up a little, guys. As a collective group, I think us coaster junkies should make an effort to be a little less frail.

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I love this return of the previous Arrow era. Just when I thought Arrow-style designs were dead, buried, and cold in their graves for years now, along with Saturn cars, Limp Bizkit, and network TV. This loop-screw design is typically short, fast-paced, with great forces that pack a quick punch. Whether it's a Chinese knock-off or not, I think the loop-screw design is a great choice for first-timers who want to experience their first looping coaster.


Is it just me... or were there were a lot of people whining about roughness? Toughen up a little, guys. As a collective group, I think us coaster junkies should make an effort to be a little less frail.


I love rough coasters too, but not excessively rough and poorly built. Arrows and Vekoma mega loopers at least were well-built rides.

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Is it just me... or were there were a lot of people whining about roughness? Toughen up a little, guys. As a collective group, I think us coaster junkies should make an effort to be a little less frail.

A little roughness never keeps me from getting on one any coaster, but not being able to come off of a specific coaster without migraines is another thing. And some of us nitpick on these types of coasters, without first mentioning that we'd still ride them if we got the chance (and I'm more than certain it wouldn't keep TPR members from riding this )!

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I think you guys need to give this ride the benefit of the doubt. I know it looks painful from the pictures but I'm sure they used high tech coaster design software and algorithms (RCT Loopy Landscapes) to ensure that this ride would have at most a "Very High" intensity rating.

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