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Twist Coaster Robin Roller Coaster for Yomiuriland

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^^After watching the video and seeing the scrape marks on the anti-rollbacks, seems like they might have became mis-aligned somehow as the vehicle was starting to ascend the lift.






I'm anxious to see the results of their investigation which unfortunately could be a while.

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I wonder what kind of impact this might have on other El Locos around. I haven't even been to the one here in Vegas yet. Hope it doesn't get shut down before I get a chance to take a spin.


Good thing is that nobody was hurt....



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  gerstlaueringvar said:
  robbalvey said:
  gerstlaueringvar said:
Is TPR going to ride it in a few days?

Not anymore!

Why do sh*t always happen right before a TPR tour?


Anyway, Japan is a fun place, you guys will have loads of fun without the nasty bump


First off, stuff doesn't always happen before a TPR Tour.


Secondly, this coaster wasn't even expected to be open for the tour so this just goes back to how we originally planned!

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I thought anti roll backs were nearly foolproof. I wonder what could have misaligned the train but I'm glad nobody was injured, although it still sucks when stuff like this happens to a brand new ride.

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  SharkTums said:
  gerstlaueringvar said:
  robbalvey said:
  gerstlaueringvar said:
Is TPR going to ride it in a few days?

Not anymore!

Why do sh*t always happen right before a TPR tour?


Anyway, Japan is a fun place, you guys will have loads of fun without the nasty bump


First off, stuff doesn't always happen before a TPR Tour.


Secondly, this coaster wasn't even expected to be open for the tour so this just goes back to how we originally planned!

Just kidding. I mean it's kind of funny that STR and Robin both rolled back, they are both on TPR tours and they are the only rides that rolled back in a few months as far as I know.


I think rolling back on this might even feel better than riding White Canyon.

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^^ Shoot the Rapids.


^ And yeah, from everything I have been told by S&S is that S&S had very little to do with this coaster. I know for a fact it wasn't designed by them, and I think possibly the only thing that S&S provided was the restraint system. I believe the layout and even the trains were designed and manufactured in Japan, which I'm assuming would be the Sansei arm of the company now.

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^^Interesting. That does look like the anti-roll back system a lot of other Japanese coasters use. I wonder if they will replace the anti-rollbacks with the system that the rest of the El Locos use or just retrofit the existing system.

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  • 1 month later...

I was looking at Yomiuriland's website and it seems like the coaster's been removed from the website. The only reference I can find is the notice about the accident, found in the news section. They had an alert posted on the front page that the coaster was closed for about a month, but that is gone too. I wonder if anything's happening with the ride right now.

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This is all pretty standard when there's an accident at a Japanese Amusement Park. With no serious injuries I feel confident the ride will reopen, I doubt they would ever take it out. As we've learned before though it will easily be months if not a year before it does reopen.


They're taking it off the rides page because it's not available and why remind people about the accident.

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^Oh, thanks. I didn't think they would remove it and also assumed that if they took it off the website it was because it won't open soon. Just didn't know why they went from a month to a more extended period of time.

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