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Orlando or Cedar Point

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Well if they really are a true thrill seeker I'd say they should go to CP and depending on when they go and for how long they should for sure get fast pass. If they just want a great time with less thrills, but still some amazing attractions, then they should go to Orlando.

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Orlando. But, it depends on where you are flying from, how much time you have, etc. If you have a week, and plenty to spend, go to Orlando. No questions. But, if you can get to CP for a much cheaper price, and only have a couple days to spare, CP may be your option.

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...What would you guess was the cheaper option?

Instead of being obnoxious, you could always just answer the question. Or just simply not post... (the latter would be preferred...)


Here's my take... I guess I should ask "what level of thrill seeker" do you mean? For example, what would they find more terrifying? Top Thrill Dragster or the 300ft SkyCoaster in Orlando?


Cedar Point obviously has the huge collection of roller coasters. But where are they from? If they are from New York City and have been to Great Adventure, or if they are from Los Angeles and have been to Magic Mountain, they might not find Cedar Point's offerings that "thrilling", if you know what I mean.


If they are from middle of nowhere Arkansas and haven't been on many coasters, then Cedar Point would blow them away with thrills.


That being said, you can't beat Orlando for the perfect balance of "thrills" and "theme." If you think about some of the best offerings in Central Florida in the "thrill" category - Kumba, Montu, SheiKra, Dragons, Hulk, Rip Ride Rockit, Spiderman, Tower of Terror, Rock N Roller Coaster, Expedition Everest, a 300 foot SkyCoaster and a giant Star Flyer, just to name a few, you really can't go wrong. Orlando is the "Las Vegas of theme parks" and it would take a lot of effort for someone not to be impressed!


As far as costs, it really depends on where you are going to stay. You can find some nice "cheap" motels on I-Drive in Orlando for $35 per night, get a 4-day Disney Park hopper and a 7-Day "other parks" flex ticket, and while it's a lot of money, that's a LOT of bang for your buck!


You can also stay onsite at Hotel Breakers in Sandusky and spend a lot of money at Cedar Point, or you can get a cheap motel with a CF season pass.


No matter how you slice it, Cedar Point will be your "cheaper" option, because realistically, you only need a couple of days. If they want to do everything in Orlando, you're looking at a week-long trip, and the cost of each day adds up.


So there, that's my take. Hopefully I did a much better job than SLUSHIE on answering your question!



Edited by robbalvey
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I used to be totally in the CP boat prior to having experienced both. But now that I've done most the major parks in Florida (Legoland being the exception). I wouldn't even hesitate in choosing Orlando over CP. Granted there are no Giga or Strata coasters in Florida, they have some amazing thrill rides (Manta, SheiKra, Montu, Cheetah Hunt, Rock and Roller Coaster, Tower of Terror, Mission Space, Hulk, Dragons, etc.) as well as all tame, but very fun themed rides. Cedar Point is an awesome park, but it just doesn't have the diversity and options that Orlando (And Tampa) offers with the high quality themed rides as well as amazing coasters.


The big thing is you will definitely find yourself spending more on Orlando and needing to go for longer, but I doubt you would think the money was wasted.

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I used to be totally in the CP boat prior to having experienced both. But now that I've done most the major parks in Florida (Legoland being the exception). I wouldn't even hesitate in choosing Orlando over CP. Granted there are no Giga or Strata coasters in Florida, they have some amazing thrill rides (Manta, SheiKra, Montu, Cheetah Hunt, Rock and Roller Coaster, Tower of Terror, Mission Space, Hulk, Dragons, etc.) as well as all tame, but very fun themed rides. Cedar Point is an awesome park, but it just doesn't have the diversity and options that Orlando (And Tampa) offers with the high quality themed rides as well as amazing coasters.


The big thing is you will definitely find yourself spending more on Orlando and needing to go for longer, but I doubt you would think the money was wasted.


Not really a fair comparison between one park and everything Orlando and Tampa has to offer!! As mentioned before, if you have lots of time and lots of money, there is far more to do here in Florida. If you need one day of thrill coasters and flat rides go to CP. I would say if you do go to Florida and want thrills, go to Universal and Island of Adventure. Absolutely amazing!!! The Mummy and Spiderman are better than anything disney has to offer in the form of thrills.

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^^ - If time is a concern, they would most likely be better off with Cedar Point than Florida, because as Robb mentioned, there are many excellent attractions at the parks here in Florida. The problem is that the attractions he listed are spread out between about 7 parks. That is not including the upcoming wood coaster at the Fun Spot in Orlando, or even Test Track at EPCOT, which could potentially bring that number to 9 parks. The amount of time spent could vary depending on if they were only coming for the few attractions that are mentioned at each park, or if they decided they wanted to try more of what each park has to offer.


Cedar Point, on the other hand, has many thrilling coasters that are all located in the same park. Cedar Point would also be the cheaper option as it would require just one day if they go at a slower time, or two if it is busier.


Which ever one they choose to go with though, I would have no doubt they will have a great time!


-Gary T.

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My pick is Orlando. Even though I haven't been to Florida yet I look at Orlando has having more diverse options within a small area. With Cedar Point you just get Cedar Point and the nearest parks, if interested in expanding your horizons beyond Sandusky, can be a decent drive to get them.

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My vote goes to Orlando. Robb broke it down the best, but I will say this. I'm as much of a thrill seeker as anyone, but there's just something about the parks at Orlando that always seem to "wow me." The immense amount of time and detail put into everything at Disney and Universal is simply incredible.

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Not really a fair comparison between one park and everything Orlando and Tampa has to offer!! As mentioned before, if you have lots of time and lots of money, there is far more to do here in Florida. If you need one day of thrill coasters and flat rides go to CP. I would say if you do go to Florida and want thrills, go to Universal and Island of Adventure. Absolutely amazing!!! The Mummy and Spiderman are better than anything disney has to offer in the form of thrills.


Right, it's unfair to compare the two locations that were asked to be compared.


So if he has the time and money, it would be better for a trip to Florida? What about with time restrictions?


With time restrictions, CP would be easier because it's one park to focus on. With Orlando, you will really need to plan ahead of time to make sure you do what you want to do, and likely he will have to skip some stuff that he'd probably want to do in order to do some stuff he wanted to do more. Like gisco just said, spend a week in Orlando and just barely scratch the surface. I was just there for 9 days and easily could have spent 9 more.

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