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Photo TR: Viva Las Vegas Baby!


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What a great weekend! My mom flew in from Ohio to watch Gavin, and Karen and I headed off to Las Vegas. Karen and I haven’t been able to get away by ourselves since Gavin was born. So it was really nice to spend time together, just the two of us. I should also mention that this was Karen’s first trip to Vegas. I go about 2-3 times a year because my best buddy, Craig, lives out there. When I visit, I stay Craig’s house. So it was nice to actually stay at one of the hotels on the strip for once.


We ate a lot of good food, drank… just a bit, won some money and had a great time!




We were feeling pretty good.


Then I had a shot of Bushmills and a tasty stout.


Then Karen switched to a lager.


Seeing that Anheuser-Busch stock has dropped, I also had a Bud Light.


Karen started off with Bud Light.


We ate and drank at the Nine Fine Irishmen at New York New York.


New YorK New York Casino. Home to a very painful coaster that we did not ride.


Yeah! More boobies!


Inside the Forum at Caesar's.


Everytime I got to Vegas, it seems like Caesar's keeps getting bigger and bigger.


Mmm... boobies.


All the walking made us thirsty... for water. What? You think I drink beer all the time.


We headed off to the Fashion Mall because I wanted Karen to see that stupid fashion show they do all day. When we got there, and there was no fashion show. But instead, Alan Thicke(Growing Pains) hosting a dating game at the mall.


A lot of things in Vegas are fake. Even the grass.


I thought this was a nice walkway. Ok... I'm a nerd.


Plush looking hallway.


One of the entrances.


The Wynn Casino


Just opend in April, and is just awesome. Karen and I wanted to stay there, but the cheapest room they had available was $900/night.


One of the entrances.


The canals that go outside and through the inside of the casino.


It is themed so beautiful.


The next morning, we set off on a hike. Karen has never been to Vegas before, so I wanted to show here all the cool looking casinos. First stop: The Venetian.


The first night, we ate at Spago in Caesar's.


The mini bar really didn't have anything good to drink.


The view from our room was awesome. We had a corner room on the 15th floor with a view of the strip.


We stayed at Paris.


We get to Vegas, and we have to wait in line for a taxi. I thought we were in line for a roller coaster or something.


The Shamu SeaWorld plane took off while we were enjoying our drinks.


Karen had wine.


While we waited to board the plane, we started the party a little early. I had some beers... of course.

Edited by PhishyBrewer
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What was it like at at Paris LV?


I really liked Paris. It had a great ambience, and the room was relaxing and quite nice. It's also in a great location, right in the center of the strip, very close to Caesar's and Bellagio. We had a view of the fountains at Bellagio from our room! I'd definately stay there again when we go back.


We had such a great time! Great food, great shopping, and it's the best for people watching!! Can't wait to go back!!

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Here are some shots of food


And I had the Lamb Stew. Which was really tasty with a shot of Irish whiskey.


Karen had the Horseradish Crusted Halibut at Fine Nine Irishmen.


The Crème Brule was alright at Bertollini’s. I’ve had better.


I was boring and had Chicken Parm.


Karen had the Romano Chicken at Bertollini's.


I had the Jambalaya and Karen had the Meatloaf at Spago.

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Hey Wally,

this is really one of the best random photo TR´s ever. It kicked ass. Your pictures are so fantastic. It looks like you had a good time at Vegas. I visited Vegas only one time, but a few times Paris (France) and it really looks a little bit like real Paris. That is awesome. Thanks for posting it.

Oh, the food looks really good. When I see that I get so hungry.



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So much for "What happens here, Stays here"!


Very nice TR! A lot of your pics made me "giggle". Haha... I've never gone to Vegas (for obvious reasons), but I will definately go after moving back to the states!

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Fun TR... looks like you had a nice time with your wife, and well deserved. Where is your mom from here in OH?




She lives in Delaware, OH. Just north of Columbus. She enjoyed her time with Gavin very much!


We'll all be back there in 3 weeks so Karen and I can go to Cedar Point one last time before the season ends, and to spend some time at Put-In-Bay.

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