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Nemesis - really only 3gs?

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Browsing through RCDB I see that Nemesis is listed at 3g, whereas Nemesis Inferno is down at 4.5!


Is it really true that The original is less forceful than inferno? Having ridden them both (lots), I can honestly say that Nemesis has a raw intensity throughout the whole ride, which I've yet to see matched by any other ride.


Does the slight age-related roughness contribute to this feeling? have g force measurements changed over the years? or is it just one of those strange anomalies?



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I've never ridden it myself, but the maximum G force of a ride isn't the whole story. 3G sustained over a period of time is more intense than 4.5G for a split second. You said it yourself -

I can honestly say that Nemesis has a raw intensity throughout the whole ride...

It probably sustains at 3G for a majority of the ride. But, like I said, I've never ridden it.

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I'd say it seams wrong tbh? Iv ridden both and i think Inferno sucks! but i am biased towards the original because its insanely good theres so much force in it from beginning to end, where as Inferno looses its force right after the loop. Intresting that Nemesis is listed as 3gs and Inferno 4.5 tho.

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I have never ridden either, but I can say that consistency means more than numbers. Inferno probably pulls its maximum G force in a place like the bottom of the first drop. For example, SFMM's Goliath pulls nearly 5 G's. You would think this would be in the famous helix of death, but it is actually at the bottom of the first drop. The "helix of death" pulls only 3-3.5 G's, but it is sustained for a long period of time. B&M rides used to be known for their consistency, but, now that they are designing rides to be lass intense, they are known for the opposite

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Didn't you post this on the ECC list, at least someone did, and I will give the same answer here.

Most of the facts on RCDB are true and valid, numbers on maximum g-forces on the other hand are really dodgy...

My rule of thumb for B&M's are that all of them (more or less) produce a maximum vertical g-force of about 4.5 g's. And speaking about Nemesis and Nemesis Inferno, then here are some accelerometer graphs of both rides for everyone's enjoyment:




Nemesis Inferno:

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Nemesis is by far better than Inferno in my opinion. Although I've ridden Nemesis almost 30 times and Inferno only once. The great thing about Nemesis is that the intensity always puts a smile across your face because it's such a great ride. However, Inferno lacks that.

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By that chart, they both spike at 6g?

I guess so...thats a hell of a lot of gravity on one body, but from the tales of nemesis, i think its safe to say it pulls a helluva lot more than 3...

I guess the 6g bit would be so quick that it'd be unnoticeable judging by the chart, unlike I305 which sustains 5-6g in its first turn if I'm correct.

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I too have to say that Nemesis, to me, is the better ride. I do like Inferno but I find that Inferno seems to make my feel really dizzy when I get off. The only other inverts which seem to make me feel really dizzy are the Batman clones. Every one I have ridden, did the exact same. Odd, other inverts are all fine, just Inferno and Batman clones. I have to admit I do like the pre-lift section of Inferno but overall Nemesis is my favourite of the two.

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By that chart, they both spike at 6g?

I guess so...thats a hell of a lot of gravity on one body, but from the tales of nemesis, i think its safe to say it pulls a helluva lot more than 3...

I guess the 6g bit would be so quick that it'd be unnoticeable judging by the chart, unlike I305 which sustains 5-6g in its first turn if I'm correct.

The spikes comes from vibration and noise in the measurement, it's definitely not a part of the ride itself, on nemesis for instance it differs between 3.5-6 g's which would make it about 4.5 g's at that point not 6...

Also I305 do not pull 5-6 g's anywhere on the ride, it's not allowed to by law. I do not have a measurement of it unfortunately but based on what I have and know then it would be something like (the original version this is):

Bottom of first drop 4-4.5 g's

Turn: around 3 g's

Pull-up into first hill around 4 g's

These numbers are taken from a Mega-Lite which is a 3 times smaller ride but still manages to get me to grey out at the pull-up...


It's usually not the amount of force, but the duration which you experience it on a ride which is the thing that makes you black out. Same thing goes with Titan and Goliath...

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Havent ridden Nemisis but have Inferno several times. Gonna say although I've come off feeling dizzy several times I wouldn't say it was a intesne coaster at all. I personally feel that the Pinfari looper, Shockwave at Brean feels a hell of a lot more intense than Nemisis Inferno.


Still need to ride Nemisis though.





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The spikes comes from vibration and noise in the measurement, it's definitely not a part of the ride itself, on nemesis for instance it differs between 3.5-6 g's which would make it about 4.5 g's at that point not 6...

Also I305 do not pull 5-6 g's anywhere on the ride, it's not allowed to by law. I do not have a measurement of it unfortunately but based on what I have and know then it would be something like (the original version this is):

Bottom of first drop 4-4.5 g's

Turn: around 3 g's

Pull-up into first hill around 4 g's

These numbers are taken from a Mega-Lite which is a 3 times smaller ride but still manages to get me to grey out at the pull-up...


It's usually not the amount of force, but the duration which you experience it on a ride which is the thing that makes you black out. Same thing goes with Titan and Goliath...

Oh ok, interesting information. BTW that thing about I305 pulling 6g was something I heard somewhere. I hope this isn't incorrect too but isn't the only operating coaster that actually pulls 6g that Tower of Terror deathtrap in Gold Reef City? I heard that too pulled around 6g but that may have just been another dodgy internet fact.

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^Same here, but I hate comparing the two coasters.


Nemesis is a great coaster. Nemesis Inferno is very good, but people beat it down just because it has Nemesis in it's name. I'm surprised the coaster was never renamed to just Inferno.


Maybe that could be a new Merlin PR stunt?

Edited by larrygator
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I remember enjoying Inferno, but it just doesn't compare to Nemesis, which is one of the best coasters on the planet. I don't know that a name change would suddenly make people rate Inferno much higher. It just doesn't have the power and as an interesting layout at Nemesis.


Though a Merlin PR campaign for this idea would be amusing to watch, and would probably involve missing cattle and alien autopsies...



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