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Coasting for Kids 2012 - Be part of Team TPR!

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Congrats on the awesome donation!!! Just goes to show that you never know what will come from simply asking .


I was away from the house all day yesterday...so here's Sunday's post a little late.


Mama Merry's Pizza Kitchen is open each evening for dinner or a late-night snack. GKTW guests make a call from their villa phone and their order is delivered hot and fresh. The pizza kitchen is run by volunteers who take the phone orders, prepare and deliver the pizzas.



Currently, GKTW does not have a pizza sponsor. So, if anyone knows someone with a lot of dough, please let me know!


My first volunteer shift years ago was in Mama Merry's and I had an absolute blast. Kids can sure come up with some interesting requests.

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  bubala said:
OMFG! My boss just donated to my Coasting For Kids page! You will not believe how much he donated!!!!! He made two donations. One personally from his family, and one from my work. He is such a nice guy. I am so lucky to work with him! Check it out!


Jason - that is incredible.


Team TPR is now over $13,000.


Now everyone, go ask your boss to sponsor you!


Kings Dominion - Team TPR - $3,195

Knott's Berry Farm - Team TPR - $2,662

Dorney Park - Team TPR - $2,040

California's Great America - Team TPR - $1,154

Canada's Wonderland - Team TPR - $956

Cedar Point - Team TPR - $805

Michigan's Adventure - Team TPR - $720

Kings Island - Team TPR - $573

Carowinds - Team TPR - $480

Worlds of Fun - Team TPR - $301

Valleyfair! - Team TPR - $261

Edited by larrygator
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Last on our tour of dining options, we have Mr. Pascuzzi's Pastries and Potions cart.



If our guests are having a lazy morning and don't want to get out of bed, they can call for the cart to deliver continental breakfast right to their door. Hot coffee, tea and cocoa along with cereals, pastries, fruit and yogurt are all available.


In the evenings, Mr. Pascuzzi's circles around the Village with freshly-baked cookies -- think ice cream truck, but here it's the "Cookie Cart!" The Village's signature cookie is of course the gingerbread man, made daily in the Gingerbread House. The admin offices are within nose range of the GBH, so in the afternoons I'll get a whiff of the heavenly aroma. Yum!


Fun fact: For the Village's 20th anniversary in 2006, GKTW broke a record for the largest gingerbread man (at the time), weighing in at 684 pounds!



There's a celebrity in this photo...can anyone spot him/her?

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  bubala said:
OMFG! My boss just donated to my Coasting For Kids page! You will not believe how much he donated!!!!! He made two donations. One personally from his family, and one from my work. He is such a nice guy. I am so lucky to work with him! Check it out!


WOW Jason!! That is absolutely phenomenal!! Kudos to you for asking your boss, and kudos to him for his amazing generosity! That post made me smile today.....and it also led me to email my boss as well. Figured it couldn't hurt, and I never even thought of it when I sent out my many emails and messages about this cause!


Kara, I've really enjoyed these dining options updates! It's very clear that there is loads to choose from for both the kids and parents.


And on a personal note, my fundraising has chugged along and now sits only $25 away from breaking the $1,000 mark!! Going in to this I never thought I'd get such an amazing response! Soooo, who's going to make that donation to push me up to 4 digits?

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  larrygator said:
  bubala said:
OMFG! My boss just donated to my Coasting For Kids page! You will not believe how much he donated!!!!! He made two donations. One personally from his family, and one from my work. He is such a nice guy. I am so lucky to work with him! Check it out!


Jason - that is incredible.


Team TPR is now over $13,000.


Now everyone, go ask your boss to sponsor you!


Canada's Wonderland - Team TPR - $956


I just had another $20 donated which brings Wonderland up to $976 and will be getting another 30 within the next hour, putting us over the $1000 mark.


Great job by the way on that huge donation.

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Update: Due to the generous nature of some co-workers today, I have now reached, and exceeded my initial goal. In addition, TeamTPR for Wonderland has now raised over $1000!


Though I have reached my goal, I am not even close to quitting. Keep up the good work to everyone participating in this event!

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Staying at GKTW is all about making happy memories together as a family. The goal of our Media Center is to keep those memories alive!



Where to start? At all of the wonderful events I've mentioned (horseback riding, character visits, Candyland, etc.) there is a team of volunteer photographers, "the paparazzi" as I like to call them. They are there documenting all of the magical moments for the families, which helps Mom and Dad be part of the experience instead of having the pressure of playing photographer. Upon check-out, the Media Center prepares a CD with each family's photos.


One step further, the Media Center team archives all of the photos in each family's file so that they can be retrieved in the future if necessary. Sadly, each year we have a few families experience things like fire or flood back home and we receive an emotional phone call from them, desperately hoping we still have the photos from their stay. Imagine their relief when we're able to pull their photos and get a replacement CD to them...it's not a miracle, it's our awesome Media Center team!


The Media Center also has a collection of handheld camcorders available for the families to borrow during their trip. The families LOVE the opportunity to capture all the moments not only at GKTW, but at the theme parks as well. When they check-out, we transfer all the files onto a DVD for them.


The Media Center and all of our volunteer photographers are truly heroes. The moments they capture mean the memories will last forever.

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eek, the Kings Island team needs help, we're now the 2nd place team behind KIC. They are at $618 and we're at $596. I'm hoping all these postings and flyers at work will help since I'm employed at a very large world corporation but so far I've only had one $20 donation so I'm pushing the information out as much as I can. Here is the link to the TPR Team page for Kings Island:




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Well, as my fundraising sits on the precipice of the $1,000 mark, I thought maybe I could spur that milestone to happen a little quicker! If the next person who donates the $25 required to reach my initial goal happens to be a member of Team TPR, they will receive a matching $25 donation on their page! Want an extra 25 bucks added to your total?? Here's to 4 digits.....and beyond!!

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Having never really done any similar fundraisers before I wasn't sure what to anticipate, however quite frankly I was expecting a little more support from my friends and family. As a procrastinator myself, I totally understand people saying that they will "donate later" (which is what I'm hearing often), but I also know that procrastination often leads to things NEVER getting done. I think I've done a pretty good job of presenting what their donations are going to, but I was just wondering if any of you had any tips that might be working for you to help give folks a nudge.

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  gromithere said:
Having never really done any similar fundraisers before I wasn't sure what to anticipate, however quite frankly I was expecting a little more support from my friends and family. As a procrastinator myself, I totally understand people saying that they will "donate later" (which is what I'm hearing often), but I also know that procrastination often leads to things NEVER getting done. I think I've done a pretty good job of presenting what their donations are going to, but I was just wondering if any of you had any tips that might be working for you to help give folks a nudge.


I've done quite a bit of fundraising in the past. Don't continually pester the people that say they will give later. While some people just want you to go away and forget that they promised something. However, many will give later. Keep a list of all people who said they would give later and contact/approach them again 2 weeks before the final deadline for pledges. Two weeks out is enough to stress urgency and also give them time to budget out of there next paycheck if necessary. Let them know that you are xx% of dollars from your goal and their donation will help you reach that goal.

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  larrygator said:
  gromithere said:
Having never really done any similar fundraisers before I wasn't sure what to anticipate, however quite frankly I was expecting a little more support from my friends and family. As a procrastinator myself, I totally understand people saying that they will "donate later" (which is what I'm hearing often), but I also know that procrastination often leads to things NEVER getting done. I think I've done a pretty good job of presenting what their donations are going to, but I was just wondering if any of you had any tips that might be working for you to help give folks a nudge.


I've done quite a bit of fundraising in the past. Don't continually pester the people that say they will give later. While some people just want you to go away and forget that they promised something. However, many will give later. Keep a list of all people who said they would give later and contact/approach them again 2 weeks before the final deadline for pledges. Two weeks out is enough to stress urgency and also give them time to budget out of there next paycheck if necessary. Let them know that you are xx% of dollars from your goal and their donation will help you reach that goal.


I feel your pain, I've been putting things out there everywhere I can and mentioning it to everyone I can and I'm not getting very good results like others have been getting.

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Another good tip, if you are allowed, put signs up around your office. I got HR to give permission for me to put signs up on each of our floors in the common lunch areas. Put little pull off tabs at the bottom with a tinyurl link to your donation page and watch the donations flood in. Sometimes the less direct approach, such as just a flyer in their face, works better then verbal communication.

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  Homeboy23 said:
I am going to assist 5 people who under the $75 minimum today. For the first five people who need donations to reach the minimum, if you donate $2 to my page I will return it with $10.



You have a donation now, I added a 3 dollar bonus for being an awesome TPR Member

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  Homeboy23 said:
I am going to assist 5 people who under the $75 minimum today. For the first five people who need donations to reach the minimum, if you donate $2 to my page I will return it with $10.


Just donated $5 to your page on behalf of my friend and fellow Team TPR rider Teresa who hasn't made her minimum yet.


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  larrygator said:
I've done quite a bit of fundraising in the past. Don't continually pester the people that say they will give later. While some people just want you to go away and forget that they promised something. However, many will give later. Keep a list of all people who said they would give later and contact/approach them again 2 weeks before the final deadline for pledges. Two weeks out is enough to stress urgency and also give them time to budget out of there next paycheck if necessary. Let them know that you are xx% of dollars from your goal and their donation will help you reach that goal.


Thanks for the tips. Makes sense. I definitely don't want to be a pest, but I (like most of us here) have become pretty attached to the cause.

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Today, GKTW celebrated an incredible milestone—2 million volunteer hours on record. To celebrate, the Village hosted a party for our volunteers, who are lovingly nicknamed “Angels.”



Something we say around here often is “It takes a Village.” It would be physically impossible for GKTW to operate without the hard work and dedication of our Angels. An average of 1,400 volunteer shifts are filled each week—everything from serving meals, running the carousel and driving the train to airport greets and check-ins, and everything in between. Over the last 26 years, this adds up to approximately $39 million in saved labor costs.


Give Kids The World may be the only organization in the world to achieve 2 million hours of documented volunteer service in one single location. We love our Angels!

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