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Do you agree with Atkins?


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A lot of people don't agree with Atkins but I think it is okay for a short time (6- 12 months). I have never been on it because I don't need to loose weight (lucky me) but I know 200 pound people who have lost 20 pounds on it in the first month! Also, people say that you gain all that weight back when you stop doing Atkins but you can keep it off by exercising daily. What are your opinions?

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I have a friend who is did atkins lost a TON of wieght, and has kept it off



he lost more than 100lbs and says really he eats almost like normal, but is just aware of what he is eating, like he avoids sugar almost all together, but eats sunflower seeds like they are going out of style




so it can work, has never been shown to be harmful, and can really help people who HAVE to have a fat juicy steak




Chris"on the Alvey wieght loss plan"P.

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I think it depends on the way that you do it.


If you just sit there and eat nothing but meat, it's not a good thing. But if you balance it with veggies, etc then it's okay.


Kristi has been doing it for a year. Not only has she lost 70 pounds, but her cholesterol has gone WAY down as well.


Of course, it's not for everybody. I think people need to just find what works for them and let other people do what's best for them.

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^ Ted is right. Pretty much that is the bottom line of most diets.


Personally, it's all about self control and more about how much you eat than what you eat. If you need someone else to tell you how and what you should eat, and that works for you, that's GREAT!


But I've found you can lose just as much weight eating pasta and bread as you can eating meat and potatos. It's depends more on the volume and what works for you.



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I think it works if you are determined but it doesn't seem like something that I would ever want to try. I don't think I could give up stuff like bread, and other high carb foods. To lose weight instead of giving up everything unhealthy, I had my own plan and tried to change what I ate without giving up everything. Like I still eat cookies and snack crackers but I eat them in the 100 calorie packs from Nabisco and Sunshine. Each bag only has 100 calories and 2 - 3 grams of fat which is a great way to still enjoy "junk" without all the fat and calories. I also started to eat flavored rice cakes and low fat granola bars which are also better alternatives to junk. It seems to be working but slowly. I have lost about 5 pounds so far which isn't much but it's a start and it's better than not losing any weight or worse, gaining weight.

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eat less, move more.


I cut fast food out of the majority of my meals, and I also switched from regular soda to diet. okay, and just being more sensible with what I eat. I've dropped 55 pounds in about 9 months.


That's basically what I have done as well ... again, what works for us may not work for everybody ...


Every diet is not for every person ...

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I personally love the irony of the atkins diet.


What Irony is that?


I guess I just don't understand the need to bash something that works for people. If it's not right for you ... FINE. If it's not what worked for you ... FINE.


But that doesn't mean it's not right for some people.


Gregg "Didn't really agree with it at first either, but I can't deny that it's been good for my chick" C.

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I agree that different things work for different people. My concern with Atkins is that, over the long term, a high protein diet is very taxing on the liver and kidneys. The average person does not need a huge amount of protein. Any extra protein consumed will be converted into glucose by the liver. The glucose will be burned for energy, if needed, or stored in the body as fat.


The difference between a protein molecule and a glucose molecule is an amine group attachment, which is stripped off by the liver, converted to urea and excreted by the kidneys (amine = ammonia > urine.) All of that extra protein means a lot of extra work for the liver and kidneys, which, over time, could start to wear out prematurely.


Of course, lots of simple carbs (sugar and white flour) in the diet is bad for the pancreas, leading to type 2 diabetes, which is becoming epidemic in this country. I see the effects of that every day in the hospital.


A diet moderate in lean protein, high in complex carbs and low in simple carbs is far more preferable than what most of us eat.


Maureen "had less than a year to go on my dietetics degree before switching to nursing" O'Donnell

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