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The "Happiness Pie" Thread


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Now that I've ranted about the new car battery (see other thread), I feel better.


And HAPPY about the upcoming TPR tour I'll be on this June!


Scandinavia. I never thought I'd ever even set foot in any of these four countries.


Thankyou TPR!

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I thought I let everyone know that I went to Six Flags Magic Mountain on Friday, as part of a private party for the AVID classes of Southern California. This was the first time that I have ever been to Magic Mountain, so I was excited to get the chance to add some coaster credits to my list.


And now...my opinions on the Six Flags Magic Mountain rides and coasters:


X2: Didn't ride due to three hour line...

VIPER: Only one train running, but it was nice and smooth...

GOLIATH: Didn't ride because of people blacking out...

COLOSSUS: Jerky, but had pretty colors and a lot of airtime...

SCREAM: My favorite ride in the park! Intense but awesome, running all three trains, got several re-rides...

BATMAN: Hated the ride, too much force, gave me severe headache...but the themeing was nice...

RIDDLER: Crowded, and the lines were moving slow...

NINJA: Only one train running, slow, but it was a fun ride in the dark...

TATSU: I thought I was ready for a flying coaster yet...

DEJA VU: Broken (but I'm sure that doesn't surprise anyone)...

GOLD RUSHER: First time we tried to get on, a girl fell out of the car and the ride was closed so that they can search for her. It reopened later on, was fun...especially at night...

REVOLUTION: Rough, but it was fun in the dark...


Overall, I had fun. I would love to go back, but unfortunately, it's too far away from my house. I hope to someday go back and get all of the credits I missed...especially X2.

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^Yeah, my dad nearly blacked out on X, now that I remember. I remember it was intense too, but the last time I went on it was 2005. Unfortuinately, I didn't go on it when I visited in 2007, after riding Tatsu I had a bad headache and skipped it. Man, that was the worst decision of my coaster life.... But I can't wait to go on X2, it'll be even better by what I heard! This guy at a Sleep Country store told me it was pretty good. Speaking of Sleep Country..........


I now have a Tempurpedic bed! I can't wait until it arrives. It'll be here by Thursday, so I'll have to stay on my old mattress a while longer.

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But I think he was kidding about a girl falling out.


I wish I was kidding but I'm not. We got to Gold Rusher at about 8:55 p.m. and got in line. We were about to get onboard, but then a group of freshmen girls came back, one of them was crying, saying that her friend jumped out (or fell out) of the ride. The ride was immediately shut down and cast members armed with flashlights began walking along the ride, looking for her.


I didn't stick around to see what happened to the girl, but I assumed she's okay since the ride reopened later on in the night (though with the worklights turned on).

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My computer has the WORST antivirus protection on the face of the earth. Just yesterday 20 different viruses that attacked my computer. One time, the Symantec Anti-Virus window popped up once every ten minutes to warn me of a viral infection.


Today when the supposedly dangerous Conficker virus was supposed to infect every unprotected computer on the face of the earth, my computer was running fine. I was a little laggy this morning, but now its as fast as ever.

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^It IS real, and you can get updates to protect against it at Microsoft.com.


One way you can tell if you have the virus, if you try to get on to Microsoft.com or Symentec.com and you have it, they won't let you in. That's just to protect the site from the virus, so I'm not sure how to get treatment if you can't get on. If you can get on, you can find Conficker protection and removal software. I didn't have it, and I found out all of that stuff on the news.

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^ Yeah it is real, but it's also overhyped as well. Everybody went nuts over it and nothing really happened as a result.


Because I don't have admin access, parents are paranoid, I cannot install updates. And like I said before, my important stuff has been backed up so I don't have to worry about lost important documents.

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Yesterday, I got to go to Downtown Disney in California. The last time I have been to any part of the Disneyland Resort was January 2008 when my Annual Passport expired. Even if I didn't get to go into the parks, I was still high and happy just to be on Disneyland property. It was also the first time I went inside the Grand Californian Hotel. It was so beautiful.


I can't wait until another two weeks, when my mom decides to start the monthly payment plan for new Annual Passports.

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