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Elissa's Really Detailed Review of The New Texas Giant

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Being a Texas coaster and all, I think that was supposed to be like a saddle horn. That's what it came across as to me.


Ding ding ding ding. If you looked close enough you probably also noticed the faux stitching to make it resemble a leather saddle.


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Well, for those of us City Folk, it doesn't make much sense nor is it comfortable!! And if we're riding in cars, why is there a saddle thing!?!?


Because this is Texas and we do what we want, also what do you mean, your car doesn't have saddle horns? that's just crazy talk I wouldn't be able to drive with out mine.

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Balder and T Express are easily 10+ rides. El Toro is a solid 9.8. It loses a bit for the slow down of lift which IMHO does hurt the ride a bit from when it used to run at full speed and for being at a Six Flags park!

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Well, for those of us City Folk, it doesn't make much sense nor is it comfortable!! And if we're riding in cars, why is there a saddle thing!?!?



I'm sure the saddle horn is there for themeing purposes. I usally have my hands in the air for the entirety of the ride, I have never attempted to hold on to the saddle horn at any time. I'm not sure if it works or not. Funny thing though, last time I rode the back seat the guy sitting next to me couldn't figure out what to hold onto either. During the first drop he promptly grabbed my outstretched arm!! Made me wish there had been something for him to hold onto.

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It's hard for me to rank it because it is very different (is it wood or steel!?!? omg!?!?)


Really? Id think with all the coasters you and Robb have ridden that would be the easy part. We could argue that the rails are "tubular" but High Speed Thrill Coaster had flat steel rails and its definitely a steel coaster. Supports are irrelevant.


Which, from the looks of it, it definitely gives any steel coaster in the world a run for its money.


Also had no idea its a Schilke design. Sweet.

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Well, for those of us City Folk, it doesn't make much sense nor is it comfortable!! And if we're riding in cars, why is there a saddle thing!?!?



I'm sure the saddle horn is there for themeing purposes. I usally have my hands in the air for the entirety of the ride, I have never attempted to hold on to the saddle horn at any time. I'm not sure if it works or not. Funny thing though, last time I rode the back seat the guy sitting next to me couldn't figure out what to hold onto either. During the first drop he promptly grabbed my outstretched arm!! Made me wish there had been something for him to hold onto.


While I do agree that the concept of theming the seats as saddles, but placing them inside of '61 Caddies is kinda odd, I for one never questioned the idea of hanging onto it. I love the arms-up approach but every now and again, especially if the lap bar was a bit loose, it's good to grab onto. It is fun to imagine it as some vague sort of imaginary wild bull rodeo idea...


Come think of it, considering the extreme ejector air, that could have been quite fitting theming...instead of cars, have the trains be bulls or something similar...

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If only more Dinn mega-woodies had this transformation... *Looks at Cedar Point*


But seriously, the Rocky Mountain track is a big improvement to a ride that's needed it pretty badly, even if it makes it a 'hybrid' coaster instead of a woodie. In fact, the only thing I can't say I like is the design of the trains. Perhaps I'm the only one who doesn't like them, but I just think the design is kinda gaudy and overdone. Otherwise, I like the new ride and hope to be able to ride it someday.


Patrick "OMFG airtime and twistiness is awesome" Carnahan

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Really? Id think with all the coasters you and Robb have ridden that would be the easy part. We could argue that the rails are "tubular" but High Speed Thrill Coaster had flat steel rails and its definitely a steel coaster. Supports are irrelevant.


So you count most woodies as steel coasters then?


This thing looks epic, Hopefully I'll get out to Texas at some point!



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Perhaps I'm the only one who doesn't like them, but I just think the design is kinda gaudy and overdone. Otherwise, I like the new ride and hope to be able to ride it someday.


Patrick "OMFG airtime and twistiness is awesome" Carnahan


Hey, it's in Texas--what do you expect? I think the trains look great, myself (no more "overdone" than those on Rock 'n' Roller Coaster).

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